Pressing skip
An alternative store from epic is already available
I’m waiting for chat providers(wa, tg, etc) interoperability now
If smartphones start embedding a lora antenna and a mesh client, it won’t be necessary on 90% of earth surface
You can try emulate the ROM on your phone itself like this app
Sometimes it works better like in this case instead :
DUV machines
Thanks for the hints!
Check, the hw of the banglejs2 is exactly like an amazfit bip (which is great) but the firmware is open and programmable in js. Fyi the screen is transflective, which makes smartwatchces perfectly readable under sunlight without turning it on, like e-paper. It’s just lower in resolution bit it will last 30days without charging it.
because TMSRs don’t require water, they could also be built underground and in arid areas.
That’s crazy “cool”