It hurts to do this, because you’ve obviously thought out your comment and you obviously like the game and want to believe the devs are doing their best. But I think your entire premise is wrong
To combat Chinese gold farmers, Blizzard started selling gold in a bit of a roundabout way
Why do you think this? Why do you grant a greedy game dev the benefit of the doubt? They’re cashing in on Chinese gold farmers in all possible ways, man:
They are triple dipping, and you choose to believe they are doing it because they’re a good game dev.
A good game dev would ban accounts guilty of real money trading. A good game dev would fix the in-game economy with in-game methods. A good game dev wouldn’t have micro transactions in a subscription game. You want to believe Blizzard is doing this because of those evil Chinese farmers - I’m here to tell you they’re profiting from this and don’t have the morals to make it right.
Without Epic, World of Goo 2 would not exist.
Sure it would. “wow, this publisher sponsored their development” - that’s cool, but that’s literally their purpose and there are hundreds of other publishers though. If epic had never existed, they would simply have gotten the same service from another damn publisher.
Hey, if you’re into checking items off a list, Legacy of the Dragonborn might squeeze some more hours out of skyrim for you. It’s about creating a museum with everything in the game. You have to get pretty much everything, from a leather armor set to daedric weaponry, and store it in the museum. You can still keep the cool items by making replicas for the museum instead(and you can always take the item back from the museum also). It’s been a while since I played so maybe some things have changed in newer versions, but after finishing that mod I pretty much put down skyrim - nothing else to do at that point (other than mods with new quests, or skill/perk overhauls)
It’s worse.
Playtest results inhibit you from disclosing things because they are subject to change. They take gamers’feedback, decide if they want to act on it, and at the end of the day the finished product may look different so it makes no sense for people to loudly state “they have feature X, and they don’t have feature Y” because by release it may be the other way around.
Whereas this type of contract says “idgaf what’s bad about the game, you can only sing its praises online”.
Silence > dishonesty.
Sony has been moving exclusives to PC to essentially hook people on franchises to encourage them to buy PlayStation shit
There are ~120 million active Playstation gamers globally. Source:
“Of that amount, ¥479.3 billion ($3.2 billion) came from game and content sales. Revenue from console sales totaled ¥287.5 billion ($1.9 billion), and revenue from game services was ¥133.9 billion ($887 million).”
So - Sony makes most money selling games, not consoles. They made 2 billion from selling consoles, and 4 billion selling games. All this for 120 million players worldwide.
There are about 1.8 billion pc gamers worldwide. Literally 15 times as many as Playstation gamers. Sony is selling games on the PC to reach this market and hopefully turn that 4 billion from game sales to 40 billion from game sales. Hooking people on franchises might be an added bonus, but that’s not why they’re doing it. They’re doing it because if they manage to sell a 5 dollar game to every single pc gamer, that’s more than their entire business is worth today, consoles and franchises and everything.
What are you even talking about? I have all of those installed as well, and a few others on top. I’m incredibly wary of any of them though - I don’t know if GoG will be around in 10 years, I don’t trust epic as far as I can throw them, I don’t want to support ubisoft and EA, and Blizzard has made so many questionable choices that I’m at the point where I don’t want to support them AND I don’t believe they can make good games anymore.
It’s about trust. I trust valve to allow me access to my games more than I trust the others. Doesn’t mean I don’t have the others, where did I say that?
I just hope to christ Gabe Newell’s successor(s) are in line with his actions.
Sorry but I agree with the guy on this. It’s 2024, idgaf about valve IP anymore, they can ruin their games with microtransactions and I honestly won’t care. I use Valve like you and the rest of the world use it: buying and managing a collection of games. And right now, Steam has good practices in that regard. I can get refunds if I play a game for a couple of hours and I don’t like it. I can access any of the games I bought, they haven’t gone Sony on me and restricted my purchases. They’ve proven themselves to be good guys in this and I too fear the day GabeN is replaced by some fuck who just wants to get a quick few million, so he shits all over us and our collections of games.
I will literally play anything OTHER thank Pokemon. Nintendo is a shit company, everything I’ve read about them has painted them as incredibly litigious - and that would be almost ok, but it seems to always be at the expense of their own fans. Someone organizing a tournament for some shitty Nintendo game? They need Nintendo permission or they’re getting shutdown. Seriously? This is how you treat people who used their money to purchase your crap? Get fucked.
That being said - I’ve never gotten into the Pokemon craze. It just seemed like a dumb cartoon, boring games, money-grabbing cards etc. I remember trying Pokemon Go when it first appeared, getting hype about it for 1-2 days, then abandoning it cause there was nothing to do. Nothing interesting. Nothing fun. So imagine my fucking surprise when I found a dozen monster collector type games out there that are actually fun. I had always thought I didn’t like the genre. Turns out, I just don’t like shit games and/or the lack of nostalgia towards Pokemon prevented me from wearing rose-tinted glasses when looking at their shit-colored IP.
I hope Palworld makes it big enough to buy Nintendo and turn it into what it was born to be: a game development company focused exclusively on creating games based on the Palworld franchise. Fuck 'em.
The ‘why not’ is not from the perspective of the industry - it’s from the perspective of the customer. Can you automate several tasks by using AI during game development? Sure. Will it translate into a better price or a better experience for the end-user? Let’s see.
Let’s say you give AI the unimportant tasks. You manage to reduce a lot of waste and maybe optimize your workflows. You improve efficiency. Maybe you can make more games in a shorter time span. Will you be willing to sell the games for less than the standard $60? I find this unlikely. This impacts me as a consumer - why don’t I see a reduction in cost, if it now costs less? Why am I still paying the same price for something that your improved tools can make at a fraction of the cost? Didn’t my previous purchases already give you enough money to invest in AI? Where is my benefit?
Let’s say you give AI the big tasks - you make it write story, generate graphics or code. But AI’s current level doesn’t allow for originality, or even cohesive thought. You’ll be churning out garbage until your AI is actual intelligence. This again impacts me as a consumer - why am I sponsoring your experiments with my money? Why am I paying the same for garbage as I would for quality content? Will you share your end-game profit with me? If I buy your first games to support your endeavor, do I get the next versions for free? No. I don’t. I’m just wasting money on inferior products, and when they become superior - I will reap no benefits.
So - sure, let the companies throw themselves at this. But I’m not investing my own cash in their research.
I’d say under 20%.
I play this game duo with a friend (where, like for d&d - it’s hard to match schedules) and solo with 2 characters (and a third to follow after). I obviously like playing it with my friend, but tbh I think I like playing it solo just as much, or more. Both my solo campaigns and my duo one are pretty much in sync, but in my solo stuff I get to do what I want, with no consequences. Imagine if your d&d table is good-aligned, but after the session you get to go home and play the same session again, with your chaotic party, who doesn’t take shit from town guards or uppity priests, who intimidates instead of persuading, who loots the dead king’s body instead of saving him. So yeah, you can have both types of fun :)
I’m waiting for Baldur’s Gate 3, I’ve been saving myself from spoilers ever since early access started. I got some time off work for the launch of the full version that’s a couple of weeks from now, and plan to sink some good hours into that. Until then I’m wasting time with random games like Brotato, hades, hearthstone battlegrounds, diablo 4, civ 6 and a whole bunch of others.
lol not even 25 years in the game, what a noob