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Joined 7M ago
Cake day: Jul 21, 2024


Just picked up a PS5 finally. Price dropped and tax free. First thing I did was go to the library. They had a copy of RoboCop Rogue city available which is perfect for me.

I’ve already put a hold on the dead space remake

Every dev and game company is out for your money. They all suck not just Nintendo.

I wish I could get a VR game where I play with my control as normal, but just use the VR headset to look around.

It will be a Duke Nukem forever situation at this point. It will never live up and it’ll flop

The rabid insanity towards such a non offensive post… You ok guy?

If this kind of thing bothers you, you need to stop gaming altogether. All consoles and developers.

This is such a circle jerk. You don’t like Bethesda games? Who cares. Move on. Lots of people love em

I hate Elden Ring. But I don’t go on Elden Ring communities just to shit on it

Gotta find the user name “el_papa” or “big Poppa pope”, track him down. I wanna play call of duty with him

Devil’s advocate. If someone wants to call themselves straight, and that offends you. Aren’t you fragile as well?

Why is everyone here pretending like palworld isn’t a straight up Pokemon clone that went a bit too close with the designs? I mean the game was basically marketed as pokemon with guns. I know you guys have this new hate for Nintendo, but this isn’t even them.

If I made a game about an Italian contractor with a red hat and mustache that fights mushroom people and turtles, you guys would defend it and claim it isn’t a copyright issue lol

Benson explained that because “the various projects that I am affiliated with in my career are family-based, children-based,” voice acting director Kris Zimmerman suggested that she go with a pseudonym.

That’s gotta be the stupidest thing I ever heard. Just about every voice actor does adult Video Games and kids movies. Nobody cares.

Also she’s been on the IMDb credits for the metal Gear games as EVA for like years

I go on psplus and ps store just about daily and I had never heard of this game before. What kind of shit marketing is going on here? Looks like a basic game, nothing special, and it looks like it uses a card system which I despise.

2k24 is a great game, but it needs serious optimization. I also wish we had double the caw slots

Aew fight forever was… Sheesh, talk about going backwards. I played it for about 20 mines before I decided I was don’t with this

It’s odd, even games like Halo 3 back in the day. I was also a solo player and never thought I fit into a team. I’m a Leroy, I will rush in grenades flying, shotgun blasting so I prefer to play alone. But one time I joined a group and they kept inviting me and we became a unit. They liked that I would rush in the back of an enemy hiding place and flush everyone out with my grenades, shotguns and screaming. I may get killed rushing in there but I’ll take at least one down and flush out the rest for my teammates to pick off.

I miss that group

Square Enix games are so restrictive. They feel like I’m being forced to do everything I’m doing. Extremely linear



I just don’t see how this type of statistic is attractive to a company who wants to sell games. Gamers may not like it but to a business executive, that’s a scary number. consoles have pretty much eliminated pirating. It’s certainly not as easy to do as it was back in the pre online days with a PS1 PS2, etc. I get downvoted but I’m trying to look at this through the eyes of capitalism and it doesn’t work. Lemmy likes to shoot the messenger. PC gamers asked why devs ignore them, here’s why.

I saw a thread last week of PC gamers saying red dead for PC is gonna cost too much so they will just pirate it.

Honestly as a dev I would avoid PC as a platform, the fanbase is unpleasable and no matter how much they argue that it’s not true, 1 third of PC gamers openly admit to pirating instead of buying.

I also find PC gamers are becoming a toxic group, they hate everyone

If I’m playing a table top game I understand it HAS to be turn based. It’s a necessity. But with a video game, turn based is outdated and slows combat to a crawl, and makes it about guessing and mathing instead of actual fighting skill. I personally hate it and the moment I went into my first battle in BG3 and saw it was turn based, I turned it off and never went back

I couldn’t with Baldur’s Gate. I don’t know what the hell people are doing playing turn based games in 2024, I hate that so much. I hope elder scrolls doesn’t take too many cues from BG3

You haven’t seen it, you haven’t played it, you don’t work there. You just want to shit on things people like

Nobody is asking you to. You can just not.

I don’t think most things at the store are worth what they cost, but I don’t steal them and justify it later

Lol talk about hyperbolic idiocy.

I have this issue with gamers who have no in between. If a game isn’t a 11/10 they call it “shit”. Like really dude? I can happily play a 7/10 game while you guys bitch and call it unplayable. But this is the first time I’ve ever heard anyone call red dead 2 shit lol. I hate to say this, but if you think rdr2 is a bad/badly made game, you’re either full of shit and a contrarian, or your taste in games is awful

And this is exactly why I laugh when PC gamers bitch about being ignored. As a dev, why would I want to sell to an unpleasable, toxic audience that’s just gonna steal the product anyways?

Ubisoft is worse. I swear, AC mirage has the same issues, glitches and bugs that it has had since the first game. Switch the engine and rebuild from the ground up already. Stop releasing the same game reskinned

Like I told my brother. Just explore, do minor quests, gather ingredients and items. Once you have enough ingredients to make a potion or oil, the menu literally tells you and you can do it in one button click.

Don’t let the upgrade, potion, etc system overwhelm you. My brother gave up cause it seemed too complicated for him. If you mostly ignore it and just play for a bit, it comes naturally

I have a connection that will occasionally drop a bit, kicking me out of single player games, or games I’ve set to play solo on. I stopped playing those kinds of games