• 11 Posts
Joined 3Y ago
Cake day: Nov 19, 2021


There is an open source project that already does this a bit called box86 and box64.

I think you can find videos of people running Skyrim on arm chips like phones or maybe raspberry pi 5.

They don’t run well, but with more powerful chips and valves experience and money, I’m sure they can do it.

Is this why Apple is finally going to increase the base amount of ram in their laptops😂

Sounds burning, but I guess it’s because I’m not a moba person.

I can’t play this game. It’s so intense and I love it, but it gets my brain so focused that I can’t sleep for like a day or two.

It’s pretty crazy how my wife’s m1 air does. It’s the most powerful computer in our house and that’s saying something. As I have a somewhat recent computers.

I’m picking up an air once the base air has 16gb ram and 512 storage. Hopefully the next model will finally make this change.

Before anyone comments that 8gb is enough. I’m regularly using 10-11gb of ram while working in windows.

What the fuck is Starbound?

I just looked at it and it looks amazing!!

I get that, I remember basically living on the wiki once I got to hard mode.

If you accept you need the wiki, then it will be a better experience.

As far as collecting went, I think I just kept chests for everything. I didn’t do base building or decorating so I really didn’t bother with that stuff.

I think the fun part was exploring and finding stuff.

They now have an official mastodon account. That’s pretty cool.

I got obsessed with my first run of terraria, but I have trouble getting into a second run of the game. I think the exploration aspect of how to do things has diminished a bit.

Maybe I’ll give it another go soon as it’s been a while.

Good, this is an S+ tier game. I’m not saying it’s for everyone, but if you look at the game and what it offers. I think you can objectively agree that it is a masterpiece of a game.

I think computing like this is cool, but I’m a glasses wearer when you have an astigmatism, it can be difficult to switch between lenses or adjust to new ones.

I’d be 0 astigmatism people have this.

I don’t view this content myself. But people should be able to. Nintendo is driving me away due to their behavior and I’m losing interest in the company.

I doubt I’ll buy their next console. I have less time than I did back then, but if I’m on the line about it, I’ll say no based on their recent behavior.

I live in a city outside of the US, it’s not particularly safe for kids to play outside as there is crazy traffic and nowhere to really go.

There are just a few small parks in the city and they are not easily accessible.

When I lived in the states, I played outside with friends in the suburbs, but stopped around high school, as there were very few kids in my neighborhood and previous friends moved away/outgrew playing as they were older than me.

I forgot about that. I’m sure that’s how I completed it as a kid.

Thanks for your post. I’m nearing the end of dragon quest XI and have been wondering what my next jrpg would be.

I think this is it as it has been on my list for some time. I played a bit of it like 15 years ago, it I have no idea how far I had gotten into the game.

Perfect Dark recompiled is amazing.
I grew up with goldeneye and perfect dark. I decided to play the recompiled version of this game on my steam deck. First of all, this game had some really big environments for n64. It’s surprising how much they fit in these old games. Secondly, after you finish the main game, there are two bonus missions where you play as another character to see their side of the story. Modern day these are called “dlc”. The shooting range portion of the game is either too easy or impossibly difficult. I’ll try with mouse to kind of cheese it. My understanding is that when you complete the shooting range and combat simulator there is another unlockable mission. Now that I am typing this I wonder if there is another unlockable level for completing on the hardest difficulty like golden eye. Anyway, if you have or have not played this game, it’s totally worth playing the recompiled version of the game. https://github.com/fgsfdsfgs/perfect_dark Works on Linux and Windows perfectly. If you run it on the steamdeck, you can just download the Linux version, add it to Steam, then manually tell it to run with proton. I didn’t know this was possible until yesterday, but it will not run on steamdeck without proton due to missing dependencies that are included with proton. Have fun.

If you can use windows, then you can use Linux. The effort of switching is not really any different than the effort of switching to Mac.

I’ve never had an issue with settings stuff except for maybe a super old game like fallout 1, but I expect windows would have the same issue.

But you are right about anti-cheat stuff. Luckily I don’t care about online gaming.

Thanks! I do not think I’d like Persona, but SMT sounds cool. I like old RPGs, so I am kinda most excited for them.

I think SMT and Persona being different games in the same universe is what is confusing me. Is one series considered better than the other generally? Is there some thing that makes these two series different from each other in some significant way?

Thanks for the recommendation. I was wondering why you recommended SMT4 on 3DS. But I now realize that it is different than persona 4. I guess it is a bit confusing for me still. I think I am more interested in the mainline series. I found an English translation of SMT 1 and 2 for snes.

