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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 20, 2023


Your comment just made me realize that I bought Black Mesa awhile back and never got around to playing it. Thanks for resurrecting a forgotten piece of my Steam library, kind stranger!

Probably an unpopular opinion, but the Magnum in L4D2. For whatever reason, it’s the most satisfying gun I’ve used in any game - the weight, action, recoil and sound all come together in a perfect package.

Ya know, when the whole GME squeeze drama was going on, it was real tempting to ride the wave, but I always smelled a rat, and IMHO, their business model was mortally wounded once direct downloads became a viable means of purchase. Without games being reliant on physical media, inventory shrank, and it seemed like most of their floor space was more focused on selling FunCo figures than games.

It didn’t surprise me when Cohen started cutting jobs, and I honestly think that the stock has only been kept afloat by the Reddit Apemind and /r/wallstreetbets long past the squeeze has been squoze.

Blaming woke DEI is just a smokescreen and an excuse. Those stores were failing. All of Gamestop is failing, and Cohen’s looking to blame anyone but himself.