Looks cool, but I worry that they’ve got so many different enemies pulling in different directions that they won’t really get into an interesting story for any of them. The reason I loved Origins was because it really focused on the darkspawn, both in terms of the lore surrounding them, and the effect their invasion has on society. Then the DLC came out and teased that the darkspawn are more than they appear to be, setting up for future games to delve into that even more. It was great, but then the next couple of games came out and didn’t seem to have that same feeling of depth, and I lost interest. If the game is just a checklist of different things to kill, I’m not really interested in playing it.
I just want them to finish the beta 2D version of Rayman 2. I was so excited when I unlocked the demo for it at the end of Rayman 2, thinking it was a sneak preview for the next game, only be disappointed to learn it was the scrapped initial concept instead…
3D Rayman games are good, but they feel like a completely different series when compared to the bright, colorful world of Rayman 1. The newer 2D ones are closer, but still feel too different.
Makes sense. I’ve always been disappointed that instead of using better processing power to make bigger, more complex games, we used it to make the same games with more complex animations and details. I don’t want a game that only differs from its predecessors through use of graphical upgrades like individual blades of grass swaying in the wind, or the character starting to sweat in relation to their exertion; I want games with PS1-PS2 graphics and animation quality, but with complex gameplay that the consoles of that era could only dream of being able to handle.
Negative change worms it’s way in through small defeats. The first DLC’s were a small price for a lot of content, the first YouTube ads were only a single ad that was just a few seconds long, the first video game preorders came with amazing rewards, etc. When you allow for 2 seconds, then what’s 3 seconds? What’s 4, 5, 6? What’s 30 seconds? What’s 2 minutes? We’ve seen examples of this all throughout capitalism’s history; to ignore them is, well, ignorant.
I never said anything about Elon being directly responsible for this, nor did anyone else within the replies to the conspiracy theory comment that I was referring to. The fact of the matter is that conspiracy theorists touted Elon’s acquisition of Twitter as being the return of free speech, but immediately after the death of Putin’s largest opposition figure, who’s wife said that she would carry his torch, she’s removed from the platform. Whether due to Elon or anyone else, Twitter is not a platform of free speech, and that should outrage anyone, whether they Like Elon or not, and whether they agree with Navalny and his wife or not.
Conspiracy theorists are people who believe wild, baseless information, whose only sources are other people who believe wild, baseless information. My mom thinks that the US is owned by some guy in Montana because she saw a youtube video that said so. She believes that any time someone spells her name in all caps they’re literally trying to enslave her. She believes that Donald Trump is literally the second coming of Jesus Christ, and that Elon Musk is one of his new disciples because he allowed him back onto Twitter. She believes that sitting in a chair that vibrates at a specific frequency is more likely to cure her stage 4 breast cancer than an oncologist. My mom is a conspiracy theorist, and she’ll be dead soon from cancer that she found while it was still easily treatable with surgery, but decided then that oregano oil would be a more effective treatment.
3DS advertised AR from the get-go, even coming with a set of cards and built-in games to show it off. Never ended up being anything more than a neat tech demo that people forgot about almost immediately. Haven’t really seen anything to make me think people are more interested in it now, over a decade later.
Dang, I just started playing a couple weeks ago. But I guess that means I made it just in time to be one of the people who stop playing in solidarity!