It wouldn’t surprise me if this was a way to avoid typical launch day server issues either.
Rather than have everyone dumped into their servers as once, they let things ramp up.
Though that could be giving too much credit considering it’s in alpha. Aloha would suggest its still far from release, probably too early to bother stress test the servers or w/e.
Except we have a few ACs that work with proton. battleye and EAC being the notable examples.
The issue isn’t that the ACs can’t work. It’s that they don’t run at the kernel level under linux and so some developers have concerns that the ACs wont be as secure.
Though given how things have been lately with MP games. You have to wonder if theyre even secure to begin with.
obnoxiously long animation, and that animation being set in stone once you trigger it. There is no aborting a sword-swing midway through to dodge or block.
The whole point of the animations being set in stone is to force the player to be mindful of their actions. Don’t commit to an attack unless you’re sure it’s safe to do so. Otherwise you’re going to get caught out.
The slow animations are a deliberate drawback to the more powerful weapons. Being able to swing an UGS around like it’s nothing would make for a fairly unbalanced weapon. If you want a weapon with quicker animations you probably want something more DEX focused. Just look at the Falcion’s animations compared to the Zweihander’s animations in Dark Souls for example. Zweihander puts out bigger damage numbers and thus attacks slower. Pretty basic balancing concept to have thing that does big damage be slower.
The lack of being able to abort moves is simply a way for the game to punish poor decisions. If you get caught out by a slow animation then you probably need to work on picking when to attack. A big part of the game is that it teaches the player through punishing mistakes. That’s why it forces you to commit to actions.
These only come across as clunky if you’re not learning from your mistakes and working around these deliberate limitations. Pick different weapons or pick better moments to attack/use an item so you don’t commit to something at the wrong moment.
The input queue is another thing that lines up with this. I believe the whole point is to, again, push the user into being careful. Dark Souls isn’t a hack and slash like DMC. You don’t want to go into fights button mashing. The game wants you to take your time. The button queue kind of reinforces that by punishing button mashing and being too hasty. I do also find it useful in queuing certain actions like attacking straight out of a roll or following item usage.
All the things you describe as clunky each have a purpose. The game expects you to work with those limitations and when you do you get a better experience. Going against them is when you run into issues. Since youre attempting to doing things the game is trying to discourage. Like button mashing (input queue) and getting too greedy with attacks (Being locked to actions/Longer animations).
Agreed. People need to stop treating a companies track record as if it’s a guarantee.
Especially not after seeing so many previously beloved companies go shit/drop a big stinker or two over the years. Like CDPR, Bioware and Arkane.
Companies are ran by people and people can either just make mistakes or otherwise try to chase some extra pennies.
I’m defending it because of disingenuous trogs like you trying to suggest that it’s somehow harming the quality of the game by having a neutered redundant MTX system.
Microtransactions do harm the quality of a game. Especially a fucking $70 single player game.
Again, it’s full priced. DD2 does not need microtransactions.
I’m defending it because you’re trying to suggest that them removing MTX from an already failed title is anything but proof CAPCOM wasn’t interested in putting any investment in the franchise.
They were interested enough in doing a re-release. If you’re interested enough in doing that then you would also be interested enough in slipping in those MTX if they were successful otherwise you’d be missing out on cash. Cash being the one thing companies love the most and would not think twice about getting more. It’d be fucking stupid for them to leave successful MTX out of a game like that.
On the topic of interest, don’t forget as well that DD2 would have come sooner if it weren’t for the director choosing to go for DMC V first.
So it’s not exactly a complete lack of interest. Otherwise the DD2 wouldn’t have come at all.
So again, no, the MTX was likely left out of DA because it just wasn’t successful enough to warrant the time to put it in.
I’m defending it because to call this predatory is like calling a Shih Tzu a predator.
It is predatory.
Again, there’s no reason for it to be in there.
They’re not starved for cash.
It’s a 70$ game so fat stacks going their way.
I’d bet my cock and balls that the MTX is just lining pockets as MTX often does.
I’m defending it because microtransactions aren’t as bad as you’re making them out to be.
