A peace loving silly coffee-fueled humanoid carbon-based lifeform that likes #cinema #photography #linux #zxspectrum #retrogaming

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


I discovered Brutal Wolfenstein (a Doom II mod that replicates and enhances Wolfenstein 3D) so I’ve been slaughtering nazi scum for a while.

This is the way.

Thank you for the first link, kind stranger.

Looks like PatientGamers’ membership numbers will be on the rise soon.

I have over 700 games waiting on Steam, over 300 on Heroic… I’m not buying any other game until I get that backlog down.

Playing some smaller, chill games: The Unfinished Swan and Sludge Life.

Heroic launcher. This is what you need, my friend.

I focus on the playability and addictiveness of the game; you focus on the immersiveness and photo-realism of the experience.

That does not make either of us right or wrong, we’re just weighing different aspects differently.

As someone who grew up when you could physically count the bloody pixels on the screen, this whining about a miserable invisible miniscule artifact makes me palmface very hard.

Over 700 hours in Skyrim. I don’t know how that happened as it’s not my usual game type. I usually go for shooters like Half-life or Serious Sam,b or puzzles like Portal or Talos Principle.

The only game with portable nukes.

I’m really happy that I completed the games and can put them down

Good luck. I’ve played them countless times and they are installed permanently on my drive. 🙂

I prefer to buy GOG when possible, Steam second. I even have some duplicated titles across vendors.

Excellent that they don’t engage in Nintendo level community hostility and at least let people who care about old games preserve them.

Stream goes one step further and actively maintains their legacy games playable. That is commitment.

Both end songs are on my playlist, I love it when the randomize function picks them up. You could say it is a triumph.

I’m still playing this game today. Undoubtedly my favorite game.

I’ve been playing Eldritch. Friggin frustrating game. Ok, just one more go.

I have too many Half-life games and mods installed and refuse to remove them to make room for other, larger, games.

Now I will have to try the bucket%.

Some games give you a story that sticks with you and you love them for that (Half-Life, To The Moon, Bioshock Infinite). Some give you an experience that sticks with you but no story to speak of (like Doom and Doom II, which I still play).

What I dislike is having to deal with people in my games. I already do that in reality, thank you very much.

To me games are about escaping reality.

Skyrim SE, yet again. At this point it feels like a second job.

Portal / Portal 2

“Science Is Fun” is a great track, as are the end songs “Still Alive” and “I Want You Gone”.

I played it for like an hour or so, but it didn’t click either. I’ll give it another go one day, but there are just too many games in my backlog right now

You’re an inspiration to us all. Well done, sir!

I on the other hand may have crossed the threshold where I have more games than time to live. I’d better get a move on.

It’s not the cost. I’ve not pirated anything since Steam and GOG came along. It’s just that games nowadays want you to be online all the time, force you to open accounts you don’t want, try to sell you in game items (that’s a brilliant idea to get money from certain types of people, a bit like religion, do congratulations to whoever came up with that).

I want games to be single player playable, offline, start to finish. I’ll buy expansion packs if the game is worth it. It’s it too much to ask?

Some games you sometimes load just to hang around. This is one of those. Lovely game.

I’d add Valley and Sable to this group.

Still playing Skyrim. Can’t seem to put it down.

I’ve modded it a bit and started over. I’m picking up more hidden details that I missed the first time, and I’m abusing some game mechanics to be all powerful. Muhahah!

I’m on level 50-ish in Skyrim, and I either have done all the quests I could find or can’t do some quests because of some bug.

Then I can either pile mods on it to make it more interesting (and lose achievements in the process) or start again with a new character.

Either way, it’s still a nice place to burn some hours.

Same here. I have a few games from the Fallout series, but it just doesn’t click for me. I keep going back to Skyrim. It is just fun to ride around the landscape, sometimes doing nothing, with a huge ass battleaxe on my back.

Hang on, that is a single player game? I now auto-discard AAA games up front because most of them are online multiplayer affairs with fancy in-game items to purchase and silly anti-cheat gimmicks that give Linux users a hard time.

I might look into buying this one, then.

Try the Brutal Doom mod if you haven’t already for an added dose of violence and gore. Combine it with mods like Eviternity for huge new maps and enemies. Enjoy!

My first machine was a ZX Spectrum.

I love the 8 bit games I grew up with but I’m not stuck in that timeframe. I appreciate that I can still play all my old games and the new ones.

I just wish I had more time to enjoy them.

Excluding the 8 bit games, the games where I spent more time are: Doom, Half-life, Portal, Bioshock Infinite, Skyrim.

If I had to choose one, it would be Doom. Such a simple game, so much brainless fun, so many great mods.

Is it even winnable? I always get killed before clearing all the islands. Still love it, though.

You’re right, that’s probably why I love it. I’m a big fan of puzzle games (Portal, Talos Principle, Qube).

I hate strategy games but I love Into The Breach. It’s a perfectly executed game packed into a single screen.

Giveaway: Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor GOTY
Hello gentlemen. It seems I've already have this in my collection, so maybe one of you want it? JR9R0-K3B50-W98G% % = G Steam code. Comment below after you've redeemed it.