Got it on GamePass yesterday. It runs like a dog, and that’s on a 10-700k with 64GB ram, 3070 and a Sabrent Rocket 4 nvme. Even dropping to 1080 and low still hovers around 30 - 40fps with random dropouts to <10fps in ‘complex’ areas. Given this system can run God of War at 4K Ultra (With DLSS Balanced) at 30fps, or Black Myth: Wukong at High at 50 - 60fps, I’m going to say it’s not the system at fault…
Wait for a few patches, the performance is currently not up to spec. Which is sad, because the introduction got me super hooked and I want to play more.
Oh fuck yes. I remember reading about this year’s ago, glad to see it’s still going ahead.
Time to catch up on the lore. And by that I mean watch some kick ass videos again.
– edit –
Heh… I started building in the late-90’s with a custom 486-sx. Went from that to a Pentium 100, then to an AMD-K6-II at 233, then to another AMD I forget… then to an i5-2500K in 2011. That build hit the sweet spot, and with just graphics card, memory and drive upgrades stayed roughly the same until I bought this -7-10700K last year… that’s now got 4Tb of nVME and 8tb of SSD, no spinning rust, and a 3070. I would like to upgrade the graphics card as I’ve got 2x 4K monitors and gaming is a bit sluggish at times on 4K, but… I just can’t justify the upgrade price to a graphics card that could improve. So, I’ll wait another gen, and probably get either a 4080 when the 5x series is out, or wait until the 5x series 5070-eqivalent is at a reasonable price. Other than increasing storage, I don’t see any other demands for CPU or GPU coming this console generation…
I’m cautiously optimistic, but not preordering because, well… because.
A bit perplexed where the hollow where the lake of the watcher has gone in that image, unless it’s another door into the mountain - though as it’s got the iconic, “Mellon” door, I somehow doubt it. Still, it’s clearly years onwards, so maybe it’s all been filled in and worked on.
Fingers crossed, I really want a new LotR game that’s good, and this looks like it could be one. Maybe a touch of Ancient Domains of Mystery in with it?
Yeah - I don’t even cary cards with me any more, it’s all on my phone. Including many store cards (Coop, Texaco, Shell, McDonalds…) which automatically pick up without me doing much - I scan, it works.
The only thing I can think is that the US is such a fractured environment with Federal, State and Local government, each with different jurisdictions, rules and taxation, that trying to get it to work would be beurocratically difficult. But at the same time, it’s so ruled by corporations that surely they’d want to push the easiest way - flip your phone out and wave it to pay, easy and secure, so make it happen :D
Member since 24 July 2004 here. Doesn’t feel like 20 years, but it’s also hard to imagine having ~5Tb of installed games across multiple launchers just… available. Plus emulators and other resources. Steam was a pain in the arse at first, but they made it work, and they saw beyond the limitations of dialup tech. I was all for it at the time because I had one of the few Coax connections (NTL at the time, later taken over by Virgin Media) which at that point I believe was 10Mbit… Of course, nowadays we have Gigabit FTTP rolling out throughout the UK, so this seems really quaint, but it’s pleasing to see how far we’ve come.
The US coverage still sucks. Sort your shit out guys, you’re 20 years behind the UK, and we’re a good 10 behind Norway, Hong Kong and others thanks to Twatcher.
This is an intruiging subject. I was part of reddit’s /r/patientgamers subreddit (lurking, mostly) because it was a good place to get insight into valuable gems that I missed first time through because I didn’t have time or didn’t want to spend £60 or £70 on a brand new game, and would rather wait for a sale.
Nowadays, I generally wait for Game Pass, Ubi+, PS+ or similar to get the game. Sure, I spend on subscriptions, but the games I play if I count out the costs it’s a lot cheaper.
I do also play retro games - ‘retro’ being an ambivalent term for me, as it somehow is used pejoratively throughout the modern gaming community, which I disagree with: They’re good games, just not on modern hardware or systems - quite often. So - yeah, sometimes I lag, sometimes I’m up-to-date, oftentimes I’m on my Steam Deck so I get to play slightly older games at a high fidelity on a handheld device, which is awesome.
They’ve explicitly acknowledge the overpromise in the part of NMS (And, thanks to the continuous, rolling, free and global updates to NMS, have more than delivered on everything they promised and then a load more that they didn’t promise, including next-generation graphical updates, and entire new procedural generation systems that have added even more to the environment).
They’ve gone above and beyond to deliver, I’d even hazard a guess that they’ve over-delivered as far as any bureaucratic or financial director is concerned. They’re working full-time on NMS nearly 10 years on from release! They’ve done enough to warrant a modicum of trust.
I’m not pre-ordering, but I’ll be watching with interest, and will likely buy on day-one.