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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Aug 29, 2023


idk I’d be perfectly fine with having a bulkier phone in exchange for a keyboard.

Maybe someone could make a kickstarter

Iirc strictly speaking you don’t need an account to use it, but most servers disable that option for anti spam reasons. But if you’re setting up a server for friends they can chat from a browser without having to sign up first

Three of my favorite roguelikes are cataclysm dda, caves of qud and cogmind, recommend them to everyone

huh, I would not have expected them to patch android directly like that. Their other add-ons are always really clunky separate apps with Moto branding

I have base android (Moto g(30)) and it has app specific volume controls right there in sound settings

Because he doesn’t call out their traditional centralized ownership structure, which is more important and will always “win” when it conflicts with the anarchist parts. The owners still have final say over the workers.

Afaik he still praises their anarchist corporate management structure. Haven’t really looked into it, but if true kind of an L from a guy i really like otherwise

Yanis goes a bit overboard with stating that capitalism kinda no longer exists, since it really is about a new group of rich people simply inserting their companies as evil middlemen who leach money off the whole system.

The difference between rents and profits in economics is crucially important tho, and so many people in these threads seem not to get it. one is progressive and at least in theory moves us closer to post scarcity. and the other does the complete opposite. Yanis is right to emphasize that difference. And his proposals are perfectly market based- he wants to use the government to create competition for the current digital rentiers. if you force them to compete again so they might get back to providing added value instead of just being leeches.

People love to harp about Radical Marxist Muslim Obama but he was onto the same thing with his “public option”. Just like it is now hard to live without interacting with big tech, it’s hard to live without interacting with private health insurance. And in the same way, health insurance can never be a truly free market because the opportunity cost of not buying insurance is well, you know…

Can you give some links/references? Haven’t heard of this before