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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 06, 2023


Super useful thanks! I was actually looking at psychonauts 2. I use a Steam controller so that controller thing is getting me a bot worried. I’ll do what you say and see how that goes. Cheers!

Thanks. I don’t care about online feature so it doesn’t seem too complicated. I will probably grab a game to try this out and a few more and everything works without problems.

Noob question. Is it easy to play GOG games on Linux? Can you add them to steam?

Yep. I have a friend who works there, well I guess he use to. Get ready for a wave of shitty videogames all written and designed by AI in the coming years.

Am I the only one who doesn’t have access to this? I’m in canada but using a VPN doesn’t seem to change anything. Not that I care about AI, but I’d like to see the shitshow myself.

When the creator of Monkey Island tells you Fuck You, you definitely messed out something in your life. Shame on you Elon Musk for disappointing Ron Glibert.

Upvoted because this is true. I knew that information so I can confirm it. I swear I did.

It’s great, but how can I install the glide library? I can’t see any link…

It does help, thanks! I’m aware of those issues indeed. Those are drafts, I havent spend more then 2-3 hours on each tracks so I need to fix things on certain tracks if I deceide to submit them. Thanks for pointing that specific error in Hades. Cheers!

Thanks a lot, I really appreciate. The tracks you mentionned are pretty much my favorite too so I will probably send those. Nice recommandations too. I heard of the game but I’m gonna make sure to check that ost!

That is super usefull, thanks! I wasn’t sure if I should just keep the tracks more ryrhmic/repetitive since its for a game bur after reading your comments, I might add a lead guitar track on top of the rythm. Cheers!

I've previously composed for different project, video, play, etc. but never for a game. I got an opportunity and they asked me to send draft of metal tracks so I recorded a few things overs the past 2 weeks. I'm looking for any kind of feedback that could help me. In you opinion, are these too fast, slow, complicated, simple? What are you favorites? I'm more of a casual gamer... Please try to stay constructive with you comments, Reddit will take care of the bashing. Thanks!

Outer Wilds felt like an adventure game to me.

Totally agree. I love to just drive around and discover new places in this game. With Camus.

“Mastodon? Why use a free decentralized option when I can give my data to a billionaire?” - People around me.

Guitar and a bit of ukulele since a few months

We already don’t own our games, because we can’t sell them. We used to be able to sell and exchange games, but with digital platforms like steam, we don’t have the right to sell them anymore, meaning we only bought the right to play the game, not owning it.

Help! I have a choice to make between Hades, Psychonauts 2, and Doom Eternal. What do you guys think? I’m more of a casual gamer but enjoy a bit of challenge (I liked doom 2016 a lot, but I was told eternal is harder).

I rrally dont have much time for it but I love gaming. But over the past years, I started to play less and less because most of the games requires so much time and patience. Sometimes, you litteraly have ti spend hours learning stuff before you can actually start playing and enjoy. Or you need to spend half of the games managing inventory. I cant invest dozens and dozens of hours in games anymore, and I feel like simple, easy to play for short session games are disappearing… So even if I’m often tempted by AAA games, I usually now go for snall indie title, and it’s a good thing in the end. I’m still gonna play the shit of Baldurs Gate 3 next Summer tho.

Here we go… Why cant they just remake the game without destroying it? What’s next, the sexy nurses will have their own spinoff game? Silent Hill revolution: the mmorpg? I knew this wasnt going to end well.

Remember, 320 kbps is the only mp3 format you are allowed to use. 256kbps if you really really have too, but dont go below that or I will personally hunt you and lecture you on audio quality until you can only listen to uncompressed audio. Dont make me do it.

I’m surprised by how much of a big deal apps are for the users. I would have kept Jerboa if it was more stable. I got Connect for no specific reason and don’t really see a reason to try anything else… I was still using old reddit and an app called Slide, so I guess I’m some removed user or something. Happy that those apps brings more users tho.