Mr. Tom Has Stanley,
Foreign Delivery Man of God.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 23, 2023


I think firefox has a setting somewhere for making it ask every time it tries to open an app. Pressing cancel should load the page instead. Don’t know what the setting is called though, or where it is.

Hey the game wasn’t bad. It just wasn’t too good either. Hope their next iteration does better.

I gave up on it when they stated their performance goal as “30 fps at 1080p”.

I’ve been using Firefox for a long while now. It’s great these days

Waiting is what I would do when I had to wait for allowance. I can wait now too!

Isn’t that owned by some Chinese data hoarding company these days?

I’ve used sync for almost ten years and am all in on it until something better comes along. Thunder is very nice too, but it’s not sync.