If your mass storage is full, any excess is wasted, so you should always try to make sure that it is being spent on something useful. SC1/FA incentivizes a constant balancing of your economy.
You can reclaim mass from dead units (even civilians), buildings, rocks, trees etc. Trees also give a bunch of energy which can be useful very early on. A failed attack will quite often turn out to be a mass donation that gets recycled into an army for realiation. All of this might be balanced differently between the different versions of the game, so I can’t be sure that it applies all that well to base SC1 vs. FA or even FAF.
Don’t build all your energy reactors in a big cluster if you can help it. One well placed attack will blow the whole thing up in a chain reaction. On the other hand, sabotaging your opponents power grid is often a solid strategy.
If anyone is interested in FAF and wants to take a look at some different levels of gameplay, check out GyleCast on YouTube.
I remember reading a thread about this on the FaF forums and I think one of the FaF clients does run on Linux. I think this is the current method of choice, but there are multiple ways to get it working and I probably used something else years ago, so its definitely doable.
At this point I can only reiterate that emulation and piracy are not the same thing. I really cannot bring myself to give a shit about the ethical concerns of TOTK, when the only way Nintendo (and you apparently) has of protecting their intellectual property is to vanish perfectly legal software, through the power of being a big financial threat. I’ve been using emulators to play games since the SNES and not once have I played a video game for which I don’t own a copy (mainly because I’ve been around long enough to own all of the necessary hardware and game copies). The idea that emulation should be illegal or locked behind an arbitrary definition of console age/inactivity is completely laughable and would open the door for harassment of various open source projects at Nintendo’s whims, they won’t just stop at the WiiU era because you think that’s appropriate. The actions of one emulators development team or community being particularly unethical or locking things behind a paywall or even supporting piracy in any form, even if they annoy me and the rest of the emulation community, should not affect the emulator itself or the legality of the code. I’m not going to blame them for making themselves an obvious target, just because people have a weird affection for one of the most litigious billion-dollar companies on the planet.
Why should that change the legality of the situation? Not to mention the Nintendo Switch is already quite old and emulator development (for the most part) hasn’t lagged much behind a consoles release. Getting paid for emulator development also isn’t illegal and I don’t see why it should be. You’re trying to conflate emulation and homebrew development with piracy which doesn’t seem fair (and doesn’t even require emulation, which you’ve illustrated with your Nintendo DS example).
This leads to the same kind of erosion of free and open source software as Google taking down projects like youtube-dl on GitHub. The emulator code contains nothing illegal, neither does the developer community, but that’s exactly what Nintendo is targeting, because it’s the most effective way to shut down any project. The way Nintendo handles these cases is the problem and they have never cared if something is actually completely legal if they want it gone enough, like modding, romhacking or uploading videos of gameplay. At this point they’ve burnt so much goodwill that I’m hoestly surprised there are still people left willing to insist that Nintendo only goes after actual piracy.
I feel like almost none of the categories of photos Frank takes have any positive implications, which does fit his character as a highly driven, reckless photojournalist. Even today, it feels like those are the kinds of photos some tabloids would publish during a zombie apocalypse. It’s not a huge loss at any rate.
There’s a reason for the early rise in popularity of independent gaming reviewers and it isn’t the hard-hitting, honest quality of mainstream entertainment journalism at the time. With the advent of influencers though, it feels like everyone is just regurgitating the same pre-approved, publisher-friendly nonsense. I’m sure there are exceptions, but it feels more difficult today to find an honest review when every random internet personality is signing sponsorship contracts that require them to praise the game every 20 minutes.
Cloud saves work fine between Linux PCs, but the devs seem to have misconfigured the save path for Steam cloud saves integration on Windows. That’s why it doesn’t work. That’s on the devs, not the Steam client. Apparently they were working on a fix since about half a year ago, maybe they finally released that fix now?
I don’t doubt that Steam being first to market is the biggest reason for their success, but you make it sound as if there’s some alternative store that is better for the consumer in some way. What’s the alternative? I have yet to see any other store/launcher come close to Steam in terms of features, even more so when it comes to Linux support, which Valve have turned into a viable gaming OS pretty much by themselves. In the end, even exclusivity and drastically lower fees for publishers didn’t make EGS the success that Tim Sweeney wishes it was and I think at that point being first to market can’t be the only explanation. They have to be doing something right.
I’ve heard of it before and I don’t work in advertising or video production. Why is everyone focusing on this term like these guys invented it?
I have yet to see anything in that game that’s not ripped from somewhere else. It’s an incredibly derivative collection of successful concepts. Other studios doing the same thing, to a lesser extent, doesn’t make it worthy of praise and other games have been called out for the same shit. Getting death threats unfortunately works like some kind of get ouf of jail free card for game studios, because social media is more obsessed with defending a company over the original criticism than any threats they received over it. Exactly like what’s happening in this thread.
Sorry, no idea. I think I’ve only ever watched other people play multiplayer supcom and the few tutorials I watched were for Forged Alliance Forever. This is the kind of stuff I was watching a decade ago. Check it out if you’re into old gameplay videos with a crusty mic track. :D