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Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


The mainstream consoles nowadays basically are locked-down computers anyway, so makes sense that people are skipping the live-services middleman and going straight to PC

Unless you care about exclusives, then PCs are the better all-rounder IMO, and don’t need a yearly payment on top of your internet bill

Exactly. If my graphics card is going to be chugging, I’d rather it be because of the sheer amount of stuff to interact with in an area, rather than a beautiful but vapid landscape

Honestly I’d still argue there’s diminishing returns on this front as well.
I play plenty of older titles, and I wouldn’t say I notice that much of a difference - though that is my very subjective opinion

Of course there are, and I do - but the focus of the article, and thus the thread was on the AAA gaming space and its obsession with graphics.
Smaller studios and Indies already figured out the whole “you don’t need to be able to see every fibre of a character’s hair in order for a game to be good” thing

Honestly, I have to agree with the article - while you could say graphics have improved in the last decade, it’s nowhere near as much as the difference as the decade before that.

I’d easily argue that the average AAA game from a decade ago looks just as good on a 1080/1440p display as the average AAA game today - and I’d still bet the difference wouldn’t be that noticeable for 4K either.

And what do we gain for that diminishing return on graphics?
Singleplayer games are being made smaller, or vapid “open worlds”, and cost more due to more resources going to design teams rather than the rest of the game.
Meanwhile multiplayer games get less frequent and smaller updates, and that gets padded out with aggressive micro-transactions.

I hate that “realistic” graphics has become such an over-hyped selling point in games that it’s consuming AAA gaming in its entirety.

I would love for AAA games to go back to being reasonably priced with plainer looking graphics, so that resources can actually be put into making them more than just glorified tech demos.

Exactly. If they’d gone with the carrot approach rather than the stick, I bet way more people would’ve just gone with it for way less fuss

I was genuinely confused by this statistic until I realised it was a double negative. YouTube losen’t Google a lot of money.

Actually “rationalising the pipeline” would be getting rid of all the massively overpaid execs, rather than the people who actually make the Take-Two execs their money

Do you know what you do when someone doesn’t hold up their end of a bargain? You don’t uphold your’s…

If the FTC forces them to unmerge, it’d make others think twice about lying to the FTC, and give the agency much stronger fangs to bite back with in the future.

I would’ve expected to see something like thus out of the EU rather than China, but at least somebody’s making the first move against the predatory monetisation of apps

Karl’s videos have advertising is for the same reason newspapers have advertisement pages, most new sites have ADs all over them, and others still charge a subscription fee - the money to make this stuff has to come from somewhere.

As it is the last video he did on this was unsponsored, which meant he took a huge hit to his income for the video - that’s unfair to say he can’t advertise because it looks tacky when other free to access mediums do exactly the same (or rely on donations ala Wikipedia).

Is a 13 minute video enough to cover absolutely everything in-depth?
Absolutely not, he literally states as much in the video - but he isn’t trying to cover everything, he’s covering one specific aspect of the situation and it’s covered well.

I almost forgot about this - I was surprised how quickly I got attached to BT in such a short time

I’m not really a crier when it comes to games, but what brought me close most recently was when I was doing a run of the entire Metro trilogy for the first time.

**Spoiler ahead for Metro Exodus**

If you’re doing the good ending run of Metro Exodus, then you spend most of the game beating the odds and being able to save everyone…

So watching Colonel Miller, someone you become fairly attached to throughout the series, succumb to radiation poisoning while you drive out of Novosibirsk, knowing that there was absolutely nothing I as the player could do but watch was heart-wrenching.

He’d completed the mission, but he just couldn’t make it home - it’s such a bittersweet ending, but including his speech at the end, it’s a good one.

Yeah, because Microsoft, Sony, and Nintendo are companies who would never pass those costs back to the devs or down onto consumers. They’d totally bite the bullet on Unity’s new royalty…

Unity are out of their minds if they think this is at all a good move. All they’re going to do by pushing devs away and pissing off the major distributors is inspire the creation/adoption of a competitor.

Guys, he’s not that bad…

He’s only a money hoarding billionaire who came from a glut of generational wealth obtained through other’s suffering via his father’s Emerald mine, which Musk vehemently denies exists in order to build up his image of being self-made.

I mean it’s not like his father used that wealth to boost him up by being among the first angel investors in his first company, ZIP2, something else which he vehemently denies to keep up his self-made image.

It’s not like he went on to use the money he got from selling ZIP2 to become an early angel investor “co-founder” of X.com, which he then essentially forced the actual founders out of before selling that onwards as well.

It’s not like he then went onto use almost the exact tactic to force/sue his way into being a “co-founder” of Tesla.

And it’s definitely not like he had a friend get appointed Administrator of NASA, who conveniently decided to award SpaceX almost $300 million, despite them not having flown any rockets yet.

His daughter is obviously worried about nothing, and he just needed to prove her wrong by cack-handedly buying out the platform she used to speak out in order to control her in the name of free speech.

Sure, they’ve got money from all the good will they’re soaking up, but at some point that good will and money will dry up…

If/when they finally do release a game, it’s now got to not just compare to a whole full genre of games, it’s got to be better than them in order to get that good will back.

Exactly. Star Citizen has been in development so long that not only have other developers already had the chance to jump in ahead of them, the genre’s brimming with games now!
They had such an advantage going into this, how do you fuck up a golden ticket so badly??

CoD wouldn’t be CoD without some squeaker with a crappy mic telling me they fucked my Mum last night, or that their Dad works at Microsoft and will get me banned

I respect stylistic choices as much as the next guy, but capping the game’s FPS to 30 seemingly completely arbitrarily is stupid design, especially on PC where most people want 60 minimum.