• 2 Posts
Joined 5Y ago
Cake day: May 26, 2020


Thank you for the elaborate response, I appreciate it. It sounds like I would enjoy the game.

Oh my Gaige, I haven’t thought of that for a while… “and I reloaded early… again.” Still played her a lot!

Thanks for this post, I wanted to try this game but then heard, that there’s not much map variety, but you don’t seem to feel that way.

How is the co-op? Is it easy to find games with others and is it fun?

And what would you say about the DLCs?

Diablo 2 - I’ve played all classes, some in higher difficulties, again and again and it didn’t get old for a very long time. Today I’m not enjoying these kind of games anymore but I’m not sure why. Are they so different or has my taste changed so much?

From the website: “We are starting with iOS and Android games because this is where most dark patterns appear, but we will be adding other platforms soon.” So that looks good for your request.

This is near Lifepod 19, where I found a time capsule next to the pod. Then I turned around and was surprised by finding three more in one place! ::: spoiler spoiler I hope all these survivors could pay their bills and actually return to earth... :::

If you do a quick web search, you can find 5 years old reddit posts that link to the exact same github of d07RiV that is first mentioned in the article. So I suppose DevilitionX will be around for the same amount of time.

This is old news, it’s working for over 5 years now.

Yes I assumed that WebGL was the culprit :). And I totally agree with you, especially when the content is about surveillance.

Congrats to everyone involved! I’m really happy to see Godot thrive.

For me its Subnautica because the progression works so well. I’ve tried lots of survival games and sandbox games with similar progression afterwards, but none of them had the same impact on me. It’s also because of the genre - Sci-fi on an alien planet, discovering what actually happened, and all that baked into some real satisfying gaming loop. Also, without spoilers, the end sequence always makes me emotional, regardless of how many times I’ve played it. It just speaks to me on a personal level.

I’m sure it’s fun, really, but having a rootkit in a PVE game and that PSN requirement on top, that all seems fishy. I know Sony backed off for now, but like you said, it’s a live service and they might change it again. I still hope players can enjoy it and have a great time.

I do that quite often - turn down the difficulty and simply enjoy the story. Sometimes, when a game is very long for example, but I still love the characters and the story, I watch one of those “game movies” of people who made different choices or followed different paths.

Cool question! Just dropping [email protected] here in case some aren’t aware of that community.

Yes, that whiny child part bugged me a lot. It doesn’t fit Tina at all.

Well said, agree about Kevin Hart, I pictured Roland differently. I had this short flash where I pictured Roland as Arnold Schwarzenegger how he looked in Predator and that made me laugh. Predator was no comical film of course, but I could easily see Arnold do the Roland thing and I would find that amusing.

Well, Tannis too. But they apparently don’t follow the games timeline, otherwise Mordecai and Brick would be there instead of Tiny Tina and Krieg.

Interesting. In the trailer, I don’t mind Jack Black (not sure if he is a good pick though), but I sure miss the complete insanity from Tina. That’s what made her character so crazy and fun for me (yes, that sounds weird, even for myself).

I’m surprised about the cast. I like most of them in other films, but in this trailer, I can’t really explain, but it feels off.

Apologies that this is not a pure gaming question, but I'd really like to hear people's opinion on the Borderlands movie trailer and especially from people who have played the games. That's why I'm asking here, I hope that's ok.

That makes sense, I probably just had wrong expectations :)

As a huge Terraria fan I’ve been eyeing Necesse for a while now. Seems I really should check it out, thanks!

Me too, but I’m not too impressed. I mean it looks great and all, but the gameplay is a bit monotonous. Maybe it caters more to fans who actually care about the story and characters.

So I’m throwing some Deep Rock Galactic missions into the mix. I’ve met a player in their first ever mission and tagged along to help out a bit and now we’re playing a lot together and it’s great fun.

Haha that reminds me of Bard’s Tale where we were drawing maps as we went.

I’ve played it several times back then and kept a hand-written cheat sheet for that one puzzle where you had to get that crystal out. It was so hard without a quick walkthrough on the internet ;)

Watched a video of it recently cause I had remembered it. Thought I would watch 10 mins or so, kept watching till the end :D

The Mass Effect Trilogy. If that counts as 3 games, then Mass Effect 3. I just love Multiplayer.

I’d say, it’s about gamers who enjoy playing older titles or (re-)discover something they haven’t played in a while. It’s not about jumping on every hype-train to play the latest games that just came out but to appreciate them after a while and share that experience with others - often to the effect that rushed relases have been ironed out by then.

I’ve read many elaborated posts about how people liked the games they just played, some were real in-depth reviews while others just shared the joy of playing these games with like minded folks. It sure was one of my favourite subreddits where I’ve found a couple of excellent recommendations for what to play. Happy to find it here now!