• 2 Posts
Joined 1M ago
Cake day: Jan 29, 2025


Omg 😱. This is like helldivers 2 on PC. We should boycott!!!

That’s amazing. I also got TOTK on switch and played in yuzu. But I didn’t pay a cent for Mario wonder 🤷. You seem to think I have a problem with emulators. I’m just saying I understand why a company would want to shut it down.

Lmao I’m sure you “dumped” it mmmmhm hahahah

Oh sorry I thought OP was talking about Nintendo.

You honestly believe people download emulators to play games they own already? That means they have the console still… Sooooo… Oh no you’re right. People buy tears of the kingdom and then buy a $1200 PC to run it instead of a switch. My bad. You’re totally right. Emulation is in no way linked to liracy whatsoever. Even I haven’t pirated 3 million games from all systems. In fact I purchased ALL of my games super legally just so I could emulate them 🫠

Right… Because not one person ever uses emulators for privacy… Because it isn’t, You know, obviously used for that.

That’s vastly different. No one is buying a Nintendo game and then downloading ryujinx to play it since you don’t download Nintendo games on your PC.

yep. why? do you understand the only reason people get an emulator is to pirate roms?

lets say you have spend 10 years making a game. and you put it on steam for $10. but wait. you are making $0 dollars because everyone is just pirating it, and then demanding you make a second one.

I have no issue with emulating games. But I also have no issue of a company trying to stop their games from being emulated.

Games have been $70 for so long dude. I remember getting Mario party 64 for like $75.why do people act like this is so recent?

Also dragons dlgma 2 was like $40 a few months ago.

For older consoles I usually stick to RPGs. Resident evil is okay once you get used to the shit controls. But final fantasys, xenogears, metal gear is good, jet moto, Gran Turismo 2…

Great now I want a PS2

It would have to be very short to be any good I think. And have a really good story.

But yeah just unlock different arrow types throughout the game and you’re good. Half finished.

im going to go amd next time. i dont see it as a time to upgrade though, i stull use 1080p monitors with 180hz. to mee that’s better than 1440 at 60hz [similar prices]

i was able to block it from everything. seems to be helping today, its not showing up on the battery list on top anymore.

i like to think my r7 5800x3D is till a good CPU, if i can run star citizen at 60-80fps at all times, monster hunter wilds should also be able to run the same way lol.

“Typical 4G LTE & 5G download speeds are 9-149 Mbps. Video streams in SD. In times of traffic, your data may be temporarily slower than other traffic.” no thanks

i tried the benchmark today. medium settings, native res i get 50fps average… im not playing this for a while lol. that’s insane for what is recommended vs what i have for specs. medium should be at least 80fps on my computer.

will this stop it from auto installing?

But it’s not same serivce. It’s $2 cheaper, favors iPhones, has shared data, and that rate is for only 6 months then spikes up. It’s like you just googled a plan, screen shotted it, didn’t read anything else and then thought I wouldn’t look at it. So even if we split the data then we’d lose 5gb each per month. You sent me a shitty ass plan dude

Verizon is 90 per line. T mobile is 90 per line. Both are 150 for 50gh per line. Zip codes matter dude.

Not on that list unfortunately

and that uses SHARED DATA dude. like wtf no that’s shit.

verizon is trash dude, no one would pay those prices and be contracted. Verizon is starting at $65 a line at its “unlimited welcome” plan. the 30gb plan is $80 and the50gb is $90. t-mobile is just as bad if not worse. with 50gb STARTING at 90 a month with the next tier up is 150 a month. its fucking garbage dude. i don’t understand how people on this site cant be like “oh…idk man maybe this dude looked at all the options before buying a phone plan and might have picked the best option in their area” how is that a hard concept to grasp? good lord, i just want help with an app dude im not going to change my plan to some shit, expensive garbage.

Okay so you want me to save 2 whole dollars by switching to what exactly? Google Fi? Idk what the fuck you’re showing me dude it’s a screen shot of random shit that might not even be available in my area.

Oh… so epic has free games every week that you can get.

These are the only options. And when I hit the 3 dots in the top. I click “uninstall updates” and then maybe 30 minutes later it reinstalls.

I have No clue what this app doesn’t what it’s for. It is not the same app you’d use to pay your bill or see your usage. This app has no icon. I can only force stop it. But my battery went from 100-88 in an hour and half just idling.

Oh this is awesome. Thank you

That costs more than what I pay though. Like that is double what I pay lol.

Never heard of or have that here. Sounds cool though

I don’t pay 40 a month lmao. I pay $60 for two lines on spectrum both with 30gb cap and 2g if you go over that cap (I’ve never gone over once). Nothing comes close to spectrum here. Even boost mobile for the same plan is $60 a month per line. Verizon is almost double. And I’m not about getting contracted up. I’ve had spectrum mobile since it first came out and I’ve had 0 issues. Either my phone is shit or this app updated to a broken version draining my battery. My wife has an iPhone and is not effected at all. I see no logical reason to drop my carrier at all.

I only have 12gb of vram. I would be fine if the game ran on high with DLSS OFF and native 1080p at 60-80fps. But it just doesn’t, even though my PC should have 0 issues according to their spec requirements. I’ll wait for patches and sales I think. Or maybe a demo is a ailable? I haven’t looked.

i am WELL abover recommended soec by a long shot. They should maybe reconsider those specs since not everyone wants to use fram gen and lower resolutiona in 2025.

This has only started recently, less than a week. My battery is just getting its ass kicked. My day to day is work, on WiFi, always full barrs Sunday - Sunday. I stopped spectrum mobile from gps location yada yada but it doesn't do anything or help.

Does Monster Hunter Wilds still look and feel like dog water?
I played both betas/stress tests and the game just looks and feels like complete shit. Did it change at all since then? I played on both PC and PS5. In my opinion the game looked really muddy and gross. Like MH rise looked better on switch. I know it's monster hunter, the gameplay was fun(ish), kind of easy. Very hand holdy though. I do not want to drop $60/70 on this game if it's exactly like it was in the beta's.