EU citizen. Interests: RPGs, board games, litrpg, alternative rock/metal, cycling, quality memes
My steam profile is 18 years old. I am using all the above features for many years and they are perfectly functional.
Your solution is to use different third party apps for everything is the opposite of convenience in my opinion. If you prefer the better software for these features, why not the better launcher/storefront for games?
Epic gives no added value to the user experience (IMO) and does not inspire competition to do better, other that the free games extravaganza to try to expand its userbase, while steam does not have to prove anything anymore, yet still investing more money in new features, technologies.
The steam users are used to a certain level of service and have a perfectly valid reason to dislike less functional competitors. If you are just here to grab the weekly free game, download and play then go for it, Epic will 100% serve its purpose , just don’t put it on the same level when talking about everything else.
Apart from the inconvenience (which is a huge reason I dont use Epic) for the same price I get less service.
If you only want to play games thats nothing, no melodrama, just install the game and play it.
…but as soon as you want to interact with your friends in-game, download some mods, look up help with the game, stream stuff from my computer to my living room TV, share my account with family or just play on Linux the Epic store transforms from “just another launcher” to a useless peace of extra software on my PC actively standing in the way of my fun.
Its just not sustainable for my adult life to log in to whatever live service trash daily and compete agains faceless humans, who have more free time and advantage against a casual player.
Also the state of live service games is pure trash for decades now. Everything needs to be a copy of the 3 most popular titles with some kind of rpg progression and cosmetic items for real world money.
Steams discover queue + Splattercat on youtube for indie games.
I will always disagree with the “its optional” reasoning.
In this case they are technically selling a shortcut to their own game. This means the game either have some boring and straight up tedious mechanics on purpose, to annoy people or its shit. In both cases its a bad game design and people who will buy the fast travel MTX would want to skip certain parts of the gameplay - in this case backtracking or travelling in general.
I am a huge fan of the first game, but repeating the fast travel shenanigans on purpose, after so many years of feedback from fans is just corporate greed 101.
After the announcement I thought DD2 will be a day 1 purchase, but Im glad I waited and from the looks of it I will continue to wait for a few more years for a complete edition for 20 USD or just not play it at all.
I bought the game in early access and saw how it become from one of the most promising arpgs to a bandwagon of hate and negativity. While it has many problems, I don’t think it deserve all the hate it received.
The game itself is pretty cool imho, however it had a catastrophic launch with lots of server issues for online characters, multiplayer problems and some bugs, causing a negative review tsunami. To make things worst the devs were kind of slow to resolve the issues and released the patches only when they reputation already took a hit.
I can not comment on the multiplayer/hardcore min/max builds and late game stage of the game. As far as I can tell there were some complaints on those fronts as well. I mostly play arpgs alone.
With this in mind, if you like the genre and not planning to play with friends I think its still a pretty entertaining title, nice graphics and decent build variety.
Why people trying to help Bethesda? They are a shitty company and Starfield deservs to have many negative reviews.
Do not buy buggy, uninteresting games and hope the community will improve them, so years later you can have a playable half decent product. Do not encourage big companies into thinking this kind of business practice is viable. Vote with your wallets people.
AA12 in Killing Floor