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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 30, 2023


Gears 5 is still a tour de force of how to do a modern game. It’s got cosmetics, customization, an acceptable (but not great) story, decent PvP, and imo the absolute best PvE. Nothing has managed to dethrone horde in 5+ years

I’d still say the Gears franchise owns the shooter coop throne. Every game in the series supports at least 2 player, with 3 & judgement being 4 player, and 5 being 3 player. And they go out of their way to make coop different than regular campaigns too; there are several points, usually one in each level, where you have to split up

I’d barely say they died. Doom Eternal is full of platforming, something a lot of reviewers winged about, and there are big undies like little kitty big city that fit the bill nicely, as well as the remake of SpongeBob Battle for bikini bottom

It’s honestly the best of both worlds. A well built and tested hardware platform with well known specs and manufacturer support, that’s capable of running any third party software at the drop of a hat

For me the problem with AW, more than the boring gameplay loop, is the weird episodic format they shoehorned into it. You’d just be getting into the groove of the game, used to the annoying combat and stealth and such, and then it yanks you out of it and you have to watch an end of episode cutscene, and then a new episode cutscene, just to continue on

Control is awesome. I was hoping AW2 would be more like control, but from what we’ve seen in the media that doesn’t seem to be the case. Still holding out hope

Considering skylines is basically the only surviving city sim franchise, not much. But city sims have always had difficulty with performance. Sim city 4 was notorious for how badly it performed in hardware, even to this day

All the people I’ve seen playing it don’t seem to show any specific way to do mixed use, so if it does exist it’s probably just a thing that happens automatically on high density housing units

I can guarantee you that if SA were released today it would be riddled with micro transactions and covered in dlc

Sandbox mode basically wouldn’t exist

From what I’ve seen the road building is far better and basically incorporates all the “retired” mods

I’m sad that zoning is still essentially the same as how SimCity did it in 1989, as I really want mixed use, but that’s a minor quibble

I really hope its good. From the YT videos I’ve seen of people who got it early, it looks great.

But I still have a little bit of hesitation about how the roads continue to work. They’re still mostly “plop a road of X type”, and upgrades you just either connect in, or plop on top of an existing road. Finessing lane changes, i.e. merges or adding a new lane, still looks to be mostly an issue of getting the game to do what you want. If you sat me down and asked me to do a fun game based way of drawing road and other networks, I’d probably go with something loosely similar to how OpenStreetMap represents roads, but with more graphical flair. Roads are just collections of points, in whats called a “way.” You can set attributes on a way, which are things such as lanes, speed, lighting, material, etc. For a game, you could basically draw a line of where you want the road, and then set how many lanes it is, and see that footprint, before you apply it. Also lets you do things like take a 5 lane road and split it up into a big mess, so you can make abominations like the hi-5 in Texas, or even things as simple as diverging diamond or SPUI. Not sure if thats possible in CS2, I haven’t seen any youtubers do it. Getting them working in CS1 was possible, but required a ton of mods.

Maybe I’m overthinking it, and maybe the CS2 approach is better. I’ll have to get my hands on it to try it.

As for zoning, its okay, but I wish we’d really start to see some divorce from what SimCity invented back in 1989, and allow for more granular mixed-use zoning. I want apartment buildings that have light commercial at the ground floor, like you see in basically every major city

Also really hoping that it has proper M+KB on xbox. Starfield doesn’t, and it leaves whole sections of the game essentially broking (i.e. crafting 99 items requires you to press RB a shitload)

Temper your expectations. It’s better than it was at launch, but it’s still fundamentally infinite.

I find it good for a few games, but any more than an hour of play and I just don’t want to play anymore. I’ll switch over to 5 or another game.

I wasn’t singularity to get rebooted and finished

So you got thirty hours of entertainment out of it. That’s way more than a movie gets you

Bruce Lee was in Bruce Lee in 1984, if you really want to get down to it. And he wasn’t even the first.

sign of the times

We’ve had actors in videogames for as long as there’s been the ability to play samples at a high enough quality. Hell, the 90s FMJ era was full of them. Some good, some not so good.

Given the Dreamcast and Xbox are practically cousins, I’ve always been surprised they didn’t buy em earlier

This is particularly painful with starfield. I know the game just came out, but the Fandom wiki is atrocious, and I haven’t been able to find any others.

