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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I miss the LED on the galaxy nexus. I had AOKP at the time and could customize it to be pretty much any color I wanted. I had a different color per app that would notify me.

Embracer: Hey, let’s buy up a bunch of IP and game studios!

Also Embracer: Wait, it takes money to run these? SHUT THEM DOWN!

I remember the controls being weird. It’s been a while so maybe I’ll try again?

I tried Alan Wake at one point, but had a hard time getting into it. I also tried their other game, Quantum Break, but at the first part it wanted to download a video to link it to the TV show the game broke on me. It wouldn’t download the video, and I couldn’t skip it, so I was stuck less than an hour into it.

This is such a fun game. I can’t wait for a sequel.

I loved Origins and Oddesey. Couldn’t really get into Valhalla. I played it for a while and got an OK way into it, but it just didn’t dnt have the same spark that origins and Oddesey held. Can’t explain it though.

Bouncing between Mass Effect Andromeda when my kid is asleep or not around, or Journey to a Savage Planet when they are around.

Oops, yes it was games with gold. Still worth buying if you like 3d puzzle games Ala talos principal and portal.

Check out Relicta. Played this in gamepass last year and ended up loving it.

I’m enjoying it. I don’t have a TV that can take advantage of the X’s power, and I honestly don’t care about super high frame rate for ultra high quality graphics. Almost all the games I play are on Gamepass too, so not having a disc drive doesn’t bother me.

Plus it was given to me for free when a family member replaced it with an X.

The lower price, mixed with the fact that there was a very long stretch of time that you could get a series x probably contributed to that as well.

I haven’t used a disc in a long time. Even before I got my series s most everything I played was gamepass or a digital purchase. When used physical games barely cost less than a new game, why bother?

Pretty sure you get a discount on them for being a game pass subscriber too. At least in some of them

Didnyou play the newer ones from Crystal Dynamics? I loved them.

I know. It’s pretty much the same thing as regular sudoku. I gave the different symbols names to make them easier to do.

Oh, I love sudoku too. I’ve got like 500 games done on the app I’m using right now.

Maybe in the minority here, but I like Andromeda. I like the open world aspect, the combat is fun, interesting story.

You have good lock installed? Use that and install the nice catch module. It’ll let you read all of your toast notifications.

I got the TouchPad on its fire sale. Amazing tablet. WebOS wasn’t exactly terrible on it, but Android was killer. Kept it for many years after.

I forgot about this game. It looked interesting. I’ll wait for it to come to gamepass or be on sale.

I was able to stay engaged with Origins and Oddesey, but this one isn’t keepong my attention as much Idk why

I’ve been playing off and on for a month or two and feel like I’ve barely scratched the surface. I tend to get distracted though and just go off and fuck around, finding things.

Just got the Spyro and crash trilogies on sale on my Xbox. Haven’t played spyro since it came out on the ps1. Nostalgia hit to the max, and my 3 y/o daughter loves watching it too.

Wait, so the UK is a huge market so they have a say in it, but the US market isn’t big enough to hurt TechLand?

I meant the FTC, my mistake. Microsoft buying Activision is an American company buying an American company, yet the UK CMA initially denied it.

Is the FCC going to fight this too?

Looks like they are a publicly traded company, not owned by a larger studio

I never really liked souls like games. Seemed to be hard just for the sake of it.

The big thing was they did great co-authoring. Adobe tried and failed at it multiple times and started losing market share to Figma, so instead of competing they just bought it. Like they did with Macromedia.

The Adobe purchase of Figma should never have been allowed.

I just tried. Sebastian is not in the undercroft, so I am SOL on learning it.

Tell that to Adobe buying Figma. That deal should have been blocked and the FCC didn’t even bat an eye.

Even after finishing the game?

Choices do matter slightly. I made the wrong choice and missed out on learning Avada Kedavra 😞