
Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.

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  • 7 Posts
Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 16, 2023


Yes that’s true! I find that games like that have their own sort of niche, in which players usually know quite a lot about the game (from watching others play it online) before jumping in. And there’s an expectation that they’ll refer to the wiki regularly. These kind of games can’t have a tutorial that covers everything, because there’s way too much to cover.

This is a weird one for me because it often depends on whether I paid for the game. I got the first Fallout game for free (from GOG or something), and when I inevitably became confused by the UI and objective I ended up giving up on it. If I’d bought the game (either today or back when it came out) I definitely would have invested a lot more time into it, and got past that initial hump. Back when PC games came on disc with an instruction guide, reading that was part of the experience. There’s definitely a awkward period around the early 2000s when games were becoming way more complex, but before in-game tutorials were regularly a thing. I find it hard to go back to a lot of those games.

Likewise I played the first hour of Resident Evil HD on my PS4 (free with PS+) and never had the motivation to get into it. After paying for it in a Humble Bundle, I played through the whole thing on Steam and loved it! The fact that I’d paid for it was able to outweigh the fact that the game was quite outdated. I guess I felt like I wanted to get my money’s worth.

Any game from 2005-ish onwards feels ‘modern’ enough that I don’t usually have this problem.

Yeah I agree with all that! Definitely a bit too much school life stuff near the start. The story starts to get properly interesting around the halfway mark, but also branches out so much that it’s hard to follow. I’d love to see a similar game in this setting, with an equal complex story but told in a more standard way.

Also yeah Megumi’s part kinda sucked. Didn’t ever get interesting.

Thanks for the clarification on those bits!

13 Sentinels - some thoughts (spoilers)
After several months I've eventually finished this game. I've played other 'mixed-genre' visual novels before (Danganronpa, Persona and Ace Attorney for example) and generally enjoyed them. And yes, I did find 13 Sentinels interesting and fun to play for the most part. I'd definitely recommend trying it. However I think the way the story was presented made an already complex story unnecessarily confusing at points. For context, the story is told from the perspectives of 13 separate protagonists, in short chunks. Because of the way you unlock different sections of the story (either by getting to a certain part with one character, or making progress in the battle mode), you'll be shifting through each of the individual stories constantly. In some ways this is a neat way to tell the story and keep things mysterious, but when there are so many characters with branching storylines it becomes a lot! Granted, it probably didn't help that it took me several months to get through it - that was mainly the result of the battle mode feeling like a chore to play at points. Despite all this I did really like where the story went, and it _mostly_ makes sense after one playthrough. Some aspects of the story that I'm still unclear on: ::: spoiler spoiler The whole deal with the multiple versions of Morimura/Iora/Chihiro. Morimura was a previous version of Iora from a previous loop? And she wanted to implant her memories onto Iota? ::: ::: spoiler spoiler Similarly, Ida's story. Amiguchi is another version of him? ::: ::: spoiler spoiler Why was Chihiro trying to force another loop? She wanted to be the one in control somehow? And similarly, why was this the final possible loop? ::: If you like visual novels, confusing anime storylines and science fiction you'll probably enjoy this game. Visually it's very impressive with some beautiful animation on the characters and painterly backgrounds. The voice acting and music is excellent, perfecting fitting with the tone of the game. It's likely not for everyone, but if you're willing to accept its shortcomings it is worth playing for the fascinating story alone.

Wait I’m confused… You’re asking for a fan-made mod to be added to the Switch version of Stardew? 🤔

I started playing it years ago but quit after reaching the Strip - this time I will make sure to actually finish it! The writing is great and the quests are really memorable.

Have you played any of the series before? MGS2 and 3 are some of the best games ever made, IMO :) Twin Snakes is ok, but I much prefer the original.

Playing through:

  • New Vegas
  • 13 Sentinels
  • Might start on Skyward Sword on Switch, now that I’ve finished TOTK

Oh I completely misread your earlier comment lol. They sound good though! I’ve heard great things about ULTRAKILL too

Not heard of that one! I can’t seem to find it online - unless is the game called Virtuaverse and Master Boot Record did the music?

This is a difficult one to answer as most RPGs I can think of have some combination of the stuff that puts you off. Have you tried the Witcher 3 (great story, and the RPG elements are fairly simplified) or Deus Ex: Human Revolution? And if you’ve played Nier Replicant and enjoyed it, I think you’d love Nier Automata.

