Well yes, but it also, between TLoU, the new One Piece and Airbender, and now this, proves that it’s possible to take something with a good story, adapt it faithfully, and magically, against all apparent reason still end up with a good story. Mind blowing, I know. Good stories can make good stories.
I’m still in act 1.
Some things I’ve experienced:
Select an ability like dash, dash is never activated, I never use it, but resources are gone anyway, and pressing back does nothing. Turn is negated.
Sometimes ranged attacks have required movement for no apparent reason, also negating a turn.
Poison traps in Ethel’s house don’t seem to explode with fireball, but they’re deactivated anyway. The Last one, some poison never dispersed, making it impossible to pass without taking damage.
Save the dude in the burning house, and then it just goes to turn-based mode. I forget about that toggle, and we’re fucking going a few feet at a time out of a burning room. After 5 reloads and me screaming at TV, I just let him die.
Those are the big ones, but there’s been so many small things, not to mention the terrible communication when things you have deactivate your spells.
Or why sometimes bonus actions are available and sometimes not. I still have no idea.
Or why I can be up on a ledge, bad guy is facing away from me on lower ground, and somehow they still have the advantage. That one seems to be a low character level thing though.
Ok, buddy. So which interacting system makes poison traps not explode when you hit it directly with a fireball, or on occasion, when you just select dash and not even use it, it somehow immediately deactivates and then no other abilities are available, so essentially that turn is wasted? This has happened a lot. Or for some reason ranged attacks require movement for a target directly in front of you with nothing in-between, so again, wasted turn.
I’d still absolutely recommend it. It’s a fantastic game. But if I were CDPR, I’d be kinda pissed.
I’m just about to finish Act 1, amd this type of RPG isn’t my usual thing. It is a great game, with far more choices than any action RPG I’ve played, by far. But it’s also absolutely the buggiest game I’ve ever played, especially on Playstation. Seriously, there’s big and small bugs at nearly every turn. It’s unbelievable.
A console that’s also a fully functional PC you can install mods on.