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Cake day: Jul 27, 2023


Spring engine based RTS games have been the best for a long time. I remember being similarly excited when I started playing Balanced Annihilation, which is the OG Spring based RTS, over ten years ago. BAR seems closely related to BA but has much more impressive looking graphics. Enjoy!

Yes I played it, the amount of content is impressive. However I only went deep enough to kill the standard Flagship a few times (on hard difficulty, which felt easier compared to AE) and did not find any of the secret endings.

Likes are a pretty strictly defined genre. Lites on the other hand can be almost any genre. You could categorize both as “Run based games” but that leaves you with a very vague definition that says almost nothing about a game except that it´s … run based.

Addictive indeed! FTL is not just my favorite roguelite but maybe my favorite game of all times!

Don´t get me wrong, I don´t mean to gatekeep (I in fact play lites, not likes). However, a useful orientation when you want to know if a game is a like or not, is in my opinion the Berlin Interpretation

I don´t care much for the standalone pc game, since it is very different from Witcher 3 Gwent. However, check this out: https://imgur.com/a/qktqY :D

Oh no, it´s not a twin stick shooter this time?!

“The 2” is the best RPG I have ever played in my life. The combat system and the overall style of the game is famazing! I especially loved all the cheese.

Did you play Larian´s Divinity: Original Sin II yet? It might ease your pain a lot and it´s on -70% right now.

WTF they can´t be serious?! How do people even come up with bs like this?

Yes, that is indeed another good point against scaling difficulty.

I might have a one sided perspective because I play mostly roguelites. To me that sounds like a horrible idea. When playing a game, I want to get good enough to beat one difficulty and then move on to the next. For that I need to be able to choose the difficulty myself. If the difficulty constantly changes without the players control it becomes impossible to get acquainted to a certain difficulty and even worse, there is no more challenge because whenever you encounter a challenging part of the game the game will just turn down the difficulty, instead of the player having to improve. What is even the point of “beating” such a game then? The people who come up with nonsense like this obviously don´t play games themselves and don´t understand at all what gaming is about.

It´s only fun with people on teamspeak imo. If you play alone the base game is more fun.

The Last Stand is the best DLC imo :)

I remeber buying DoWII + Retribution just so I could play The Last Stand with my online friends. Great fun! I very much recommend it, even more than the actual game :)

I’m embarrassed to say I’ve died in the first encounter so many times from that stupid shield zombie and jumping one. I can’t get the parry right. They do this stupid grunt then I parry then they jump. And if I wait for the “!” they do this weird timing if I hit them. Still getting used to it.

Hahaha, the shield bearer is such a bitch when one is still learning the timing, right? However he is also a perfect enemy to initially practice your parry and roll with imo, at some point you will start to intuitively time it right and the shield bearer becomes almost harmless. I recommend using the training room for that.

Probably you already noticed that the “!” is only an indicator for the begin of the attack animation and that you have to factor in the distance between you and the enemy too, to time the parry right. Also keep in mind that only a tap results in a parry, while keeping the button pressed even for very short results just in a block / messed up parry.

But I got rickety wrekt by death in the castle map. I thought I was doing so effing good, got him down to phase 2 (about 1/3 health down) and with 1.4k health he killed me in a 3 hit combo, first hit taking half my life down and I got so blown away that I just missed wtf happened next. Game is very unforgiving.

How are you distributing your scrolls? You should decide at the start of a run if it is going to be a Brutality, Tactics or Survival run, based on what kind of weapons you want to use during the run. That defines your main colour and your two off colours for the run. The best practice is to take a scroll of your main colour whenever you can for max damage and distribute the two off colours 1:1 for max hp.

Game is very unforgiving.

Yes, indeed!

I haven’t tried any of the enhancements or crutches. Which I’m a father of 3 kids, one a new born and I’m not good like I used to be. I might check out some cheats to make things a little smoother for me.