Except they are. Were you not around back before MTX kicked off? Back when you could just get shit by playing the game normally without having to bust out your wallet for an extra character or a shiny .png When MTX become the main focus games suffer.
Some of the best games to exist; exist because of the microtransactions that are in them.
Kind of knew that the argument was going in that direction. No one in their right mind defends something that has no benefit to themselves like this.
MTX can’t be bad because then that would be something against your favorite games and your favorite games can’t possibly be bad, right?
Other than that, why don’t you go and list off some of those games because I think there may be a pattern. Other than “Muh games”.
Also, some of the best games ever exist do so without needing micro-transactions. Shit, games survived without them for decades before the internet allowed for MTX to exist.
Almost like MTX aren’t actually needed and a good product will make good money on it’s own merit.
There’s also a better way to further monetize a game post-release. It’s called releasing expansions. You know, like what Elden Ring is about to come out. A decent to good sized chunk of content that (hopefully) has had a good amount of care and attention put into it. Rather than selling a fucking JPEG for £15 and calling it a day, selling something that you would have unlocked in a better game by just being good at the game or just preying on people with poor impulse control.
I wholeheartedly support microtransaction systems like this
Stockholm syndrome is some wack shit, I tell ya.
I think the devs have done an incredible job with the game
Bro, you do realize you can enjoy a game and at the same time recognize any problems it has, right? Enjoying a game does not mean you’re obliged in any way to blindly defend a game, downplay it’s issues and only talk good about it.
There’s just no reason for a full priced game by a cash strapped, big ass AAA publishing company, to have micro-transactions.
They’re not a cash starved indie company. But even while Indie games having MTX is a little more understandable, it’s still a bit dubious even there.
I’m almost tempted to buy some of these literally worthless microtransactions simply as a fuck you to all the virtue signalling losers fixating on the game.
Ah yes, waste your own money and let a group of people live rent free in your head. Pretty good way to spite them. While they’re sat there not wasting their money, you’re just throwing yours away. They’ll literally won’t know what hit them. Probably because they’ll have no idea you’re doing it. But still, you go dude. Burn that money! By the way, ever heard of the phrase “Cutting off your nose just to spite your face”?
Dragon’s Dogma 1 had the exact same monetization scheme, minus fast travel. Everything you could buy on the store was easy to earn in game (it is the exact same way in Dragon’s Dogma 2). Dragon’s Dogma 1 was also a failure in Western markets.
The MTX in DD1 were taken out of the game on later releases. Only the original 360 and PS3 releases had them. So as a matter of fact things improved for DD1 before getting worse again for DD2. Likely because the MTX weren’t successful enough to consider for the re-release. After all, why else would they not have them in a later release.
So tell me, if the game was a success in Japanese markets and had this monetization scheme: why would it not have a more aggressive microtransaction scheme for the second game if what you’re saying is to be believed?
A game being successful doesn’t necessarily mean the MTX are also successful. Companies can see where the money is coming from. If they see that the game is selling loads but the MTX isn’t selling much. They’ll probably not bother to put the effort into the MTX for a later title or at least until they think that things have changed and people may be more receptive. Which is likely what we’re seeing here. As above, they took out the MTX for the later releases/DD:DA. Possibly because the MTX in the original release wasn’t all that successful. It’s been a hot few moments since then so they’re trying it again for DD2. That’s why DD2 isn’t worse.
The game is very fun and not once did I think of paying anything beyond 3 dollars on MTX, and that was because I’m impatient. It literally would have been a waste of money, as the game opens up every fast travel point you would need in the post game. It also gives you nigh infinite fast travel items. There is no drop in quality for the game.
Not being personally affected by it doesn’t really change how good/bad the MTX is. It’s predatory on those with poor impulse control.
It doesn’t matter how much items the game gives to you. The MTX just shouldn’t be in the game as a matter of principle.
It’s a fucking £65/$70 single player game. Why are you defending this shit?
You can claim you “pay attention” all you want, but all you’ve done is prove how little you understand what you’re talking about.
You don’t seem to understand. Considering you forgot about the fact that Dark Arisen doesn’t have those MTXs and the implications that brings.
I’ve explicitly detailed how you’re wrong, and you turned around and literally said exactly what I said you would. “BuT iT iS a SlIpPeRy SlOpE”.
