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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 17, 2023


The Heavy’s mini gun is so satisfying to use. Just pick a direction and spray.

The one thing I’ve heard is that it is highly CPU reliant, so I’m planning to upgrade my motherboard and CPU at the same time. Microcenter has some good deals right now though, and for $400 I can get a board, processor and RAM.

I’m leaning towards the new Intel b580. I’m thinking the more ram will be worth it. Not sure though.

I wish the original games were on Steam. I’d love to play them on the Steam Deck.


It’s a steam game! I used to manage a card/board game/rpg/miniatures shop, so it’s nostalgic for me, lol.


I used to have a Sega Channel as a kid. It was this big clunky cartridge with its own power supply and internet connection that downloaded Sega Genesis games. It was incredible.

I was really fortunate to have been exposed to a lot of awesome video games in my childhood. Sonic 3 and knuckles, gunstar heroes, super Mario world, low g man, x wing alliance, and the xmen and simpson arcade games all transport me in time. 🥹

It’s a couple extra hoops to jump through on the steam deck. I’m hoping it’s more than updated visuals, too.

True! And I bought them there, but I like having everything in steam. I like how easy it is to use the steam deck and I like the achievements. I’m also looking forward to (hopefully) upgraded QOL features.

Glad to see this one coming on PC! I was hoping the Lunar collection would too!

This is one of the best games I could recommend to anyone interested in game design. Perfect example of elevating simple gameplay with narrative, and it has perfect gameplay escalation.

I played it on gamepass, but I’ve been thinking of getting it on steam, especially if the money would go to the new studio.

I grabbed it so I could play it on the steam deck. There was a little slowdown during re:chain of memories, but so far so good!

This is also with the release of kingdom hearts on steam, which rocketed the game up to 3rd in sales or something like that.

Psychonauts in 2019. The fact that I can play a decade and a half year old game, and not have to rebuy it is incredible.

I’m ok with the humble tip. Got to keep the lights on. As long as I can send the majority to charity.

I just heat it up in the oven. Gets the crust a little crisper, but it does a good job.

It doesn’t quite fit, but there are a lot of boardgame phone adaptions, and they rarely have microtransactions. Cat lady, carcassonne, ghanz schoan clever, doppelt so clever, hex roller, rail road ink and roll player are some of my favorites

To be fair, I have a ton of games I completed with under 10 hours in them.

Deep Rock Galactic. I love the progression, the community and the humor.

I’d pick option 3, and go with double dragon gaiden. The beat em up genre has always been a favorite of mine, and we’re eating good recently! New tmnt, a tmnt collection, new streets of rage, and now a new double dragon!