Congratulations! In that situation I think I would experiment with custom mode a lot, it has many detailed options to tailor the game experience individually. I for example like to use custom mode to limit the item pool, once I have a lot of items unlocked that I don´t want to use on a run. If you find that you miss certain option in custom mode you should also check out accessibility mode as well.

Good luck, have fun!

Why am I not surprised? Probably because Larian absolutely deserves it.

It´s not only about the price. I also prefer to buy games after initial bugs and other issues have been patched.

Just did 2 runs with it and died both times in the second map. Just getting used to it.

That is to be expected, I recommend to focus on learning the enemies and building some muscle memory for the roll and the parry mechanics at first.

With m&k on my very first run playing the game I got past the first boss and died with like 8k gold.

Seriously? I find that pretty impressive for a first run. I think I died in Prisoners Quarters (first biome) on mine :D

I’m looking forward to the steep learning. I beat hades 100% so I’m looking forward to synergies.

Seriously? You mean with all those difficulty modifiers activated, right? I have a feeling you will get good at Dead Cells pretty fast, lol.

I just got dead cells because I was in a gaming rut. I got one run in. It’s fun

It is indeed! Especially when you get lucky on a run and find/roll some crazy strong synergies. The game has a pretty steep learning curve at first, just keep doing runs and it will get even more fun. I also very much recommend the official Dead Cells Discord, it has some really nice and helpful people hanging out there.

Do you play with controller?

I do so and very much recommend you at least try playing it with a controller too, except you have a strong habit of playing games of the genre with a keyboard. In my opinion using a controller is more intuitive.

Dead Cells with all the DLCs. After being obsessed with Nova Drift for several months I got burnout and looked for other games to play.

Mafia definitive edition was on sale, so I got that. However, it quickly showed that in fact I don´t enjoy 3D shooters as I used to.

So I thought about what I really wanted to play and it was clearly roguelites with retro or at least highly stylized graphics. The DLCs for Dead Cells had been tempting me for some time already and most of them were on sale at that point, so it was pretty much a no-brainer. I erased my progress from years ago and started over fresh and it´s so much fun!

My best run yet was when I found the Hotline Miami reference lore room, which unlocks and drops the (level I) baseball bat. Now the Baseball bat does not have particularly high base damage but very good crit damage and guaranteed crits on stunned/rooted targets. That is already really cool when you combine it with stunning enemies by stomping but I was sure I´d have to replace that weapon later in the run because it was just a level I item. A few levels later I stumbled over a golden altar with a legendary Boys Axe. This item is a throwing axe that roots enemies on hit and as I told earlier you get auto-crit hits on rooted targets with the baseball bat, so obviously I ditched my rampart shield for the Boys Axe and from there on a virtually all my baseball bat hits were crit hits. But it got even better!

Shortly afterwards I found a sinew slicer, which is a trap that causes bleed on hit and then I got incredibly lucky and was able to roll +60% damage on bleeding targets on BOTH, the baseball bat AND the Boys Axe! Obviously from there I just breezed through the rest of the run and killed the Hand of the King in just a few seconds with a level I baseball bat as my main weapon :D

On top of all that, during the run I was also able to figure out how to use certain weapons like they were one, as it had been possible years ago but was patched out. This also added to making the build ridiculously strong since I could spam the baseball bat and the Boys Axe like they where just a combo of the same weapon.

TLDR: Dead Cells is crazy! If you enjoy roguelites, get Dead Cells!

I could not care less. They seem to focus primarily on improving the graphics with every part of the series, while imo gameplay is much more important than graphics. Also, for the ridiculous price of one AAA title, one can buy a whole bunch of great indie games.

an expansive mod for original D2 with online multiplayer

No mods are required to play D2-LoD multiplayer.

If you decide against resurrection and go for the original, I would suggest to also get the Lord of Destruction expansion right away. It not only includes two additional character classes, additional monster classes and weapons but also allows you to play on higher resolution

I liked W3 a lot, played through the base game and both DLCs several times, spent 700 hours in the game. However, considering the trends in the games industry (except for Larian/BG3) right now, I don´t have particularly high hopes for any future AAA releases in general.