Yes, that’s because it is a slippery slope. You haven’t elaborated on how it isn’t beyond “BuT oThEr GaMeS”
Fact is, it is a slippery slope. I’ve explained how but you didn’t seem to get it. So let me explain it again for you.
Yes P2W exists. But that’s not the slippery slope.
The slippery slope is how MTX is introduced to games/series. They often don’t come out of the gate fully stocked with P2W bullshit.
A series often starts by putting it’s best foot forward so as to not immediately piss everyone off. Then as things progress. So, a series gets new games or a live service starts to establish itself that’s when the monetization starts to creep in. The Devs/Pubs start to push the envelope to see what they can get away with and keep going. That’s the slippery slope.
Gacha is a bit of an exception, because Gacha is straight up defined by it’s gambling mechanics. The whole thing is about replicating the gachapon machine experience.
For DD2 it’s the shit it has now. But DD3 may be worse if they see their monetization was effective and that people are willing to buy that shit. For DD3 they may include the same monetization but make the items much harder to obtain, making more of a push to pay for it.
That’s the slippery slope.
That’s the whole point of complaining. To identify a problem before it becomes too bad.
Yes, other games might have P2W, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that there’s no point in complaining because it’s a per-game/series thing.
If it were exactly as you described then every game would just be coming out with P2W. DD2 would be worse than it is because fuck it other games have P2W, so why not DD2 or literally every other game. Since your logic is that we’re at the bottom already because P2W exists.
But that’s not how it is, is it?
What is happening is that games/series undergo a decline. Start off small, ease people in.
A relatively common tactic now is to do something like this: Increase the cost of something from 100 to 1000. Let people get angry. Then “Apologise” and dial it back to 500. That way people get their “We did it reddit / OMG company really listens to the players!” moment while also not realizing they’re still worse off.
I know what’s going on. I actually pay attention and I’ve noticed the patterns as to how this shit goes down.
The problem that everyone seems to be missing with this “slippery slope” bullshit is that you all acknowledge that there are MTX systems worse than this one. That worse one likely being P2W MTX, because that is undeniably the worst form.
Yeah there are worse MTX systems out there. I think that makes a pretty good case for calling out bullshit when you see it no matter how you see it. If a company sees people accepting it, they’ll push it further. Therefore I’d say there’s a pretty good point in complaining about DD2.
The RE4 remake literally had P2W. You could buy the weapon upgrade items for real money. DD2s MTX are in no way P2W.
RE4 having shitty monetization doesn’t make DD2’s monetization not bad. Both can be bad, this isn’t a mutually exclusive thing.
DD2’s MTX issue is still bad regardless of worse things being out there.
Again, call it out early. So that, if they made another DD game then they don’t try to push it further. Like you said it’s already bad for RE4. So if there’s no push back for DD2 then don’t be surprised if the next DD game has something worse. Call it out before it gets all fucked up, you know? Don’t just go “Oh but other game bad so this one is actually ok!”.
Everyone wants to avoid P2W because it’s a bad sign for games. P2W is the reason why gatcha is the way that it is.
The Resident Evil 4 remake (oh you know, Capcoms biggest franchise) had a P2W system (that thing we just established as being the worst form of MTX).
DD2 has an MTX system so functionally worthless that I’m about to beat the game and the only reason I’ve even considered spending money is because I’m lazy. You actually get more out of spending your money on gatcha games (on literal fucking P2W scams).
DD2’s MTX system is basically preying on people with poor impulse control. You might see it as useless but you can bet there’s people out there that’ll buy that shit even if they don’t need it.
We reach this conversation, where you’re suggesting that “It’S a SlIpPeRy SlOpE”.
Yeah that’s because it is a slippery slope. We didn’t get to this point just like that did we? It started out small, with companies slowly pushing things to see how far they could go. Turns out, gamers are largely a masochistic lot that just let it roll in. Ball started rolling and here we are.
In this case we’re seeing Capcom start out small by pushing an MTX to a specific series that seems small in comparison to other systems. Just because they could do P2W to RE doesn’t necessarily mean they can get away with it in DD2, difference audiences and other factors. Making it small in comparison also has the benefit of getting some people to react like you’re doing, rolling over and giving up because “Oh we’re already at the bottom.”
