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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


You need a num pad to do it right i feel. I haven’t used the number pad like that since Final Fantasy 7. But the control remapping works too

The only reason i have it was because it came with the goty edition. I wonder how many that accounts for

Not sure i understand? My main point is Hideo has a weird sense of story structure. Couple that with his endless perfectionism would see any company paying his way bankrupt before the game releases. MGSV has a theme change about 1/3 and 2/3 through the game. And the longer it goes the more off the rails things got. I don’t think they all get resolved properly.

When he got his own company started i believe that seeing the end of his wallet helped him focus the end of death standing early on which still has the classic Kojima crazy, and has a cohesive story. Art will form when it rails against its limitations.

I got it working, my issue was a commented out ip_bind variable in one of the .conf files. And you can also allow the new account variable. Users just type in their account name as if logging in, and put an _M or _F at the end and the server knows to append their account info to what password they input to the login server

Though my friend swear they want that 1x rates… we shall see.

When the kids these days called the jupiteros music the roblox theme, i lost my shit. (BGM89 we have lee but you don’t have)

I’m attempting to host a private Ragnarok Online server for my small group of friends. Its a shame that game is all but forgotten, the music has not been topped… except by ffxiv maybe.

Yea, i mean i don’t believe it for a second, but it would still be cool AF

I have given dark souls II more chances then any other in the series. And man from was more then a little assholish there. Iron keep can kiss my ass

I mean if so then good! If he has any evidence he could fucking share about it then we can go on trying to solve the puzzle. It would be a bold and striking move that would put from software aseven more transcendent a developer

I guess i did too. Mech warrior online, and warframe are the only ones i ever bought stuff for

Are they using the magnetic hall sensors for the thumb sticks? Like the Gulikit? I love that controller, but it doesn’t have the flippers on the back

It would be nice if the game speed and physics interaction were not tied to a inconsistent variable such as frame rate. And it seems that the more they pile on the gambryo engine the less receptive to modding it gets. But i can also accept that the cracks in the games that grow over time may not be the engine, but Bethesda prioritizing MVP centric development over hammering out the problems. Modders are carrying an auful lot of load to even get the games running.

I told myself i would wait until the game was finished before i got it, so i have been patiently waiting.

They seem to release these games as some sort of tech demo show showcasing what they see is the future of games. One has the set peice structure of game design, two was the physics engine, and Alex was VR. So other then the continuation of the time line, half life Alex pretty much was half life three. Also they know the hype/meme train has been building for so long that nothing will be good enough. Like Duke nukem.

I got mine from MIRA. Though now i am getting their end of the world news letter…

Yes there is. Because it gives the games companies the ability to sell however they like. What to make the game sellable privately? No problem. What to sell an apple version, go for it.

So what part of the open market covers preventing the consumers from being able to choose which launcher they prefer, if any? Valve didn’t do that. EGS did. You should blame the competitors for failing to meet market standards

When you are upset at Valve for not doing for apple what they did for Linux, who you are really mad at is Apple for having terrible… everything, and game developers who don’t want to put the needed effort in for such a modest return.

You are upset at everyone BUT Valve. Or at least you should be.

Its the “if you build it they will come” type of scenario. I want to switch to Linux really badly, but my driver is for gaming, i don’t want to adopt a pet project of getting my games to run in the first place.

Though i know valves interest in Linux is not completely motivated in philanthropy. They want to be able to separate from the dependence of Microsoft, for the safety of their businesses future. But so far our interests align

I am not aware of any stream agreement with game developers that prevents them from releasing their game using any other method. Your argument about streams “” monopoly “” is 100% due to market forces working as advertised. They offer a service that no other company either can or will match. And that is not the fault of steam and was not achieved by illegal means. There’s dissent even need to be a launcher at all! Game companies can just sell us the game alone without a launcher. What other companies want is market dominance, not a fair market place. Because the fair market place gave steam the current win

What it does make invalid is the argument that valve is enshitifying because they don’t cater to apple users. You can put that blame on apple all day. Valve? Not at all. Its a huge waste of time, and all efforts tword Linux advancement is much better spent.

The tamagotchi that everyone had in their mind. Steam needs to get into phone apps.