It’s pretty crazy how my wife’s m1 air does. It’s the most powerful computer in our house and that’s saying something. As I have a somewhat recent computers.
I’m picking up an air once the base air has 16gb ram and 512 storage. Hopefully the next model will finally make this change.
Before anyone comments that 8gb is enough. I’m regularly using 10-11gb of ram while working in windows.
I get that, I remember basically living on the wiki once I got to hard mode.
If you accept you need the wiki, then it will be a better experience.
As far as collecting went, I think I just kept chests for everything. I didn’t do base building or decorating so I really didn’t bother with that stuff.
I think the fun part was exploring and finding stuff.
I don’t view this content myself. But people should be able to. Nintendo is driving me away due to their behavior and I’m losing interest in the company.
I doubt I’ll buy their next console. I have less time than I did back then, but if I’m on the line about it, I’ll say no based on their recent behavior.
I live in a city outside of the US, it’s not particularly safe for kids to play outside as there is crazy traffic and nowhere to really go.
There are just a few small parks in the city and they are not easily accessible.
When I lived in the states, I played outside with friends in the suburbs, but stopped around high school, as there were very few kids in my neighborhood and previous friends moved away/outgrew playing as they were older than me.
Thanks for the recommendation. I was wondering why you recommended SMT4 on 3DS. But I now realize that it is different than persona 4. I guess it is a bit confusing for me still. I think I am more interested in the mainline series. I found an English translation of SMT 1 and 2 for snes.
How different is Persona from SMT?
Yeah? Skyrim has a really interesting landscape. Fallout is mostly empty land, a small hut/gas station or random buildings in the city.
Around level 40 I’m either 1 shotting people or it’s a bullet sponge. And I basically take everything.
Its difficulty curve is kinda weird. It starts pretty hard then takes a quick turn to a walk in the park.
I really liked baldurs gate, but got burnt out by the time I made it to act 3 and just quit the game. Maybe I’ll go back to it at some point.
I loved disco, it was the first game I played on the steam deck. After a couple hours, my wife asked me what I was watching😂 she thought Cuno was so annoying.
I’ll check out these other ones, I’d love to find a new crpg.
There is an open source project that already does this a bit called box86 and box64.
I think you can find videos of people running Skyrim on arm chips like phones or maybe raspberry pi 5.
They don’t run well, but with more powerful chips and valves experience and money, I’m sure they can do it.