Yes, we already have P2W in some games. But I don’t think that necessarily means that were are absolute rock bottom. Companies still give treat franchises with some level of individuality. While they might do something with one series, like MTX with RE4, they might think twice about trying it with another series if it gets push-back. Especially if that series is a big deal for them. That’s why capcom doesn’t have P2W in all of their games.
There’s still a chance to keep bullshit out of stuff that hasn’t yet been coated in it. So yeah I think it’s pretty worth to make a point about it. It’s certainly better than giving up and going “Guys things are already bad therefore it’s stupid to try and change things for the better”. If you want to roll over then go for it. Just don’t try to bring other people down with that defeatist bullshit. Like what’s the point of your reply? To say that things are bad so we shouldn’t try to push people to do better?
The fact that the MTX exists in the first place is just predatory. It doesn’t matter if it’s optional.
Don’t forget that things got this bad to begin with because everyone kept defending early MTX with the same excuse. These companies are always trying to push shit. Give them an excuse and they’ll run with it.
I’ve noticed that games marketed that way usually turn out pretty poorly. Notable examples off the top of my head are Back 4 Blood, Callisto Protocol and Mighty No 9.
It can also be quite misleading as was the case with Back 4 Blood where there was only around 5 people on the team that were actually involved in L4D. Despite the whole “From the people that made L4D” thing.
There’s also the fact that being part of a team that made a successful game does not necessarily mean you’re going to be successful as part of another team. We also don’t know their level of involvement most of the time so they could be all the MVPs of the past projects. But they could also be people who were nowhere near as involved using their connection for clout and hype.
Oh come on the same news paper saying the lawyers are fixing the issue of evidence that should finalize the verdict. MAYBE READ.
You’ll have to help me out here because I didn’t quote a newspaper. So I’m not sure what point you’re disputing here.
I’m going to assume it’s the wolfire games lawsuit since you menioned the lack of a final verdict.
I’m just going to say the same thing as before. There’s no final verdict. I’d rather wait and see the outcome rather than jump to conclusions. That means both “Valve bad” and “Valve good” opinions.
You are just creating double standards as the truth of EU lawsuit is easy found but you don’t care. You looked into easy reporting of Valve case that defies them in better light.
My man, I haven’t disputed anything about the EU lawsuit. I’ve agreed on the Geoblocking issue and that I can’t find anything on the exclusivity stuff. I can’t comment on something I can’t find. Are you just angry because I’m not blindly agreeing with you or something?
You didn’t cate about the fact or evidence. You only want yourself to believe Valve is the good guy.
Except for the fact that I have gone looking for facts and evidence. Don’t accuse me of something you’re guilty of, just with the opposite goal of wanting to believe that Valve is evil.
If I wanted to believe that valve is the good guy I wouldn’t have agreed with some of your points like
Valve guilty of not following AU law for customer refunds.
That’s fair enough.
But for some reason you didn’t accept this and tried to push it further as if I didn’t already agree.
During the AU lawsuit Valve was fined for trying to hide the truth about refunds. Valve lawyers fought to the highest court to not pay the millions.
I didn’t dispute this at all. Why are you reiterating on something I agreed with like I said anything different?
Fishing for a specific response? I’ve agreed that valve broke AU law. But because I don’t have an extreme opinion on the matter, that’s not good enough, apparently.
Don’t give me the facts and evidence shit when you’ve literally been spreading blatent false information to have some excuse to say valve bad. Especially when I posted evidence where I could regarding your misinformation.
Funny how you dropped all that misinformation as well the second I called it out. Didn’t try to defend it. Just conveniently act like it never happened.
You also tried the facts and evidence argument once, it didn’t work.
Speaking of, just realised you conveniently forgot yet another claim. Remember how you claimed valve was abusive to their employees and I asked for proof? Haven’t heard any mention of that from you since. Another case of misinformation?
You don’t even dare to research the truth either
I’ve been open about my attempts to search about these things. I’ve also taken every opportunity to ask you for help in finding this information. I’ve also not commented on the things I couldn’t find any information about. I’ve backed up as many of my claims as I could. Wish the same could be said about you, who has been largely spouting objectively wrong information with no indication of research at all.
