Challenge Defeatism. Resist Doomerism

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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Oct 06, 2023


Because it’s a opportunity to trot out the low hanging fruit of ‘Videos games promote violence’, providing a convenient target to point the finger at.

I’d bet on Tiny Glade being at least a runner up for the Sit Back & Relax category.

I find it crazy that Black Ops, a series that’d surely sell gangbusters with minimal marketing thanks to word of mouth, gets a marketing budget bigger than the GDP of a small country. Yet a new IP that noone has heard of yet gets a far smaller budget. It seems completely back to front, to me.

I thought BtS was excellent, better than LiS 1 in many was, but that’s partly because I liked Chloe more than Max.

I never played it, so can’t comment. I watched a brief let’s play of the first chapter, but that was it.

Mixed feelings about this. On one hand Deck Nine have, in my opinion, produced the best LiS content of the series. On the other hand, my opinion of them has soured somewhat since the whole nazi stuff came out:

It’s good, I enjoyed it; however it would be remiss of me not to point out that Ubisoft is a hateful company, run by a hateful man:

If you liked Odyssey then I’d recommend Origins. Not played Valhalla but it’s in the same open-world vein. People rate Black Flag highly, and the Ezio trilogy, but these are more the ‘traditional’ AC games so not open world in the same way and less ARPG-like than Odyssey. The multiplayer on Black Flag is great to, but not many people playing it these days.

I’ve got to say that of all the games I expected to be remastered The Thing was not one of them. An unexpected surprise, but a welcome one.

Deck Nine are a source of genuine disappointment for me. I was really impressed by their LiS output and thoroughly enjoyed True Colours. And then this happened:

Jesus Christ, the comment section on that video…

Oh for fucks sake. I really enjoyed Deck Nine’s LiS work. This is extremely disappointing.

Yeah, I like it to. I think they did a good job with the characters for the most part. I’m still hoping we’ll see more of Ryder and the rest of the crew.

Yeah, this is some real ‘blame the victim’ type shit. Very disappointing.

Here’s the same video on YouTube, rather whatever Odysee is:

I like BigBoss. He’s basically a British Internet Historian, but (hopefully) without the added plagiarism.

Yeah, likewise. Dying Light was one of the biggest pleasant surprises of my gaming life. Went in expecting a Dead Island ripoff and ending up loving every bit of it. Dying Light 2 just didn’t capture my interest in the same way, and I’m not sure why. I think the setting isn’t quite as good tbh. Still fun though.

No, because this time they super pinky promise they won’t need to crunch. Trust me, bro. This time they won’t. They promise, bro.

Yeah they’ve come a long way but it still looks weirdly cartoony sometimes, like something you’d find on a kids tablet or something. I just install Nova Launcher or Niagara Launcher and that way you only have to interact with the menus, which aren’t too bad IMHO.

I have the PD non wireless stick on car mount and can confirm it’s expensive for what it is, but it does look and feel premium. Holds my S23u well, to.

In case you needed another reason not to by this collage of shite, here’s a reminder that Ubisoft is a hateful company run by a hateful man and no one should be buying their games anyway:

So, I’ve not played any Star Citizen before so forgive me if this is a daft question bit what can you do with all this space on planets? Is it just for ‘immersion’ or can you build bases, shape the terrain etc?