How different is Persona from SMT?

Question: Megami Tensei - Where to start?
I've been passingly interested in the [Megami Tensei](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megami_Tensei) series for a while. I've been a little intimidated by the number of games that may or may not have been translated and all the ports. I was hoping someone could give me a rundown of the series and where to start, if I should play with fan translations, or whatever else I should know. I grew up with the nes and snes, so I'm OK with older RPGs and their nuances.

This is not really surprising. Everyone’s jobs are on notice at this point. Sure there are a few things that are pretty safe, but a large amount could be cut with just one more advancement.

Sadly that version doesn’t work well on steamdeck.

I think there are work around to get it working, but with my regional pricing it was just like $2, so I just grabbed it.

Yeah? Skyrim has a really interesting landscape. Fallout is mostly empty land, a small hut/gas station or random buildings in the city.

Around level 40 I’m either 1 shotting people or it’s a bullet sponge. And I basically take everything.

Its difficulty curve is kinda weird. It starts pretty hard then takes a quick turn to a walk in the park.

I really liked baldurs gate, but got burnt out by the time I made it to act 3 and just quit the game. Maybe I’ll go back to it at some point.

I loved disco, it was the first game I played on the steam deck. After a couple hours, my wife asked me what I was watching😂 she thought Cuno was so annoying.

I’ll check out these other ones, I’d love to find a new crpg.

I hardly know/care about the fallout lore. I guess it’s just not a series for me.

I wonder how much more I’d like it if the mechanics where the same but had a different setting/story.

I got pretty addicted to fallout 2 for about a week or 2. That was genuinely a really good game.

I was surprised that you could sleep with someone to get an advantage 😂

That’s a good point, I think the dreary landscape is really boring and is not a ln environment if want to immerse myself in.

Fallout 76 has nice forests, but that game has its own problems.

Thanks! I do like the crpg genre and played a decent amount of fallout 2. Not too competition, but I imagine I got pretty far or possibly near the end.

I think there is a series called dragon fall. I have that from Epic games as a free game.

Are there any specific crpgs you recommend?

That’s actually a great point and maybe that’s exactly what it is.

I carry 4 guns but only because they use different kinds of ammo. I don’t even think about the kind of gun.

But Skyrim is exciting because each time I play, I do a different build. Stealth, vampire, melee, etc…

Fallout Series (Why don’t I like it?)
I think my first Bethesda game was Skyrim and I love Skyrim. I’ve played through Skyrim when it first came out I played through it again in the DLC came out. I played through it again on the switch I have since played through it again on PC. I love Skyrim. I played it so many times and I know it’s a meme to keep re-releasing the game but it is just genuinely very good game. I’ve played fallout three I tried to get into new Vegas. I played fallout four up to like level 40 just today actually and I’ve tried fallout 76. I know the gameplay is almost the same as the Skyrim game but I just can’t get into fallout and I don’t know what it is about that series . Maybe you can help me figure it out because I just don’t think this game is captivating. It seems like there’s just less to do in the world enemies are Raiders or mutants and maybe some creatures and I guess sky rooms really the same it’s just different factions of humans but it just seems less copy and pasted than fallout does and of course Skyrim has the same dungeons, but so does fallout. Is it just the genre of playing in a wasteland instead of a fantasy world the only real difference between the elder scrolls games in the fallout games? 

Yeah, it’s nice that such a big cultural shift happened around this.

Any point in Minecraft instead of minetest with a mod?

It’s honestly a problem for native speakers. So many times headlines make no sense or are extremely misleading.

Yeah, maybe we can give them a second chance. Because you know baldurs gate 3 was basically an empty game with no content or no post launch support…


Jokes aside, I’m sure they will do it. They are a fantastic studio.

I think my wife and I have around 200-400 hours combined. I forget as we’re having played for a while. It was a really big lockdown activity for us as we were not married at the time and she left the city to stay with her parents.

Resident Evil 4 is a good game, but not a good Resident Evil game.
I played Resident Evil when I was a child on the starting on the PS1 with Resident Evil 3. I fell in love with this series and played all the games. I remember playing this game back on GameCube and not liking it so much. I mean, it wasn't a bad game. But it did not feel like Resident Evil to me. Recently, I played 7 and 8 which where really good. They feel different than Resident Evil, but they were scary and I enjoyed these games a lot. Still not as good as the classics or the RE2 and RE3 remake. So what is it about Resident Evil 4? Well, it feels like an action game and less a survivor horror game. It was a linear experience of just moving forward. It lost the metroidvania part of RE for the most part. I know this game is loved by many and I can understand why it is loved. It is a genuinely good game. It just should not be a Resident Evil game.

