You had to make the game look as terrible as possible and use fake frames to have an “enjoyable” experience. How is that acceptable? What about that is worth $70?
You should be getting a stable 60fps @ 1440p on medium settings with a 3070ti at the bare minimum. MH is not visually impressive enough to justify how demanding it is. If you think otherwise look at RDR2 performance.
To give you a real unbiased answer as someone who’s actually used the headset, the Quest 3 is the best VR headset you’ll get for the money. Pancake lenses are amazing, performance is really good, software has gotten ages better since launch. Meta throttles the chipset a lot, with QGO (an app) you can meet or be just under PC quality on most games, but the base headset is fine by itself.
As for games, there’s never been a better time to hope in. But I’ll be honest my Q3 is practically a beat saber machine at this point. I haven’t found another game to be as enticing. Pistol whip was meh, I couldn’t get into B&S or Asgards wrath, Metro Awaking isn’t my type of game. It’s really up to you to decide how valuable VR is.
Wow, shocked! If asa releases on Xbox it will be horrid. I quit after 30 hours of dealing with crashes and performance issues. That’s just single player, official servers crash every 1-2 hours and roll back, deleting tames and wiping your inventory.
Yet some still defend wildcard as if they don’t have nearly a decade of experience working on this game. It’s obvious upper management is the issue , but I’m not supporting this crap again.
Unfortunately it isn’t what I wanted out of this game.
Loading screen to land on a planet, loading screen to leave my spaceship, no seamless entry into caves or buildings. Planets and space having boundaries. Can’t use my spaceship to traverse.
Glad people enjoy it, but I was looking for something more akin to NMS or Star Citizen.
Here are a few examples that could support the claim that Republicans have opposed net neutrality regulations:
Here are some sources that could counter or provide an alternative perspective to the claim that Republicans uniformly oppose net neutrality:
As for your last point, you act like any of those dinosaurs know how to.
I’ll never pay $70 for a game. Still waiting on Dragons Dogma 2 to go on sale. Even if it’s the same with inflation, why would I pay that for an unpolished product that still nickel and dimes me?