[BIO UNDER CONSTRUCTION] Teenager male, not english native.
Nota: qualquer semelhança com figuras ou eventos reais é mera coincidência.
Nah. There are few games on F-Droid, and most of them haven’t been updated in years. But could you please list some of them?
That is not an Android feature…
What is a Mastadon?
I was actually referring about how obvious the title of the articles is
The sky is blue.
Budget? (laughing)
Being genuine though, I’m unable to work, and my family has some other priorities. Maybe next year or when I’m able to invest.
Man, I wish I had a computer to play Guilty Gear…
I hope you’re okay
``>sees title
paniks opens up comments kalm but upset``
Unrelated but what is the aesthetic of the thumbnail’s image?
I’m missing everuthing
Nah. There are few games on F-Droid, and most of them haven’t been updated in years. But could you please list some of them?