I’m down for better graphics and 4 player coop, if it’s done well. I don’t want single player to be impossible because it needs coop, and I don’t want coop to be simple because it’s designed for single player. Needs to scale well.
Too bad the trailer is all cgi and not gameplay. Can’t wait otherwise. Is this xbox exclusive?
What’s wrong with you? Are you unable to read my comment, or is it comprehension problems?
I’m saying if I switch to Firefox, I have to switch it on both PC and mobile, but I hate the UI on mobile. I can’t leave one as Chrome (mobile) and the other as Firefox (PC) and expect them to work together (sync). Thus, I’d rather stock to Chrome because the ui is better.
Yea I feel the lag of PS4 has definetly dragged on way too long. They say devs make more money when theybsell on the larger install base but they also prevent the install base of ps5 from growing by selling to the ps4 base as well. You want the new game woth all the new graphics? Get the new console.
Instead game features must cater to the lowest hardware denominator.
It’s the cross gen fade. So, ps5 had lots of great games, but half or more also came out on the ps4 as it dragged out past its expiry, and this was intentional because ps4 has a much larger install base than ps5 had for the forst 2-3 years, so it made sense to do that. The second half of the ps5’s life should yield better looking games that won’t be ported to ps4, and eventually games that will land also on ps6 in a few years. The lines between generations are blurry now.
House flipper
On gamepass, and tha fully on gamepass because od never spend actual money on that game.