Resident Evil 7 & 8
**Resident Evil 7** I’ve had this game for a while and finally sat down to play it. The game was amazing from start to finish. It legit had scary moments in the game. There were times where my heart was pounding and I was physically stressed walking through the house. The antagonists were really cool as were the boss fights. Fighting the mom was a little annoying, but it wasn’t too bad. This game is like a 10/10. **Resident Evil 8** Right off the bat I have to say this game was more fun, but less frightening. It had a few moments in the first half of the game, but the second half became action packed. I preferred the inventory system of this game and how all the crafting material, key items, and treasures were in a separate inventory. Since ammo was abundant I found myself just rushing areas instead of sneaking through them. While I think this game is better is most regards, I give it a 9/10 as it lost some of the scary stuff that resident evil 7 had. But, if 7 didn’t exist I’d give this a 10/10. With that being said, I’m just about to fight the final boss of 8. But I have to say that both of these games look amazing on the steam deck. It runs perfectly as well. These games have been so good, that I’ll buy resident evil 4 remake as soon as I finish 8.

What’s the best way to play Chrono Tigger(Vanilla)
I want to play Chrono trigger for the first time. I’ve actually played it a bit years ago, but I have no memory of it and didn’t finish it. So, what the best way to play it snes emulator? I don’t want to do any rom hack kind of stuff as I was the original experience.

Compared to Metroid Prime 1, does the Metroid Prime 2 environment feel bland?
Overall the game is OK, but it seems that the environment is kind of boring compared to Metroid Prime 1. But maybe it is just nostalgia. What are your thoughts? If you agree, do you think they did a better job in Prime 3? I'll play that next.

I’m playing Metroid Prime 2 and am a little stressed about the ammo. Would using an infinite ammo cheat ruin the game?
I think the ammo for the beam weapons is a bit stressful. I just got them and am wondering if using an infinite ammo cheat will ruin the experience or if it will make the game more enjoyable. Maybe I will get ammo upgrades and it won’t matter. What is your opinion on the matter? I don’t mind being stressed if it makes the game more fun overall.

Revisiting 3D Zelda Games (thoughts)
I decided to play through some of the 3d Zelda games as it’s been years and years. First, I played through majoras mask as I have not played that since I was a kid when I last played it. I didn’t like it then and I absolutely hated it this time, too. I actually just stopped playing once I got to the moon. After that I played, ocarina of time. I spent countless hours with this game as a kid and I enjoyed playing it again. I how much I remembered from this game. It’s pretty great and I think it holds up today. I played the ship of harkinian version of it. I played a bit of link between worlds, the 3ds one and it was OK, but I found some of the puzzles to be a bit too confusing and I got a little frustrated with it once I made it to the dark world. I don’t plan to finish that game. I loved link to the past, but this one was just OK to me. Before I decided to play these games again, I started with twilight princess. I got past the first temple and made it to kakiriko village. I got busy and put it down, I may pick it back up, but I’m in no rush. The real reason I wanted to write is… Wind Waker! This game is amazing! I’ve played it on GameCube and the HD version. I forgot how much charm this game has. I used to say that OOT was the best, but I’ve completely flipped. I think WindWaker is the best of the Zelda games. I’m not including botw and totk in this as they are a much different game. I love those games, but they are hard to compare to classic Zelda due to their differences.

I feel like this has been the trend lately. Company announces something terrible, then they get back lash, then they slightly take a step back and try to pretend to be the good guys. Like, they knew this would happen all along.

I hate Majora’s Mask!
I played this game as a kid when it released and remembered not liking it very much. I remembered almost nothing about it. I didn’t remember a single boss fight or temple, like it was really wiped from my mind. I wanted to play through it again because people always talk about how they love this game, but I found it really lacking and annoying at times. Having to redo things each time you resets time made the game feel more like a chore. I understand that your going back in time, but it did not make for good gameplay. I made it to the moon, but I’m burnt out at this point and a little under powered. I did not do any of the side quests as having to redo a bunch of stuff sounds terrible. I don’t want to get 3/4th through a side quest only to have to reset time. Before resetting, I have to deposit money, then reset, then stock up my items again, and redo all the things I need to do to get back to where I was. I have to admit that it is really original and a cool concept, but it does not work in practice. I still put oot and wind Waker at the top of the 3d Zelda’s. (Not counting the switch games) At this point, I’ll boot up oot and play through that again. I vividly remember child links part of the game and a decent amount of adult link. After that, I’ll try the master quest. I remember that being difficult and I never completed it when I was a kid.