I bought the soundtrack on bandcamp a few years ago, and it’s well worth a listen. Time to try the game!
It’s ok, rereading your comment I see what you mean more about the roleplay aspect not being there. You aren’t wrong… I’d say the roleplaying in these style of games is mostly in which characters you use the most.
“Role playing games” is a pretty broad reaching term with many aspects. Some are just lighter on the choices or character customization is all. These games are more about the story and level/skill progression.
Sea of Stars definitely fits that mold you are talking about, not a ton of roleplaying in the making choices sense. It is a great game though, I’d say it’s my favorite of the year.
This game is fun! It’s still early access, but it is worth the regular price. There’s a decent amount of courses and the driving physics are fun. If you are talking about the old Colin McCrae games this will be your jam.