Autistic, ADHD, and fuckin tired 😮💨
This comment section is not what I expected.
You can get comn banned for telling someone to go fuck themselves yet the characters in the game can swear all they want.
I’ve been comm banned for telling someone to kill themselves because they said they were gonna rape my daughter and after I reported them for it “this activity doesn’t go against our ToS” was the response.
If the game is rated m for mature then mature content should be allowed.
I’m not advocating for death threats or shit like that but simply saying fuck in a dm can get you banned.
I’m all for piracy but the average person has no idea what they’re doing and will most likely end up with a bunch of viruses due to lack of experience or people to show them how to pirate safely.
I’m tired of this issue being completely ignored in these situations. Pirating games is even harder than pirating movies or tv shows which is already difficult if you don’t know what you’re doing. .
I don’t buy that. It’s possible but the producers always want to make it “theirs” and it’s not. It’ll never be theirs. The best they could do is just follow the source material as much as possible.
No one cares about your “quirky” changes. And this is quite evident in all the video game tv series that fail. Because the source material was basically thrown away completely. Because they think we’ll gobble up anything just because of the name.
I spent the better part of 5 hours doing nothing but training sword combat to the point I could pull off multiple combos in a row and still got my dick kicked in by the first bandit I fought.
I really fuckin tried to play that game cause that’s exactly the genre I love but I just couldn’t get the combat down
It really isn’t. They want you to play through each house but it’s literally the same story regardless of which house you choose.
The game is only fun until the hype of exploring Hogwarts fades. Then it’s just your average mid tier adventure game.
It only survived because it’s Harry Potter.
Edit: The broom flying was cool af though I’ll give them that
Edit 2: Something I’ve always brought up about this game is, once you get petrificus totalus it turns into Harry Potter and the Assassin’s Creed
Ngl the only reason I remember playing this game is because of all the bugs I ran into while playing.
Don’t get me wrong the gameplay was great when it worked but getting killed by npc’s that can see and shoot through walls was infuriating.
I remember one part specifically where you were fighting in a suburban residential area and I got killed by the same npc’s on the second story of the same blue house like 12 times because even though the second story had failed to load visually for me it was still physically there. So even though I could see them I had no way of knowing when I could actually shoot back effectively
See stuff like that just makes me laugh though.
Like I kinda get what you mean but stuff like physics glitches and weird moments like your described just make me laugh.
Even in a serious situation like a grand epic battle the sight of a deceased character model slowly vibrating before launching into the cosmos is hilarious to me.
Or in your case a widow who’s heartbroken and sobbing then the cutscene ends and she’s just “hi how can I help you today?” in a cheerful tone and I just burst out laughing
I prefer games that use reactionary difficult (idk what the proper term is) where the difficulty changes based on how well you do.
Kicking too much ass? Here’s more enemies and they hit harder.
Getting gangbanged at every turn? Fewer enemies and they’re easier to kill.
This seems like the best way to make sure everyone playing has a fun experience
God people like you are infuriating.
“gIvE uS a SoUrCe!!!11!1”
Gives source
“ThAtS nOt GoOd EnOuGh!!!11!11 i CaNt Be BoThErEd tO lOoK tHiNgS uP oN mY oWn111!!!”
Then shut up and remove yourself from the discussion.