My name’s not Rick.

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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 12, 2023


It’s like stalker and fallout had a British baby. I’m intrigued

They’re listed as one of the big three with Sony and Nintendo

Do you mean The New Order? I can’t think of a game with the abbreviation TOS. I liked both new Colossus and New Order regardless

There were very few missions where I didn’t knock every Nazi out, but I also just barely started the Egypt section

Nintendo isn’t the developer though. Having a hard time figuring out where “Global Game Studio” is based out of.

Also, is your friend

While it’s not historically accurate, I’ve been enjoying the new Indiana Jones game. You have a mystery to uncover and beating up Nazis is never not fun. There are lots of hidden items and puzzles to uncover, many of which do have some basis in history or at a minimum in mythology.

The first large area you go to is the Vatican. Being able to walk around the Sistine Chapel just to find a hidden passage the next building over was a trip.

Edit: I just realized I’m in patientgamers, my mistake. Come back to it in a year or two!

I still want a horror game take on a marine surviving a flood infection on a ship. It could be dead space with still some element of halo that I think could really be a slam dunk. Theres a halo short story called Mona Lisa which is basically this premise.

I’ve had every Xbox ever made. If this bothers you there is something seriously wrong with you

I can’t remember the last ubi game I have played, and I’m not even going out of my way to boycott them

What about NES>SNES or N64>Gamecube

Neither of those updates was revolutionary, imo

I was locked into playing it until Indiana Jones came out. Now I’m glad I have something else to keep me occupied while GSC works on updates. I think in a couple months Stalker should be in a way better state.

Never has it been easier for small people to attempt to knock people down to their level. It’s a shame people feel alright being so nasty to a complete stranger

I do wonder if the steam deck exists in this alternate timeline you propose

Wasn’t this game already cribbing pretty heavily off Bioshock? I guess they figured they’d go all in

They’ve released three games since being bought by Microsoft, all of them good. I honestly find all the dooming weird. It’s as if people want this game to be bad just because of Microsoft. I’ll revise my opinion in the face of evidence that they’re no longer producing the quality that I’ve come to expect from them.

Even better for Pokemon, God (Arceus) lets you capture it in a pokeball

Nothing, because one artist writing off the cuff on Twitter doesn’t represent an entire company’s hiring practices

The chuds are butthurt that an Obsidian artist said he would prioritize helping artists of color get into the industry over “crusty old white men” or something along those lines. They’re just taking a self deprecating joke too seriously, imo.

I always had faith. I feel like everyone forgot this is the same machine games behind the modern Wolfenstein games which had really fun and ambitious storylines

I’m glad this game is good! Now for the love of God, let them make another Wolfenstein, Microsoft!

Epic pays for exclusivity sometimes. It’s funny, I keep picking up the free epic games but I don’t think I have ever once played a single game on there.

This article had me wondering, have there been any games where you play as a member of the IDF?

It’s amazing, but also too easy to lose 4 hours playing in what feels like minutes

I’ve enjoyed Obsidian’s writing for a while now. Outer Worlds and Grounded had solid stories, imo. Didn’t get too far into Pentiment but that was such a unique and well executed idea, if not my particular cup of tea.

Circana also reports that non-mobile video game subscription spending industry-wide was up 16% year-over-year in October, and this was largely due to Black Ops 6 driving new Game Pass subscriptions.

I feel like a 16% bump isn’t much, but I guess if it’s sticky and they keep subscribing that’s a good thing for MS

A bit janky, great atmosphere. People are saying it’s pretty buggy but I haven’t had any huge problems thus far. I also wish the load times were quicker