Yup. If they’d just made the bowl out of something OTHER than ABS, they would have been good. Delrin, PTFE, even a thin layer of brass or broze, and those controllers wouldn’t have had anywhere near the amount of issues they’re known for having.

There are third-party manufacturers who sell replacement bowls and sticks, made from everything from POM to steel.

They don’t get sensor drift, but if the mechanical centering of the stick is sub par, you can get mechanical drift. The N64 is a good example. Flawless sensors, shitty mechanical construction

N64’s issues came from the bushings wearing out, the sensors were still very good

Joycon drift, and all other thumbstick drift, is already a solved problem.

  1. Use bushings that actually have some abrasive resistance and aren’t softer than a fingernail.
  2. Use a non-contact based sensor to determine the XY position of the stick. Hall effect, optical, strain gauge, whatever, we’ve had the tech for 50 years.

The reason why they haven’t done this is one very simple reason: $$$

I used to leave them off till my cities got too successful, and the game got boring. Then I’d pull out the meteor tool and drop a half dozen. Rebuilding after was always fun. This was in Sim City 4

Its an absolutely amazing system. Doesn’t just emulate retro consoles either, but can do old computers, like Apple II and the Commodore. Since, to the software running on it, it’s “real” hardware, games work as they did originally, for better or worse. I’ve been able to play old games I wrote as a child on a TRS-80 on the MiSTer, without modifying the BASIC at all

Some of the “cores” (configurations that mimic hardware) have the ability to apply different patches, as well as “hibernate” state, so you can get quick-resume like functionality (no need to beat all of Super Mario Bros or Metal Slug in one sitting)

I bought and built a MiSTer and have to say its the best retro gaming experience I’ve ever had. It’s not an emulator, as it’s actually cloning the hardware using a FGPA. It just works flawlessly, and is probably one of my favorite little devices.

Check out LGR raving about the MiSTer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qx45r-BRHxY

Why does the logo look like plants vs zombies

On my Xbox, I’ve been running the Xbox Accessible controller for a few years now, as an addition to my regular controller. Pretty nice to have a few pedals available for certain games.

Its really buggy. I was trying to port some old Quake maps, and on the 3rd or 4th time a bug wiped an hour of progress out, I just said “eh fuck it”

Those people that yelled at mods for protesting and generally don’t give a shit how awful spez is and how toxic reddit has become, don’t give a shit about the api changes so they will stay on reddit!

They honestly deserve each other

It wasn’t great, but it did do somethings right, that Infinite doesn’t. Everything in Halo 5 could be earned in-game, without spending real money (barring a few announcer voices). There was even a bit of logic and a game to it; you worked through bronze, then silver, then gold. I didn’t spend a cent past the original purchase price, and after a year I had every unlock.

Infinite? Want that nice piece of armor? Cough up $20. Missed it? Better hope it comes back sometime, otherwise you’re SoL

Halo 5 did so much right later in it’s life. Over 220 weapons made games like fiesta absolutely amazing to play, and the PvE (warzone, warzone firefight) experience gave those of us who don’t want to sweat a fun place to play

Then they threw it all away for infinite. And when they were called out on their crap, instead of fixing it, they added some crap to a side room at their convention and said “everyone is welcome at halofest.” Note that none of the crap they added to said convention had any impact on the game, it was things like a cosplay contest or a Q&A session that suspiciously didn’t ask any hard questions.

Here’s your options

  • dashchan
  • overchan
  • clover
  • kuroba
  • kurobaex
  • chance

A lot of people like chance, but I’ve found it to be weird

Also kurobaex has a captcha solver plugin which makes posting far more convenient

Nearly two years after I first played it (was in the beta) and it doesn’t feel improved in meaningful ways

We finally have some of the game types we used to have in every other game, and the new forge is very impressive, but the guns and movement still feels shitty, and the hyperfocus on what a dozen or so competitive players want, at the expense of the rest of the playerbase still feels incredibly tone deaf

I play it when I’m waiting for my friends to get online to play something else

It’s not hard to dedupe content. My RSS client has a feature that can hide duplicate articles based on a few different parameters. It’s not impossible to add something to Lemmy that does the same

Also, back in reddit ancient history, there used to be a feature called “other discussions” which let you see the same link’s comments on other subreddits