I guess you didn’t get the response you wanted, so you’re trying again hoping for something different?
This is a common misconception in trump supporters that only viewing small companies that benefit from good content.
Bro back at it again with the “You don’t share the exact same views as I do therefore you’re the worst thing I can think of” nonsense.
Whatever happened to this, btw?
The list goes on and on. They are criminals and supporting criminals makes you a criminal.
Conveniently dropping another point because you didn’t get the response you wanted? Seems like a running theme.
I mean you’ve already rehashed about 3 points you’ve already tried, and failed. Why not go for another.
You only want yourself to believe Valve is the good guy.
Not really, in the first reply I made I even stated that valve isn’t an innocent company and they have very real issues. But at the same time, no company is the good guy. I just think that as far as problems every company has, valve is not as bad. Once again, yes, they have problems. But no, none of it is enough to have me sharing the same opinions as you.
That’s how it be.
Sorry for not taking the things I’m told at face value and making an attempt at applying some critical thinking to come to my own conclusions. I just find that better than blindly agreeing to a random stranger that really, really wants me to affirm their own views.
All you talk about is defending the criminal after they were convicted of the crime.
You ever heard of nuance? I’m beginning to think maybe you havent considering your wacky ass statements.
There is room to argue why a judgement may be Just/Unjust. The law upheld by people and people aren’t exactly perfect. So there’s room for debate.
You are acting like those stupid trump supporters who don’t care about the criminal act.
“You disagree with me therefore you are the worst thing I can possibly thing of.”
That’s such a genuinely stupid remark to make.
I do care about criminal charges but shit ain’t as black and white as you seem to think it is. Like you yourself said, these things are upheld by people and people are rarely ever perfect so I think there’s plenty of room to argue why you think a ruling may or may not be perfectly just/unjust.
The legal system has it’s flaws.
the controller lawsuit was under jury, AKA the people AMERICAN people voted Valve committed the crime of stealing patent.
Go look at that link I sent in regards to the Valve vs Ironburg case.
Specifically this
The verdict was reversed. Here’s the full document.
See what I mean by decisions by people aren’t perfect and should never be 100% ride or die?
The Europe Commission trial documents are open for the public to read.
Send me the source then. Like I said, I’ve looked and I’ve only found information about the geoblocking and how Valve and a few other companies colluded on that.
If you can point me to some information on valve getting done for exclusivity stuff, that would be great.
During the AU lawsuit Valve was fined for trying to hide the truth about refunds. Valve lawyers fought to the highest court to not pay the millions.
I didn’t dispute this at all. Why are you reiterating on something I agreed with like I said anything different?
Valve is not good in any case and will never consider you a loyal customer. You are a money bag to them.
there’s hundreds of reports of Steam Deck or Proton unable to work.
There’s hundreds of reports of just about every device out there not working. It’s almost like you make something look really bad by being very vague with your statements.
It’s also really easy to do that when you refuse to look at positive reports and also the fact that people are generally less likely to make reports like “My steam deck is working alright” which creates a negativity bias.
It’s also really easy to do that when you completely ignore that Linux gaming is still in it’s early stages and far from perfect. This isn’t specifically a steam deck issue, this is just linux in general. It’s only in the last few years that Linux even started to become viable for gaming. Not to mention the fact that linux gaming is largely banking on a compatibility layer because it’s trying to run games built for a completely different operating system.
Do you actually know anything about linux/linux gaming at all? Everything you have spoken about regarding linux/linux gaming or the deck has been completely wrong. Again. either you have absolutely no idea what TF you’re going on about, or you’re lying through your ass.
You were wrong about the x64 thing. You were wrong about the CD thing. You were missing a lot of information when it came to running different OS’s on the deck. In fact you were really vague about the majority of that as well. Never gave anything specific. Just said there were problems and never elaborated on them. Why?
A simple github search from serious tickets to low problems are available for the public to read.
Ok, now go do that to any major Github/Gitlab project and realise that they all have a myriad of tickets of varying severity. But don’t forget to lose any of the nuance like you did here though.
