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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 29, 2023


Wait, so Apple is doing something good for 3rd party apps? I did not expect that to happen in my lifetime

When will I be able to use RCS in other messaging apps than Google Messages on Android?

Perhaps “Contrast”? It’s a gloomy puzzler with a good soundtrack, I would imagine it’s quite engaging to watch as well as play.

Yeah, I’m slightly miffed there’s no release date yet…

Not exactly the same, but I get similar vibes (if slightly more adult) from Squirrel With A Gun.

You could buy a VR headset from another company?

It’s certainly more expensive than Cyberpunk. According to Wikipedia, the company used $193 million between 2012 and 2017, so it’s probably passed $200 million today. I wonder how playable it is these days.

Hogwarts Legacy for me. I’ve watched a friend play it on PS5, and it looks really cool. I’m considering getting it on Steam while it’s on sale, but I’m guessing it will be the same discount when the autumn sale comes along.

I just checked. I have it on both Steam and GOG. But I’ve actually never played it.

Ah, yes! The very hyped new Garfield game! I can’t wait to eat virtual lasagna and complain about Mondays.

I believe they have a high quality streaming option that some audiophiles prefer.

Spotify/apple/etc don’t produce music and are not trying to out license each other.

Tidal seemed to try going down this road with exclusives but thankfully none of the others followed.

There’s one called fintunes too.

I didn’t know Jellyfin had a music version. Is it not on Play Store?

Edit: Oh, I found it on F-droid. It’s called Boum. It is on Play Store too it just doesn’t show up when you search for jellyfin.