I’m content with my ~120 hours played so far even if I don’t play again. But I probably will, especially with mods or future content. It doesn’t quite have the build flexibility of an elder scrolls game though. Hopefully they’ll add more variants to the bases etc. Generally happy if a game has 40 hours of gameplay and there’s easily 40 hours of content in Starfield.
The NG+ stuff is interesting but after playing it a bunch it’s both a plus and a minus, like it’s neat to have the options there, but also might’ve been better to start actual new characters.
Up to 87 hours warts and all. Have played through some great quests. Also found plenty of bugs and annoyances, but overall it’s great. The random procedural quests are a nice addition, a call back to Daggerfall. The space combat is an ok addition. Bases are the big waste of time here, but you don’t really need to do one. There are lots of nice shoutouts to your character after doing certains quests, including NG+. (Few things that don’t make sense, and they could’ve pushed it farther -
like does it makes sense to join the Crimson Fleet in the Razorleaf, better to have cut out that questline for that play thru IMO
) Overall quite satisifed and i’m enjoying it a lot. I can see getting to 100 hours easily without mods.
Yeah started finding some neat stuff as I go further out. It’s not that it’s not there, it’s just that you don’t tend to stumble upon it. Like I’ll go to a planet do a mission open up and scan and see some POI like 1200m away. Now do I really want to tedious run over empty nothingness to see if it’s like a space hut or another pirate base etc? I definitely check out nearby POI especially if they are on the way to where i need to go. (Still having fun in the game though and I guess later having options to at least poke around in new places will be fun and i’m curious if the critters are fixed or procedural, like will there be variants all over or just the same few species)
I’ve been enjoying Starfield - but the empty planets suck, especially without vehicles. The scanning thing is boring and dumb, worse than trying to get 100% on a NMS world. It’s a shame that fast travel disconnects you from the space feel of the game, but it makes the rest of the game playable. I like the game overall, but they have definitely dropped the ball on space travel. In theory it’d be cool to come across different “dungeons” etc, as in Skyrim when wandering around, but doesn’t happen in Starfield because you’re generally not going to happen upon them. It’s not interesting to drop down to random planets.
Just started playing Trepang2 and so far it’s really cool. It’s a retro game, but aiming at the early 2000’s games like FEAR instead of old raycasting games. It’s a lot of fun so far, though i’ve only finished the first “real” mission, plus a side mission. https://store.steampowered.com/app/1164940/?snr=1_5_9__205
They almost got me with preorder last night, but I was like nah I’ll just wait and see in the morning. I love how i’ve been reading for weeks that “it’s good they made fast travel hard”, like preparing us for a fast travel MTX. Or it’s the greatest character creator of all time, but to edit after you have to spend more money - the game is basically $100 canadian. Absurd.