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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I wonder how much debt Sony offloaded onto them before shutting them down.

I’ve always liked the storm in the Lair of the Shadow Broker DLC from Mass Effect 2. It takes place on a ship chasing the sunset on a planet with a really slow rotation, and there’s a massive storm at the terminator. It looks amazing.


As an actual game it was pretty terrible. Unique skills only being learnable by a single person, multiple nested menus to perform basic functions like equipping something, lots of questionable things like overtuned traps and trap rooms in low level areas.

I mean, it won anime of the year in 2023, and best English VA performance too. The story is flat out phenomenal. You’re doing yourself a disservice by not giving it a fair chance.

It was huge in the Ancient Gods 1 and 2. That one ghost enemy that would possess and power up others you had to hit with the microwave beam for example.

I’m hoping they move away from requiring specific weapons or mods to counter specific enemies. Stoked to learn more about Sentinel Prime.

All Sony had to do was make account linking optional and give a cosmetic to those who linked, and there would have been zero issues.

I think this can go either way. Some actors have done a lot of voice work and it shows, and others have a much more wooden performance than what you’d get from them if they were on a movie or tv show instead. Peter Dinklage voiced Ghost in Destiny 2 and was so poorly received that Bungie hired Nolan North to rerecord all the existing lines and voice the character going forward.

I’m taking a break from BG3 to replay Doom Eternal. I got the DLC for it a while ago and never played. I also need the space back on my Steam Deck lol so I need to finish it so I can uninstall.

I personally don’t like Epic for paying developers for exclusivity deals, keeping games off other PC platforms for a year or more. Artificial scarcity is bad for consumers.

The game was so perfect that it was delisted from the PlayStation store because of bugs and performance issues.