I like the ones that add a second operating system cyberware. It can be seen as cheating but you can have a netrunner deck and a sandevistan at the same time (or whatever double cybwrware you want to play with).
I think it’s cyberware EX. I use the collection function of Nexus mods (ordered by rating) so I don’t have to hand manage hundreds of mods.
I know you are right. I said that number from out of my ass as I was at work.
I just checked gog and I am actually at 201h and 7 minutes. My first play through was probably around 120 to 140h but I honestly don’t remember.
Funny enough, the actual save I use is from my first playthrough, the last save right before the last mission. As if I don’t want to abandon this specific V (female badass street kid net runner with katana).
It’s a work of art, one of my favorite games (and dlc included).
I have a strong PC and play in 4k tho, with tons of mods to improve stuff or change some mechanics. Better textures and loads of clothes as well.
I finished the game several times and have probably a lot more than 100h in it. I still play regularly to simply enjoy life in Night City, and kill some dudes…
I’m in love with that game and I believe anybody should play it at least once in life.
I play it since launch and it is not laggy (if it becomes laggy just change server). It had some connection problems at first but nothing too bad, you just had to retry once or twice.
The major problems players complained were not enough helicopters spawn use to “fast travel” around the map (leading to queues of people waiting for an airlift or just walking to destination) and some AI having god sight and shooting you in bushes.
There’s been several updates and the roadmap is public.
I enjoy the game but I play very slowly, I still haven’t unlocked everything. The missions are nice, I like walking in the nature to enjoy the scenery and snipe people.
I like that it is PVE or PVPVE. Other players are usually helpful and talks on the proximity chat (at least on pve) so you can be a lone wolf and participate in a more difficult assault with randoms passing by.
I’d say look at some YouTube reviews but be aware, some of those players finished the game in 48 hours and are complaining that they have nothing left to do (duh) so they want updates (which are coming).
If I hadn’t already I would definitely buy the game, maybe not on full price.
No for watch dogs, not the third one at least but you can play the first and second they are cool.
But if you really want a story, the only answer is: A Plague Tales
You can play the second one (Requiem) without knowing the first game but you will be a little less “invested in the story”.
You can find the two Plague Tales for cheap and they will leave a mark on your soul. They are from a French studio and have that French touch. Be aware, these games will break you, you’ll cry for days and won’t be able to forget the music, characters and story for months.
Or else, Cyberpunk is awesome, specially with mods.
The Day Before is supposedly a killer zombie survival MMO made on UE5 by a dev with a shit ton of bad rep (that also brags about using volunteers aka unpaid dev to make the game).
Dave the diver is a good 2D game, with diving, sushi bar and fish. No zombies and nothing related to the day before.
So yeah I don’t get it and the website is blocked by my work firewall so I was counting on you guys to have an explanation.
Kerbal Space Program
I’m well above a thousand hours on the first game. Then all my flying sims (MSFS, Xplane, DCS, Elite Dangerous) also have a very high hour count. But for civilian airliners most of those hours are spent AFK in cruise.