Lol fuck off “gamer”. Any point to make? I’m sure you believe you love music but only listen to it via Spotify lol.
I use to work in sound for videogames (did you ever had an actual job?) but the main reason I’ve quit his because of people like you who don’t give a fuck about actual studios. See what’s happening is that most talented people are leaving, the others are laid off and replace by generic AI bullshit that perfectly suits idiotic gamers. Meanwhile there’s more money in video game then ever was, but you people are killing the industry because you keep sucking a business that takes a third of the revenu for basically nothing. You suck, capitalism suck, one day steam will fuck you all the ass because it’s a soulless business and you will get what you deserve. Now go play something and watch Amongog or whaterver stupid youtuber you lioke.
Lol, you steam fanboy are the biggest jerker on the Internet. You hate video games, what you want is “convenience” because the only thing you can think of is your ass. Let’s be clear, the very second Valve believe it can make more money by selling you buttplugs with Gabe’s face it instead of videogame, they will do it. They have less then 100 employees and take 1/3 of revenue from studios with thousand of employees and people like you will make 30 minutes to jerk them while spitting on those who makes the games. Gamers are the stupidest, most easily manipulatable loser on the planet.
It would be true if gamers wouldn’t be OBSESSED with bashing Ubisoft for any fucking reason they can find.
A Ubisoft guy says something about people not owning their games, it gets taken out of context and people are basically sending death threat to their office. Steam publish an update to make it clear you never owned your games, people jerk them harder.
In the end, both are filthy capitalist business, but one has 12k employees and get shit on all the time because black samurai in a fantasy world or women not fuckable enough, the other has around 80 employees, take 30% on every games they did nothing for, and every gamers kisses their asses. This is just another reason for low life gamers to hate on ubisoft, the fact that windows broke compatibility with the game makes it even more stupid. How the fuck could they have prevent this from happening exactly? They will publish a patch within 24 hours but the bad reviews will stick.
Valve takes 30% on every game sold and you don’t even own the games. That’s sick capitalism in action, yet everybody kisses their ass.
EDIT for the Steam jerkers:
Why can’t you people can’t just fucking move on with you life and play other games? The fact that there’s a new Assassin or Star Wars doesn’t erase the previous ones, go play the previous ones, the “good” ones.
It’s going to be a bad game. Says who? Your just a rando on the internet who has not played the game, why do you think your opinion maters?
There should never have been a black person in this game at all. It’s 1600s Japan. It makes no fucking sense! IT’S A GAME, nothing makes fucking sens. Why do accept it when it’s some white dude becoming the chosen one and saving a bunch of indigenous, but rip you shirt the when a black guy (based on a real life character!!!) is one of the protagonist of a game set in a FICTIONAL Japan. It’s not real dude, people have the right can make up stories inspired by real things.
I don’t have the energy to express it here in this comment. Nobody ask you too lol. We all have youtube, if we want to hear some white dude’s (with no expertise in nothing) ridiculous outrage about a stupid videogame company, we know where to find it.
I really don’t get you gamers people. There are dozens of causes that are worth defending, why is the only fucking thing that makes you active is when there’s a black man or a woman you don’t feel like fucking in a game? That’s pretty sad and pathetic if you ask me. Just go play something that fits you narrow world view. Meanwhile, Steam rips off all creators of 30% of their revenue while employing 20 people, but you people get wet whenever your hear their name. If you want to be mad at capitalist business, at least try to find something else than “black charcater” doesn’t make sens in a universe where you can walk on walls and kill 20k people by yourself. once sent me 4$
Nah, the Japaneses government doesn’t care about fictional characters in a videogame. Neither are French-Canadians mad about being depicted as mimes with bread sticks in South Park.
Oh and “it’s about making bad games” . The GAME ISN’T EVEN OUT YET. Just don’t buy it and stop crying because there’s a black character in fictional universe or because you don’t want to fuck the main protagonist of Star Wars game (I personally find here damn hot btw lol).
Fascist country, fascist babyllionaires, fascist businesses = fuck GAFAM.