Just a little guy interested in videogames, reading, technology and the environment.
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This is a weird one for me because it often depends on whether I paid for the game. I got the first Fallout game for free (from GOG or something), and when I inevitably became confused by the UI and objective I ended up giving up on it. If I’d bought the game (either today or back when it came out) I definitely would have invested a lot more time into it, and got past that initial hump. Back when PC games came on disc with an instruction guide, reading that was part of the experience. There’s definitely a awkward period around the early 2000s when games were becoming way more complex, but before in-game tutorials were regularly a thing. I find it hard to go back to a lot of those games.
Likewise I played the first hour of Resident Evil HD on my PS4 (free with PS+) and never had the motivation to get into it. After paying for it in a Humble Bundle, I played through the whole thing on Steam and loved it! The fact that I’d paid for it was able to outweigh the fact that the game was quite outdated. I guess I felt like I wanted to get my money’s worth.
Any game from 2005-ish onwards feels ‘modern’ enough that I don’t usually have this problem.
Yeah I agree with all that! Definitely a bit too much school life stuff near the start. The story starts to get properly interesting around the halfway mark, but also branches out so much that it’s hard to follow. I’d love to see a similar game in this setting, with an equal complex story but told in a more standard way.
Also yeah Megumi’s part kinda sucked. Didn’t ever get interesting.
Thanks for the clarification on those bits!
This is a difficult one to answer as most RPGs I can think of have some combination of the stuff that puts you off. Have you tried the Witcher 3 (great story, and the RPG elements are fairly simplified) or Deus Ex: Human Revolution? And if you’ve played Nier Replicant and enjoyed it, I think you’d love Nier Automata.
Yeah I guess that’s my take on ‘gamifying things’, but there’s probably a few different ways to do it. I’ve heard that in psychology, rewards are a lot more effective than punishments - so maybe frame it slightly differently. Personally I wouldn’t base things on how well you do in the game, because that could get frustrating - in the worst scenario you’ll already be annoyed at doing poorly in the game, and that’s followed by having to do more work. Instead I’d spin it, so if you do all the tidying reward yourself with an hour of gaming. If you get all your chores done, you get 2 hours of gaming etc.
I agree with what others have said about gamifying life. For example, ‘oh it’s 5pm, I need to spend 30 minutes doing some tidying before I can play a game again’. And for games with no clear end point, set yourself goals so you know when to take a break. ‘Once I’ve built this factory, I need to take an hour’s break before I can play again’.
I ‘finished’ Symphony of the Night the other day. By which I mean I got the bad ending, rather than doing some extra stuff to unlock the inverted castle. Should I go back and do that? Maybe at some point.
I’m very close to finishing Tears of the Kingdom, and I’ve also started a new playthough of New Vegas on my Steam Deck. Plenty to keep me busy!
I played TP not that long ago (I had it on Wii, but this was my first time actually finishing it). I agree that it’s quite an easy game, but it was enjoyable throughout. The items were nicely varied and most of the dungeon puzzles were clever. The weirdness of the world reminded me a lot of Ocarina of Time. I’ve actually never played Majora’s Mask so I should give that a go sometime! If you’re on Steam Deck, I’ve heard a good option is patching the N64 version with HD textures (which may require a Windows system initially).
Yes that’s true! I find that games like that have their own sort of niche, in which players usually know quite a lot about the game (from watching others play it online) before jumping in. And there’s an expectation that they’ll refer to the wiki regularly. These kind of games can’t have a tutorial that covers everything, because there’s way too much to cover.