Yeah I guess that’s my take on ‘gamifying things’, but there’s probably a few different ways to do it. I’ve heard that in psychology, rewards are a lot more effective than punishments - so maybe frame it slightly differently. Personally I wouldn’t base things on how well you do in the game, because that could get frustrating - in the worst scenario you’ll already be annoyed at doing poorly in the game, and that’s followed by having to do more work. Instead I’d spin it, so if you do all the tidying reward yourself with an hour of gaming. If you get all your chores done, you get 2 hours of gaming etc.

I agree with what others have said about gamifying life. For example, ‘oh it’s 5pm, I need to spend 30 minutes doing some tidying before I can play a game again’. And for games with no clear end point, set yourself goals so you know when to take a break. ‘Once I’ve built this factory, I need to take an hour’s break before I can play again’.

This is probably an irrational annoyance, but I don’t like how finding the inverted castle is near impossible without a guide. I like logical puzzles! So that put me off slightly. I will go back and play through it eventually though.

I ‘finished’ Symphony of the Night the other day. By which I mean I got the bad ending, rather than doing some extra stuff to unlock the inverted castle. Should I go back and do that? Maybe at some point.

I’m very close to finishing Tears of the Kingdom, and I’ve also started a new playthough of New Vegas on my Steam Deck. Plenty to keep me busy!

Weirdly enough, I’ve heard the opposite - that the first game is way better than the second 🤔

Yes I loved that one! Played it not too long ago. They did an excellent job remaking that whilst keeping the feel of the original games.

Spooky games part 3: Resident Evil
A few years back I tried to play this on PS4 (it was a free PS+ game at one point). I didn't give it much of a chance, and my subscription ended before I got round to finishing it. But boy am I glad I gave it another go! What a great game. To be clear, I played the HD version on Steam, which is a glammed up port of the 2002 Gamecube remaster. The pre-rendered backgrounds look great, with some nice reflections and lighting effects on top. Having fixed camera angles did take some getting used to, but actually added some additional tension because you didn't always know what would be coming up around the corner. I've previously played RE2 Remake and RE4 (original), and I reckon RE1 is the spookiest of these. The macabre notes you find, the eerily quiet mansion, and the constant fear of death when you have limited saves all contribute to an underlying dread. By the end of the game I knew the mansion layout pretty well (there was a LOT of backtracking required. Especially as I was playing as Chris, who only has 6 inventory slots). Mercifully the HD version has a new control scheme so I didn't have to worry about tank controls. The gun aiming controls were fine, although I'm not sure how headshots work. I think if you aim upwards at the last minute, you have a % chance to get a critical hit. One thing I'd recommend to new players - if you don't decapitate a regular zombie, make sure you *burn the body*. Otherwise they'll come back as stronger, faster ones later on which can be very dangerous. Throughout my playthrough I felt like I was playing an escape room (or, escape house) more than a third person shooter. The zombies are there to build the tension, but the puzzle of the mansion is the actual gameplay for the most part. Most of the puzzles were pretty standard fare, but a few stuck out in my mind: ::: spoiler spoiler -Using the fireplace to get the 2F map -Unlocking the chemist's room using the eye symbols from the lounge area. The colours related to the pool balls, which give you the required numbers. -The second password in the lab involving x-ray images and the afflicted body parts ::: \ Surprisingly I felt like this was a good fit for the Steam Deck. Playing it handheld in short bursts was perfect, and it also runs smoothly at 1080p when docked. If you haven't played this one before it's well worth it! Quite a different experience from the later RE games but you can clearly see how this one set the seed for the rest of the series. Despite my initial aversion to the camera angles and controls, once it clicked I couldn't stop playing. It goes on sale really cheap on Steam so definitely give it a go :)

Opus Magnum is really great if you haven’t played it before :)

