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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 10, 2023


now now, it’s not necessarily malicious, it can just be extreme incompetence.

i mean i suppose it’s still gendered but i can assure you there are tons of gay male couples doing that

early access games are also notorious for being dogshite and left as such, or they’re fine but with obvious flaws which are never fixed because “bro it’s still in early access!”

it’s like how yahtzee will continously corrupt the name of whatever he’s talking about in fullyramblomatic videos: balatro, baloney, balalaika, bolschevism, botulism

i love how people bend over backwards to justify the placement, and STILL the best you can come up with is “it’s not THAT bad”

that sounds like a parody wuxia move
“[Echoes of the Plum Grove]!” enemy rushes off to the toilet as they start undergoing profoundly healthy bowel movements

that’s just begging to be referred to solely as “SARPBC” pronounced as a word

almost, it’s missing the obnoxious reaction image, though helpfully another user supplied that in a reply.

it’s really funny to me how obvious the… “inspiration” of this game is from pokemon, and yet nintendo has been struggling so hard to come up with something to sue them for, like i don’t really care about this in and of itself, but seeing a big company unable to remove a splinter from their toe and copyright unable to be enforced brings me joy.

it’s literally just mechanical looms all over again, this shit happens over and over and over and at no point do people learn that this will continue as long as we allow capitalism to persist.

the most fucked up part about this is that it’s not like regular people account for more than a fraction of the AI usage, most of it is just other companies using it to replace workers or just… paying for AI usage instead of fucking paying a stock photo company instead…

i hate corporations i hate corporations i hate corporations

Ontop of all of that, it was also just clearly a corporate cash grab where the people who made it either didn’t feel strongly about it or they didn’t get to put their soul into it as much as they wanted.

It’s not just bland, it’s a cold and calculating kind of bland. Like being served nutrient paste, but it’s not even flavourless instead they added artificial banana flavour so now it’s both depressing and makes you feel sick.

even then we already have the ideal PVE shooter: deep rock galactic

the only hero we need is someone to arrest driller for his numerous warcrimes

“all the other”? as far as i’m aware the only ones of note are organic maps and OSMand

Lawnchair is open source and basically identical in my experience, though i think i’m using some new version of it that’s technically not stable or something?

even just for my phone it’s not like i’m constantly transferring data to storage, i don’t care if it takes a couple seconds to save a video, what i care about is being able to save 5 billion videos

this is effectively the hardware equivalent of having a public API, sure you could technically reverse engineer your own server implementation, but really you’re going to use it to make stuff that interacts with the existing server.

like beeing seen by others not putting away the shopping cart, now everyone knows you’re incapable of the basic decency test

it annoys me to no end that people think minecraft looks terrible and attribute that to the textures, it’s literally just pixel art! Other games are praised for having pixel art! aurgh!

Minecraft might be considered ugly, but in that case it’s probably moreso because its lighting is… rudimentary… or that person specifically just doesn’t like the artstyle.

Also something that almost no one ever talks about is render distance! Games with a gargantuan render distance look SOOOOOO much more appealing and are easier to navigate, but people just don’t think about it!

I recently played Satisfactory and holy shit that render distance, when i called down the space elevator it’s the only time i can recall a game ever making me just sit there in awe, never before have i felt such a visceral sense of scale from something on a display!

thing is, games aren’t pretty because they model every cell in every lifeform and have 5 gigabyte textures for each individual leaf, they’re pretty because they have good graphical design.

Just lighting alone is like 50% of making a scene look nice, you can literally just slap together a low-poly flat-colour scene in blender and set up nice lighting and people will call you talented.

A prime example of this is valheim: ps2-style models and textures and yet the lighting and general graphical design makes it look lovely and atmospheric, especially combined with the music.

we sort of can, it’s called eating a better diet.

stop feeding the bacteria tons of sugar, start eating more chewy things that effectively brush your teeth as you eat them, and maybe even start chewing stuff like stalks of grass or twigs, that’s how a lot of people keep their teeth clean even today.

this is misleading, the article starts by saying that life expectancy was 30-35 but then goes on to say that this is the average lifespan, which includes the fact that most people died in childhood.

When accounting for that, the average lifespan becomes at least 50 years old.

can we maybe not propagate misinformation? it was perfectly normal for hunter-gatherers to reach at least 50 years old, and if you think about it for a bit it makes sense that the age where we start to fall apart is about the oldest that people got to in the past, which is around 50-60 yrs.

the average lifespan in the past was something like 35, but that’s because tons of people died early on, which remained true up until the invention of modern medicine which was like 100 years ago and doesn’t really have anything to do with your diet.

good, the class struggle needs more awareness since it affects everyone.

wanting people to ignore the class struggle makes you something called “a massive asshat” and strongly implicates you as someone who benefits from the status quo.

i’ll turn off my adblocker when i can be confident that your site won’t show me ads for child porn or actual fucking scams.