It’s not like Linux Gaming is still in it’s VERY early stages and that the Steam Deck is primarily reliant on linux to do it’s job. Or that linux gaming is an incredibly complex task to handle given all the low level work that is put into compatibility. The vast, vast majority of games that run on linux are written for a completely different operating system and 100% rely on compatibility layers that capture their windows and graphics API calls and translates them to their closest linux and/or vulkan calls while also having the condition of having as little overhead as possible. And that’s only part of the problem.
Lets not forget though that you can make any situation look bad if you’re very vague with your statements, provide no reasoning, ignore all nuance and you compare them to literally nothing and just look at it in a vacuum.
Yes, the deck has issues. But have you seen the amount of work that valve has put in to improve things? There is active work put into the entire project. A lot of that work also makes it’s way to linux at large as well since a lot of the issues are just to do with the infancy of Linux gaming.
I mean there must be a baller ass reason why the deck is the most successful handheld on the market if it’s got all these problems that are as catastrophic as you seem to imply. People that aren’t the most hardcore shills generally have a hard time excusing things when their $300-$500 dollar hardware is shitting the bed as hard as you seem to want to imply.
People with working kits are far less likely to open tickets. “My device works well” isn’t useful to anyone, is it? No fucking wonder all you’re seeing is bug reports and tickets. You’re looking at the place that is specifically for people to post bug reports and tickets.
You don’t even dare to research the truth either
I’ve been open about my attempts to search about these things. I’ve also taken every opportunity to ask you for help in finding this information. I’ve also not commented on the things I couldn’t find any information about. I’ve backed up as many of my claims as I could. Wish the same could be said about you, who has been largely spouting objectively wrong information with no indication of research at all.
It’s not perfect fine, there’s always a problem like the virtual keyboard from Microsoft (not steam) has problems with the Deck.
Like what issues? What is the problem with the OSK on Windows? How is this valve’s fault? I personally can’t find any issues regarding the OSK other than people not knowing how to open it. Some help would be nice to see where you’re coming from.
Linux side also doesn’t have perfect results with reports like starting a new clean state or running without additional background application. The Linux side doesn’t have less problems it has more.
Can you be more specific please? What distros are we talking about? Certain distros such as debian and ubuntu generally don’t ship with the bleeding edge of software updates. Mainly kernel updates. Which can lead to issues when running them on the latest hardware. One issue being audio, that was recently fixed with support being added to the kernel. Since it’s relatively recent it wouldn’t surprise me if it hadn’t reached the slower release cycle distros like Debian and Ubuntu. While it reaches bleeding edge distros like Arch. So again, be more specific. What issues. What additional programs are needed?
You just did describe the limitations of Steam Deck, all 64x can’t support 32 bit programs
Except 32-bit applications do run under linux and the steam deck. I know this both from personal experience and the fact it’s not to hard to check ProtonDB for 32-bit games and see that reports are given.
You do realise that x86-64 does have 32-bit support, right? Have you actually taken a look at the hardware that the deck has, by any chance?
But anyway, to make the point clearer: - This is what I’m using to determine if a game is 32 bit. - Bastion, a 32 bit game, that I’ve been playing recently. Has positive reports for steam deck compatibility. - Borderlands 2, same story. - Alan Wake - Anachronox
So either you have absolutely no idea what you’re talking about or you’re making this up.
and using something like CD to play 32 bit games will cause problems that otherwise isn’t a thing in Windows.
What problems? Again with the vague statements. - Yes you can play CD games. - Same answers across this thread
Thing is though, do you have any proof that this would be an issue that Valve has specifically caused this issue. How do you know that this isn’t a linux issue in general?
Unfortunately after the EU lawsuit filed. We did learn about backdoor dealings and Valve with other companies do exclusively deals.
I’m finding information about the geo blocking. But nothing about exclusivity deals. Got a source?
Valve stealing controllers patent from famous keyboard maker Corsair.
If this is the Steam Controller back buttons thing. This may be something to consider.
Valve guilty of not following AU law for customer refunds.
That’s fair enough.
Valve guilty for violating the USA monopoly and will be investigated by the federal government.
