So basically this is where I’ve landed on this after rooting, moding, etc. all of my electronics for the last 30 years: for devices where I want to customize everything, it’s going to be done with a Linux computer to begin with because there’s absolutely nothing standing in my way. For other things that I just need to work reliably and not become yet another chore, I buy some product. So I would buy a thermostat, but build my own NAS (with a 3D printed 7-bay case).
I’m beyond sick - as I think you might be too - of all the extra stuff I have to keep up with whenever I jailbreak/root/whatever a device just so I don’t fuck it up with some careless action or update. I just don’t have the same amount of free time and mental energy to dedicate to this stuff anymore. I wish I did though.
You can look for specific games on to get a good idea of how they run.
I don’t chase high-end PC gaming anywhere near enough to name a single game that is known for realism.
I think it’s interesting that Capcom developed that one for Nintendo. They certainly did a great job!
I like, but don’t love, Link’s Awakening. I get that they had the limitations of the Game Boy to work around, so the idea that the map is confounding to navigate - just like a dream can be - was a creative choice that fit well. It just doesn’t resonate with me.
The GBA was definitely a better platform for a Zelda game than the OG Game Boy.
It’s worth discussing at least. I used to be a big fan of flashing custom software, kernels, recoveries, etc.
At some point though, it started becoming more and more of a hassle to get a phone with an unlockable bootloader to work with my mobile network operator. Limited choices of I even had one.
Then all the banking and p2p apps stopped being easy to use while rooted, so we had to hide root from those apps. Then that got harder and harder.
Meanwhile the custom features that I used to want became mostly standard within Android.
At this point, I don’t really bother with rooting anymore because there’s little that I need it for but lots of hassle involved in having it. Now Google is blocking RCS messages from being delivered to rooted phones.
So if Android is now basically iOS with how much it’s locked down from modification, why not just get an iPhone with better features I care about (their cameras and photo software) and better long-term updates? What is it that Google is even aiming for with Android now? If they’re going to be hostile to users owning their own hardware, then maybe the OS should see more than a single line item change for a major version (android 14). I don’t feel like Google has made any meaningful additions to the OS in a decade+ now.
I feel the same way, but part of that might be because back when we started gaming (that’s 35+ years ago for me), “achievements” meant finishing a game or getting a high score. Sure there were sometimes games with multiple endings or extra secrets to discover, but there was no laundry list of accomplishments for any game like there are now with achievements.
To me, trying to get achievements feels like homework, and my brothers and sisters, I played video games to avoid homework not do more of it!
BUT, as I’ve grown older I’ve realized that the human experience means that there is no lack of preferences out there that will be foreign to my own. People should just play how they want so they’re having fun. I don’t have to understand why getting 100% of the available achievements is fun to some, just that it is. I won’t be doing it, but the option being there doesn’t take away from anything for me. I don’t feel anxious about ignoring them.
My OnePlus 8T has been modified for tweaks not available in the stock software, but doing so makes banking apps not work a good portion of the time thanks to the modified bootloader. Some outright refuse to let me use them.
I’ve owned multiple Pine phones, but they’re just not there yet. iOS is going to be my temporary stop while Linux phones mature further. Mobile websites are not a great replacement for native apps.
In the meantime, I will be divesting myself from Google’s services. It’s not a perfect solution, but nothing ever is.
I’m thoroughly unhappy with Android and Google in general. I’ve been an Android user since v1.5 on the Motorola Droid.
I know it’s a big jump and that Apple is far from perfect, however since the security on iphones is often better than Android phones, the updates are far more regular, and the general experience is superior, I’ll be switching once my OnePlus 8T dies. My wife has always had an iphone since I’ve known her, and I’m often envious of the cool and free things her phone can do. Apple also isn’t an advertisement company with interests that conflict with your privacy.
I’m a longtime Linux user, but Android is NOT what I wanted from a phone running on the Linux kernel and hasn’t been for years.
I just want OutRun 3