Spooky games part 2: Dead Space 2
The other week I played through the original Dead Space, and I've now followed that up with the well-regarded sequel. Wow - this game really improves on all aspects of the original! Graphically it's a huge step up, with some incredible lighting effects and texture detail. It honestly still looks amazing to this day. The guns feel a lot tighter to use, and that's coupled with some nice new animations (seeing the used ammo vent on the plasma cutter when you reload is always satisfying) and punchy sound effects. Little things like the ability to reload without having to aim down sight make the game a lot less frustrating than the original. I also found myself using the stasis ability in every fight (unlike the first game); it's now an AOE which is super handy when you don't have much time to react (in particular the enemies that hide behind cover and then rush you when you least expect it). One neat new feature is the ability to rip off enemy arms and use them to skewer others. Extremely satisfying! I actually found DS2 to be a lot scarier than the original. There were a few jump scare moments, really creepy hallucinations appearing on screens and just some great environmental spookiness. If anyone ever played PT, that's the sort of vibe I felt - picture an old radio playing a recording, windows rattling in the wind and something creaking down the hallway... You're on edge and then an enemy drops down from the ceiling! The fact that the game is so visually dark really added to this effect - it was sometimes hard to see without your flashlight. The setting was much more varied - shopping centres, apartments, churches and maintenance areas. I didn't find myself getting lost as much as I did in the first game. The zero gravity sections were easier to navigate too as the aerial movement system had been reworked. Somewhat annoyingly, the PC version is loaded with all the DLC so the shop is flooded with free weapons and armour. These DLC items have icons next to them so they're easy enough to ignore, though I wish you could turn them off. I also found the armour unlocks a bit weird - it seems like most of them were locked behind the doors that required a power node? Bit of an odd design choice. Overall though I really enjoyed Dead Space 2. It holds up extremely well for a game from 13 years ago, so I'd recommend you give it a go if you haven't already. Playing the original first was well worth it for some of the story points of the second. Keeping with the spooky theme I've just started playing through the HD version of Resident Evil. Let me know if you'd like a write up once I've finished that :)

Thanks, I’ll give X a try first and then move onto the others if I enjoy it :)

I have heard really good things about that game! I think you’re right.

Whoa, that looks a lot like the Metal Gear Acid games, which I loved! Glad to have found out about this.

Ohh yes I do have this on Steam! I think I played a few hours, can’t remember if I ever finished it. Either way I should totally go back and play it.

LOVE seems nice! Very low fi soundtrack.

I hadn’t considered SMW mods - thanks, I’ll look into that

Thanks! I like the sound of the Legacy collection - I’ll take a look :)

I’ve actually never got into the Megaman games. I’ve always found them unfairly difficult… but maybe I haven’t given them enough of a chance. Is there any particular one you’d recommend to start with?

Hah, all excellent points. I think I may need to play SOTN and the original Resident Evil this month for the spookiness.

Oh damn I actually played this on X360! It was excellent. I’m tempted to get it again on Steam now that you mention it.

I’ve heard of that series but never tried it. Actually the trailer reminded me a bit of Castlevania SOTN - which is another one I really should play!

The fact that this fits on a NES cart is really neat! Thanks for the suggestion - I hadn’t heard of this one before

Thanks, those look fun! Doesn’t seem like chiptune music is the only thing

Hard platformers with banging chiptune soundtracks?
I'm really in the mood for a game like Shovel Knight after listening to some chiptune tracks the other day. Something fair, but challenging would be ideal. Must have a good soundtrack! Along these lines I've already played: - Shovel Knight - Celeste - The Messenger - Hollow Knight (well, in terms of the difficulty not the music) Does anyone know of any I've missed? They don't necessarily have to be modern indie games - old NES/SNES games for example. SMB3 and SMW are classics.

I actually had no idea Prey (2017) was a loose sequel to an earlier game. It looks like the 2006 game is quite hard to obtain nowadays… Maybe one to pirate at some point.

What do you think of the 2017 game? I’ve also heard good things about that.

Ah that’s cool! But then again, the game is designed to be quite linear (there were a couple areas that required backtracking) so I wonder how much of a difference it really makes.

I’ll have to give the remake a go at some point in the future.

