Because the gameplay itself is actually feels very good to some people. The cool thing about the franchise is the way that the gameplay has developed over time. Part of the reason the MCC is so cool is because you can experience the franchise at all of its stages. Infinite’s gameplay feels like another interesting and enjoyable variation.
And yet, 343 was still managed to fumble the bag. Nobody wants a shop or battle passes in their halo game.
On the issue of weapons only being unlock-able in the shop, I think that may have been some kind of UI bug in the beta. When I played with my friends, they complained when they saw the “Unlocked in Shop” tag on certain guns. When I looked at them on my end, they had regular level requirements. None of us pre-ordered anything or purchased anything. When I reached the required level in the beta, I unlocked the gun that my friends indicated was “Shop Only”
Look, there’s lots of valid reasons to shit on Bethesda but this comparison isn’t even fair.
ESO is literally an MMO. It’s a genre of game that’s designed to have a very long life-span with regular content releases, updates and balance changes.
Starfield is a single player Action RPG. Yes, of course they’ll probably be done adding to it before an entirely different development team that’s dedicated to an MMO is done.
They stated that you will still be able to redownload games you’ve already purchased. You just won’t be able to make new purchases. It’s kind of weird that the original article left that part out considering it’s what most people would care about.
You’ve got lots of responses here but I’ll throw my opinion in anyway. I love horror movies so the idea of the game really appealed to me. When I played it, I quickly learned that it was very very meta focused. It doesn’t play like you’re a killer on the hunt or a victim fighting for your life. It boils down to abusing the same several strategies or risk getting flamed by your lobby.
I have friends that still play it and when I watch, it seems like not much has changed but new content being added.
They’re squeezing whatever they can out of this game before its final whimper. The only people that would buy this $15 pack are people who don’t know anything about the game. Marketing it as a “starter pack” is so disingenuous that I can’t believe that Bungie had any other motive in mind than to con a few unaware people who are unlucky enough to pick up this game on a sale.
Maybe if they’d finally do something about the new player experience (specifically, the lack of one) this game could actually go back to its heyday. But they’re just committed to enshitifying it further with FOMO tactics, convoluted expansion/season pass/dungeon pass models.
I mean just try selling your friends on a game when you explain to them how much the upfront cost is to actually play the “real” game.