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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 26, 2023


That’s a pretty high caliber shot to miss the point with

Can we meaningfully say that performance has improved over time when games are getting more graphically intensive and wasting all that potential? I would say a Nintendo DS running Tetris has more performance than a PS5 running that new Bethesda game

So your complaint with the PC’s affordability is that it’s expensive to produce ultra high end graphics?

Yeah, people who have to care about money don’t care about 4k.

Yeah precisely. I bought a PS4 to play Spiderman. Then they asked me to buy a PS5 to play Spiderman 2. Fuck. That. My PC is older than my PS4, and I’ll be playing Spiderman 2 on the PC when it gets ported. This is what made me mostly give up on consoles after Halo 5, and Spiderman has convinced me to abandon them entirely. Except for my Switch, which is still going strong and playing new releases after 6 years. Nintendo knows what’s up. Sony and Microsoft don’t.

You can’t do the math on the price per performance of a PC at one point in time. You have to do the long term math.