Dead Space 1 (original)
I eventually got round to playing this! I had the 2008 version on Steam, so I thought I'd give it a go instead of the recent remake. *Note: if you're playing on Steam Deck, I'd recommend messing with the joystick deadzones for a smoother experience.* Despite being released 15 years ago, the graphics still look decent! Having no HUD elements is really neat. The gameplay was initially quite stiff and clunky feeling, but it's something you get used to. You may be aware that a unique mechanic for this game is the ability (and requirement) to cut off enemy limbs. I found this to be a very refreshing take on the standard shooter rule of going for the head. As you progress, you'll come across certain enemies that swing their limbs about wildly and this is where the 'stasis' power comes in very handy. Though more often than not I found myself unloading several bullets in panic, before remembering that stasis is a thing. Ammo is very limited so you have to be conservative with it. In this respect (and perhaps in the claustrophobic nature of the game in general), I felt that there were a lot of similarities to the Resident Evil games. I was constantly running out of ammo for the plasma cutter (ol' reliable) which encouraged me to use the other weapons on offer, all of which were unique and fun. I did feel like navigation of the ship was flawed. The layout was extremely confusing and same-y, so I usually depended on the guidance system to show me which way to go. If the game was designed from the ground up, I'd love to see a more open map approach with recognisable landmarks (akin to a Metroid Prime map). The story is told in a similar manner to the first Bioshock game, with the lore explained through video/audio/text logs, and through the occasional NPC interaction from a distance. It was a straightforward story but it took interesting turns that I wasn't expecting. I think Dead Space (2008) holds up really well, and is definitely worth playing in 2023. I don't know much about the remake, but assuming it improves the graphics and controls I'm guessing it would be the best option. On to Dead Space 2!

Ah I meant I’ve never played P3 (any version). So they’ve completely remade it from the ground up?

I’ve never played this one. How does it differ from the original? New graphics?

I don’t get how this lets you play a game the way you want? It takes out an option in a drop down that you wouldn’t use in the first place? It’s like me removing the colour blind option in a game, when I’m not colour blind. Just don’t use it if you don’t need it.

I’d love a new open world Red Faction game. Guerilla was so fun!

I played TP not that long ago (I had it on Wii, but this was my first time actually finishing it). I agree that it’s quite an easy game, but it was enjoyable throughout. The items were nicely varied and most of the dungeon puzzles were clever. The weirdness of the world reminded me a lot of Ocarina of Time. I’ve actually never played Majora’s Mask so I should give that a go sometime! If you’re on Steam Deck, I’ve heard a good option is patching the N64 version with HD textures (which may require a Windows system initially).

Interesting! There isn’t much of a story to Slime Rancher, so I could see a standalone film, free to do its own thing and set it that universe being fun.

Shadow of the Colossus - has it aged poorly? [spoilers]
So I'd heard lots of good things about this game and decided to finally give it a go. I picked up the PS3 HD collection, which includes Ico and SOTC. From the get go, it felt like a frustrating experience. Very little is explained to you about how the mechanics of the game work. I found myself trying to grab ledges on the colossi that weren't intended. The game clearly wants you to experiment to find out the different ways in which the colussi will react, but it's often such a slow process that it starts to feel like a chore for half of the battles. And often I was so close to a solution but some small thing would be off, so I'd try something else instead. Then it would turn out that I had it right the first time, I just needed to be standing a metre to the right. So many times the solution felt illogical. And whilst holding on to the head of a colossus and getting that final hit in is extremely satisfying, on some occasions the window would be so small that I'd get shaken off and have to repeat the whole process to slowly chip away at its health. Knowing exactly what I needed to do, but having to do it multiple times soon became quite dull. About half of the colossi were genuinely fun to fight. The bird one in particular stands out - soaring through the air as you climb along his wings was incredible. I will say that the atmosphere, music and story were beautiful. It's a great piece of art. But a lot of people claim that this is one of the greatest games ever made, and I feel like the 'game' part is lacking quite a lot. Is there something I'm missing? I actually enjoyed Ico a lot more.

F-Zero GX - what an experience
Wow, I've just given this game a go for the first time after hearing about it for years. It's quite possibly the intense high speed racer I've ever played. The game is absolutely brutal compared to something like Mario Kart - you whack into the side of the stage at high speed and you've dropped from 3rd place to 25th. I love how the boost drains your health! All that coupled with the high BPM techno/rock soundtrack as you desperately try to stay in first place on the final lap, draining all of your health to boost to the finish line and praying you don't get wiped out. It feels like there's so much to learn in this game - tons of customisable vehicles, deciding how to balance speed vs acceleration for each track, and remembering where the most brutal corners and jumps are. The presentation of the game just oozes with that early 2000s colourful futurism style. I'd be interested to hear what others think of this one. Did you try it when it came out, or more recently?