Over the years I’ve gotten rid of every console except for my Nintendo consoles. Sure their hardware is not cutting edge but I don’t really care because I always enjoy myself when I play my Nintendo consoles.
If you want the 202[3/4/5] version of COD at 4k 60fps then an Xbox is probably more suited to you. Nintendo just isn’t going after that segment. The variety is a good thing.
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DOCSIS 3.1 is pretty awesome. I heard 4.0 is in testing. Fiber (FttH) is similar to coax in that many subscribers are attached to one head end device. Subscriber throughput is determined by the number of subscribers and the speeds they ordered on the shared resource. Although fiber is leading in total capacity per OLT/PON, it’s not like coax can’t achieve excellence subscriber speeds by just deploying more head end devices with fewer subscribers on each.