A PHP developer who, in his spare time, plays tabletop and videogames; if the weathers nice I climb rocks, but mostly fall off of indoor bouldering ones.

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Nov 04, 2023


When managed in A/B install partitions by a third party org that layers their own stable/alpha/main versioning over the top? ;P

I wonder if they’ll replicate the feature where a strange voice whispers your name (amongst other odd sounds) if you’re playing in the early hours.

Scared the crap out of me when that happened.

Edit. Evidence https://www.ttlg.com/forums/showthread.php?t=6529 to show I’m not mad.

but humanity is evil too

Emphasis on this. We humans have become Xenophobic Christofascists* turned up to 11. All aliens are bad** and anything against established doctrine is heresy of the highest order. Human labour is essentially free vs the gross expense of materiel so the leadership will think nothing of having entire generations of a planet mine out some toxic substance that kills before you age much past the ability to outbreed it.

In short, anyone who claims humans are the good guys, is misguided at best.

*EmperorFascists as the ruler is the Immortal God Emperor.

** Officially, but there exists means and people who can deal a little more diplomatically than with a gun.

This is a 2 and a half (almost) year old article. I figured Tim’s thoughts on this were common knowledge at this point?

It’s unfortunate that (at least on the Bluesky side) an attempt at following a person doesn’t result in them getting a DM asking for that to be ok.

Which means following a person on Bluesky is not possible unless they’ve already opted in.

All I want to do is follow a couple of authors or content creators but none of them know what bridgy.fed is :(

“…prohibits repair stores from repairing components on the mainboard. Instead, the entire component must be replaced…”

A flagrant disregard for the costs of e-waste on the environment. What a surprise.

There are some justifyable reasons for kicking though. It’s abuse of that process that is causing issues.

I do like the idea of grouping people with high incidents of kick actions though. It wouldn’t be an instant fix but over time the two camps should separate out fairly nicely.

but those concerns appeared to have disappeared by the time the Vision Pro and its two screens directly in front of users’ eyes took the (virtual) stage.

Lost me here. The focal distance of those screens is not 2cm. Unlike the phone you hold 25cm from your face, when you’re lying in bed at night failing to sleep, they have clever lenses and shit.

In UK nomenclature being made redundant, rounds of redundancies, and layoffs are used interchangeably. A percentage of the workforce loses their job because of circumstances outside their control.

To be fired/sacked though, that very specifically means you did bad; you failed to do your job.

It’s probably similar in Australia?

I enjoy low priced games as much as the next person but I’m inclined to agree. At least a little.

In terms of currency per hour some games are outright bargains when you compare to a cinema trip and yet the triple A’s cost more to produce than your average film.