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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 03, 2023


Gog keeps hitting me with admin access requests when I’m not even doing anything on it. Repeatedly. Until I kill the task. Not a fan.

Every prime gaming offer I took was for games on steam. I really thought they were just promoting twitch with drops and stuff, not actually trying to compete. Haha, the balls.

Wall Street doesn’t lose money when you buy stocks.

Hedge funds lost a shitload though. Wallstreetbets basically engineered a short squeeze and a few hedge funds genuinely lost a ton of money covering shorts. Granted, a lot of those diamonds handers were left holding the bag, but the effect wasn’t insignificant.

Smart thing to do for any and every AAA game is wait a few months. Launch will almost always be a shit show, then wait for the dust to settle and people say “it’s actually good now.”

I’ll personally be giving it a miss because the need to shake up the meta in a pve game is baffling. If I just spent days farming perfect guns and anoints to do raids on mayhem 10, don’t fucking change how it works so I have to farm a whole new build.

Honestly if the mods aren’t drag drop play I don’t even fuck with them. I’ve spent too much time modding games that weren’t made to be modded, and steam workshop has truly spoiled me.

Sort by last played. Sort by size. See the same names? Start blasting.

I had a blast starting out and discovering new materials and what I could do with them, upgrading my ship and guns, building bases, etc. I hit a wall when I unlocked most of what I wanted and was just logging on every few hours to check my settlement and send my fleet out. The quests are repetitive, exploring planets isn’t really exciting, and the combat system is honestly not great. There’s like 2 viable weapon attachments and the only hostile things are critters and robots, the latter of which are basically the cops so the more you kill the more come to kick your ass so you either have to fight wave after wave or run for your life.

Oh and the planetary vehicles are pretty cool but I think you have to have them on your capital ship to use them elsewhere, but I don’t have the upgraded drive to be able to actually take it to the places I would really like to have them. So I just move my ship around the surface instead, and that takes fuel just to launch it which is a hassle.

I’ll shit on Nintendo all day for any amount of reasons, but I just played wii sports with my nephews on a wii that I bought before they were born. Find me a working original Xbox 360 I fucking dare you.

Haven’t looked at it, but from what I’ve seen, big studio titles seem to be either a shitty port or a “Hey look you can interact with things!!” style vr tutorial instead of a game.

The real news is that AAA vr games are dogshit.

IGN overrating games is like… Their whole thing. Dissing them because they said BF2042 was good when it wasn’t is like talking shit on the rain for making things wet.

“10/10 IGN” To describe shitty things has been a meme for over a decade, I think.

They mean mcdonald’s burgers, not real burgers. And the fact that they’re 3.50 is a fucking travesty to begin with.

Fuck it, have Nintendo sue blizzard whole they’re at it. I want to see a nerd bloodbath.

Not a huge fan of the sets and how the bonuses work, but it’s still pretty straightforward and better than the old armor system. Everything else is great. Magazines are a little weird in a split group because we typically have one person go into loot perks, but magazines drop based on the skills of who loots the container, but it gives access to crafting recipes to people who otherwise wouldn’t have them because they were previously skill level locked.

Have done at least one fresh run through major updates since a16 and the game has never gotten worse, in my opinion. The new pois are amazing. As well. Oh and the trader system is fixed and quest leveling overhauled, rewards improved, and progression made transparent. A little glitch in multiplayer though, last I played.

Had a bunch of fun with it a while ago, but it feels like there’s a huge mouse movement lag and I really can’t get used to it again.

Morrowind and project wingman are peak. FFXIV is fantastic with a persistent leitmotif across each entire expansion. The final endwalker boss basically wrapped up YEARS worth of story and that fight music was a medly featuring every expansion’s leitmotif and holy shit I can’t get over how incredible it was. Also the pandaemonium raid music. And Alexander. Seriously you can rabbit hole for HOURS on FFXIV music.

It is. Ubisoft evidently didn’t get the memo. Not surprising.

Ahaha. “Here’s how to use wasd and get into a ship. Pay 30 bucks for episode 2 to fly it.”

Jaysus. I can’t even find the numbers anymore. I used to go to the pledge website and just point at the numbers when people tried to defend pledges, but it looks like they just took them off the site unless you’re logged in or something. Dunno, the site is a right bitch to navigate.

Edit: nevermind, think they’ve smoothed it out and I can in fact find prices now. This will be fun.

Oh absolutely. If we’re being 100% honest, they’ll never release because that’ll kill their golden goose. Pledge ships are only supposed to exist during early access and go away after release. Why release when you can instead churn out ship packs worth thousands or even TEN THOUSAND DOLLARS that schmucks will actually fucking pay for?

Feature creep is killing them. They keep broadening the scope without fleshing out the game. Basically stringing people along to keep them interested even though they’re playing a fancy tech demo and not an actual game. Shockingly similar to yandere simulator.

That’s bad but also the first bit is basically saying “work 13 hour days” which is nuts.

Divinity was absolutely baller and I much much prefer its combat system to d&d’s.

Whatever is after 11 should be decent if the rule to skip every other windows holds up. I’m… Not as optimistic as I once was, but time will tell.

Let the user choose. Arbitration is great for small things, not huge damages. Court is better for that.

They brought it from 8 to 6 from what I remember, and it was a godsend in closing bug holes without an explosive support weapon. 6 isn’t great but they also upped the resupply amount which was the real downside of the grenade pistol.