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Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Mar 12, 2024


At this point “like Baldur’s Gate 3” will become the new “Dark Souls of”

Dunno, was just trying to watch YouTube on Chromium. I tried to install Firefox to see if that helped but it did not.

I looked it up on the pi forums and from what I could tell it’s just not capable of 1080p60.

Yo that’s crazy! I was surprised to find out the Pi 4 I picked up a few years ago can’t even stream 1080p video and it has 4gb ram and a 1.8 ghz cpu

fta “Kotaku’s staff will be expected to create 50 guides a week at the site.”

Yeah, I’d quit too. I mean, aren’t they just going to be drowning each other out at that point?

No, this asset pack is coming because only because they already sold it with the deluxe edition.

Yeah but my point is that it’s not like Remedy is just doing nothing and ignoring Control. They’re still hard at work making games.

Are the mechs still not for fighting?

I was blown away when I saw they were basically making that Love Death and Robots episode into a game then they said “no fighting with the mechs” and I lost all interest

I love the improvements we’re seeing in integrated graphics, gives me hope that future generations will again never experience the suffering we had with UHD 4000

Ages is a stretch, It’s not even 5 years old and the company has released another game in that time.

“Program designed to accommodate all hardware runs less efficiently than program designed specifically for integration with a tiny selection of hardware”

More at 11!

I mean, not that FSR is perfect, but of course it can’t keep up with DLSS. These articles always feel like a waste of bytes.