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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 15, 2023


Or as I like to say, two buns short of a hamburger

Ahh a slot tech in the wild 🧐. A rare creature, known for its great distaste of the peasants who flock to its machines in search of a glory that remains elusive.

I have been firing up The Powder Toy for well over a decade to kill time during meetings

Explore, expand, extend, exterminate

Empire building games, like Civ or Stellaris would be a 4x game.


Me too, over 1400 hours. I use a lot of mods. I take a break for a year or more at a time and then get hooked again. I’m trying to wait for the NPC update until I do again

Yeah I thought the same. I played 1 from the very beginning up until release. When I heard about 2 I wasn’t even interested, it seemed to me it would be doomed from the start.

Yeah, exactly the same thing at play in the movie industry as well.

Wireshark won’t show you anything if it’s encrypted, other then a communication taking place. There’s nothing stopping them from batching or otherwise obfuscating things through all kinds of means.

Ah thats right they just sold the game not the studio

Yeah I was an early adopter myself, it was my gateway drug into rimworld and dwarf fortress. I stopped playing shortly after they sold the studio

That’s why there is a huge push now to remedy it. The supply chain shutdown due to covid was the first shot across the bow and now China is massively ramping up its navy to take it. They want to be ready to invade Taiwan by 2027.


Or in this case, likely using mom’s electricity without her knowing

That could be said of any tool as well, it ultimately comes down to the competence of the person using it, even if that’s a hammer or frying pan.

Yeah, most public companies hold big cash reserves. Its part of flexibility and long term growth, and the ability to weather downturns and be able to take advantage of opportunities.

Not everything is a rush to the bottom, it’s more of a middle ground. Not saying it won’t end up there, but like everything, it’s not so black and white.

Yep for sure. Can’t wait for NPCs in the one after it though haha. Loooong time coming

Project Zomboid def fits this

That is insane the amount of info given. I had no idea. Thanks for the website

Same, I remember looking before and couldn’t find anything like this. Ty OP