The answer to your question has been a subject of endless nerdy discussions for years. However I would answer it like this.

I love my indie games with pixel art, retro graphics, they always run perfectly on my potato <3

Not a review but more general information for you: If you´re into RTS and have never tried a game running on the (open source) spring engine, do it now! Graphics of most are outdated but the gameplay and possibilities to customize are unmatched in the genre. Spring engine allows for both, micromanagement focused gameplay and huge battles on large maps. There are several Total Annihilation based games for spring engine but also lots of others, like WWII and Star Wars based ones for example. Beyond all reason seems to be the game on spring engine with the most pretty graphics right now, so it´s a good starting point.

Blizzard: Would you be okay with a 100$ DLC?

Me: Sure, I stopped buying your overpriced crap years ago :D

D2 had been my absolute favourite game, for many years I logged into battle.net daily. So I was ultra hyped and bought D3 right at release but it was the biggest disappointment I ever had with a game. That day I realized that Blizzard was fucked and moved on. Never looked back (while having a lot of fun playing PoE and getting into indie games, which was the best decision ever looking at what is going on in the gaming industry now).

Why do people still buy Blizzard games?! Sure D2 was great but that was long ago and nowadays Blizzard sucks hard.

You are welcome. I enjoy to systematize things :)

Sorry, what I meant was not an overall difficulty increase but that when you unlock more weapons, the game will spawn harder enemies. After finding the difficulty to be fine at first, I noticed just after the first few runs few runs, that suddenly level 1 spawned much harder enemies then on the runs before. That equals a form of difficulty scaling up with unlocks. It has been known in the community for a long time too.

According to an old interview with the developers, each level has a selection of rooms to draw on, but they’re graded on difficulty and the map generator won’t place the harder ones until you’ve experienced the easier variations first, so you can gradually get used to the concepts. So the more you play, the more difficult rooms you’re unlocking. source

When I get into a game I want to get to know a certain difficulty setting before I turn it up. The sudden change in enemy types I experienced in EtG after the first runs made me feel like playing a game that arbitrarily changes difficulty without giving me a choice over it.

Of course my impression might be wrong. Do enemy types per level/area turn consistent later on in the game, or do they keep changing with unlocks?

The answer to your question has been a subject of endless nerdy discussions for years. However I would answer it like this.

Rogue-like, loose definition: A defined genre of games, based on the classic game Rogue. Key features of such games are:

  • dungeon crawling
  • procedurally generated levels
  • perma death
  • turn-based gameplay
  • grid-based movement

Rogue-like, strict definition: A defined genre of games, based on the classic game Rogue. Key features of such games are:

  • dungeon crawling
  • procedurally generated levels
  • permadeath
  • turn-based gameplay
  • grid-based movement
  • non modal (every action should be available to the player regardless of where they are in the game)
  • complexity
  • resource management
  • hack and slash combat system
  • exploration of areas and items
  • typically such games are displayed in ASCII but it´s not a must

Roguelike, examples:

  • Hack
  • NetHack
  • Ancient Domains of Mystery
  • Moria
  • Angband
  • Tales of Maj’Eyal
  • Dungeon Crawl Stone Soup


Rogue-lite, definition: Not a defined genre at all but just an umbrella term for games from any genre that share at least some of the following characteristics:

  • permadeath (a must have)
  • procedurally generated levels
  • metaprogression
  • short to medium length runs with victory conditions (a run can usually be finished in one sitting)

Roguelite, examples

  • FTL - Faster Than Light
  • Dead Cells
  • Nova Drift
  • Hades
  • Children of Morta
  • Nuclear Throne
  • Nova Drift
  • Enter the Gungeon
  • The Binding of Isaac

I’m one of the weirdos that liked Into The Breach more than FTL

I enjoyed ITB, it´s a great game but FTL is my favourite game of all times, only game that comes close to FTL is Dead Cells imo.

I’ve been meaning to give FTL another shot.

Good for you! I very much recommend reading a few guides for a smooth start.