If this is the wolfire games thing. They haven’t yet been found guilty and the trial and investigation is still on going. We should probably wait for the results before jumping to conclusions.
Valve guilty for EU geolock laws.
Valve guilty for breaking French resell of digital games and must offer resell for digital games.
Kind of have a hard time justifying this though. Yes, fair enough, they did break that law. But at the same time that law does seem rather shortsighted.
On one hand, yeah it’s good for the consumer to be able to resell stuff. On the other hand, it’s kind of hard to work out how a resale market for digital games would work. It’s not like physical games where there’s clear benefits and drawbacks to buying new vs used. Something like this would probably push publishers/developers hard into a solution that would get around this that would be worse for the consumer. How would you confirm that the “used” copy you’re buying isn’t linked to CC fraud, which is a common issue with key resellers like G2A. There’s plenty that doesn’t sit right, despite it initially sounding like a good thing.
But at the same time the ruling may have been to just prevent valve from adding the stipulating regarding reselling accounts and games. Rather than explicitly forcing them to set up a game reselling platform. Considering it’s been 2-3 years since and nothing major has been announced or changed regarding the ruling. It may have been that.
The list goes on and on. They are criminals and supporting criminals makes you a criminal.
Then everyone is a criminal. If you had to avoid any company that has had legal issues in the past then that would leave you with very little to choose from. Especially with tech.
What companies have you bought from in your lifetime? What about people in your family, or friends? I’d bet my cock and balls that you and/or your family/friends would be a criminal under that exact same reasoning you use.
So there’s my thought on that. If I’m a criminal for using steam, then arrest me I guess. I must be a rotten bastard criminal for having used/bought windows, GOG, Uplay,, EA, Epic games, meta(through oculus), Apple, Amazon, Ebay, Google, Samsung, Nvidia, AMD, Intel… Need I go on?
Most of these are either misinformed, straight misinformation or just weird nitpicks.
The steam deck works perfectly fine with windows and should also work just fine on any linux system. It is literally just a x64 PC in a hand held format. Nothing has been done to limit the devices functionality on systems that aren’t SteamOS.
AFAIK SteamOS 3 will be dropped in the future. Also afaik, development is currently focused specifically on the steam deck first so it’s not particularly useful outside of that.
Thing is though, there’s nothing stopping people from using any other distro other than the belief that SteamOS is some super special distro filled with gaming secret sauce. It’s just a fork of arch with deck specific tweaks. A lot of the work thats been put into SteamOS has also made its way to linux at large.
Alyx is built from the ground up to be a VR game. There really isn’t any way to convert it to a flatscreen game without completely doing away with what makes that game what it is. There’s no flatscreen version to release. Though something to mention is that SteamVR (and by extension alyx and any VR game on steam) supports all VR HMD’s provided they’re compatible with OpenVR.
The games that are exclusive to Steam, aside from valve’s own games, are there entirely by publisher/developer choice and are not enforced by valve. Unlike a certain other storefront that pays for timed exclusivity rights which is, ironically for them, a monopolistic move.
There are legitimate reasons to criticise valve, they’re not innocent by any means.
But the things I’ve pointed out really aren’t issues.
Also valve being criminals and being abusive to their employees are massive claims. Would be nice to see some proof of that. Not a fan of making up things to be angry about when there are legitimate issues that we can be angry about instead.
People seem to forget that a good track record is never a guarantee that future games will be good. A company name also isn’t a guarantee either. Since studios are essentially a revolving door of talent.
Companies are ran by people and people can make mistakes or whatever that leads to a botched game. Not to mention the fact that the talent in game studios come and go so the people that made game A so great might not necessarily be the same team that works on game B which makes things more uncertain.
Bioware is another solid example. They had a really good track record for years until they dropped ME:A. Largely (afaik) because a lot of the talent behind their best games had moved on, leaving a new set of talent to work on ME:A and future games.
The vast majority of companies out there would absolutely not support you actually owning a game or anything you buy in a game. They dont do it now, so why would they ever?
Even if blockchain was implemented, it would be implemented in a way the keeps the current status quo. Stuff would still be licensed and not yours.
Its very naive to expect otherwise.
That photos shopped. Here’s the real one!