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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 13, 2023


I still use it on my living room PC to this day. No issues so far (steam still works fine as well).

Just like anything make sure you have backups and watch your accounts.

Thats the joy of the time sink the game is. I wish to find at least one more game like it I can really get into.

I run Linux but I like my windows 7 machine for my living room.

Oh and you can not beleave me about what I did, I am used to it. Even when working at IBM (don’t recommend) I was often told I did not work there with all sorts of exsuses from in and outside the company.

You, do not. Don’t run old ass windows versions that are not actively supported. This is not a controversial statement.

Do run them, go ahead. Not supported does not mean non functional.

Your attempt to compare your usage vs the usage of a financial institution is not only a false equivocation, it’s particularly stupid in light of the fact specialized contracts exist.

I worked for 15 years in the industry (7 years in the banking division) I am very explicitly comparing nothing as both myself and most banks I worked with are using legacy software in the same way. Its about risk management and understanding what can be done to your system, running an old OS is not on the top of my risk list.

Just backup your data, manage your accounts and passwords with the idea they may be compromised. This is how people not trying to sell you something operate.

often do so under specialized agreements with Microsoft

You use chat GPT for this one? Because this does not say what you think it does.

Funny enough, no they don’t all have enterprise level support from Microsoft. Hell the ones that do don’t use it, at the scale you are talking about you likely have the same or better support internally.

I don’t understand why you think that you can even get Microsoft support for 7 at this point?

Not sure how its done in your country, but there are very much windows 7 machines here “raw dogging” the internet. Its more about risk management then anything.

I mean we are in a world where right now the security solutions are worse then the risk of attack. Right now attacks are done mainly with social engineering and the new systems make bonzi buddy look tame.

There is little point punishing my self by changing my windows 7 machine that I like just so that I can change out old vulnerabilities with new ones. I swear software fear mongering runs half the industry right now on nothing other then inertia.

And yet it is just fine for your banking institutions, and a surprising amount of government machines.

I think it is just lovely on my media PC in my living room.

Critique the actual fault at play, bad writing,

That seems to be what is being done here. Everything that I have seen on this has done what you asked, said what they where critiquing then giving a clip from the game as an example. If people can not be critical of media for any reason, we have an issue.

I just found it soul less and unbalanced. But then again I was going into it early when they where still calling it the “GTA killer”.

They tryed to put a story in ksp2. That’s how bad they misunderstood the franchise.

Oh and you can still join the discord if you want to talk to people who still believe in ksp2 (its fascinating).

… I hate to out myself here but I have played some of those games cracked.

I mean there was even a whole thing on Far cry 6 running better cracked https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ohLnGG92usI

And RE Village https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSMXhdPeCfk And Hogwarts: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5y_bab5wtHY

I looked up Nier: Replicant and yeah, also cracked (I will not share as I think that breaks rules)

EDIT: Also in the link you provided:

"Did Hogwarts Legacy remove Denuvo?

Notorious game cracker has removed Denuvo from Hogwarts Legacy after just two weeks."

I was going to say Fallout 4 was the stinker and the only reason it gets as high of praise as it does is just how bad Fallout 76 was and after a lot of patches still is.

I am confused why they think people would not see this as a great excuse to pirate the single player game. Like at what point does this cross over from not paying for the game though gamepass into just not paying?

Urgh, I am on the discord and people for a month now are trying to say its not dead yet since there has been no statement saying it is.

I’m not a Nintendo fan, but:

Why does this read the same to me as “I am not racist, but:”

What does the number of employees have to do with not having a finished product while also being the highest funded game in history? By this logic I am sure since FTX had 650 employees they must be all above board, if that was all some ponzi scheme they why the staff?

Project Zomboid Playable since 2011 and still in active development, oh and no micro transactions, ton of mod support and costs $26.

Shenmue! Shenmue is on that list, wholly crap that almost as embarrassing the people here saying that the SCs fans are not being scammed. And anyone who thinks this is a scam must be brainwashed/part of a hivemind.

That would be a reason to scream…

sometimes this works out well though. I like when I get say black sailor moon:

Ummm, I don’t even know what “from the depths” is like to live in? Weird? I would be a brain in a box?

How does any critic keep a positive score up for a non functioning game? Oh yeah, MONEY.

I think if it was not the case we would have seen a lot more failing grades lately. I mean some of the titles did not even work on launch yet somehow 9/10?

But so far google and microsoft are incompetent big brothers, to the point that most people will find free streaming sites just by searching “free streaming epx of show”. Now we are not talking good streaming, or even safe but if you want an example just look at any place with poor users (like a school or library).

ummmmmm, does that not set off some warning bells to you?

Also if I am dead, I don’t want or need my passwords shared. And yes I have been an executor for a will, no passwords are needed other then the book of faces (also fuck meta, not cool keeping dead peoples pages active even with death notice).

Yes the same could be said about email, but that does not make it a great idea. I don’t think putting all your bets on apple/firefox never having a breach or issue is the best idea. As all your passwords are autogenerated and stored, you don’t know what they are and can not use them without the manager. I can not in this day and age assume any company or group no matter how good and noble will be around/competent/not evil tomorrow.

If its local then its not much more then an encrypted notepad, and I am down for that.

I think it is better to plan for the breach/issue/villain then to assume it will not happen. I don’t think 1password will stop a rogue employee or a protected info breach (I think everyone has had their info got by this point). I get people like these programs but I hope the same people have a backup plan.