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Joined 2Y ago
Cake day: Jun 09, 2023


PSN absolutely isn’t higher. -Monthly- active users I believe is the only statistic they release though, and that will be significantly higher than concurrent on any platform.

Fair, though I wasn’t thinking of machining in this case. But yeah, my experience isn’t generally related to food safe stuff, so I don’t always think about it. Not too much concern about that on subs, helicopters, jets, etc.

carbon fiber reenforced

Great for strength, bad for impact resistance. You’d want a non-filled material or at least less stiff filler. Something like aramid (kevlar) would give you good properties across the board for an application like this though.

Steam Deck LCD models are on a significant sale right now. Just sayin’…

Holy shit I am excited. And I am not someone who gets excited. Ever.

Just a quick correction, this is Mark Warner, not Elizabeth Warren. Otherwise I agree with you though.

You clearly don’t understand how it works. My sibling lives in another city, but we’re in the same steam family and have had no issues.

Steam deck’s controls hands down if that counts. If not, surprisingly I’d have to say my stadia controller. Got one for $20 and it’s fantastic.

Sweeeeeet, it’s coming to steam. One of the best Tales games.

Yup, I run it on my Linux laptop and use steam decks as clients.

Palworld has a dedicated server accessible through steam tools, no license required. I use it myself for my family’s instance. The game is still in early access as well, and small improvements keep rolling out.

As a devout steam gamer… okay? I doubt the hardware was noteworthy anyway, and if you can afford a Tesla you can definitely afford a steam deck. Who is actually negatively affected by this?

Played it, loved it. Will be buying it when that’s possible.

Basically it means the majority of the game relies on drawing from a pool of rewards that allows duplicate draws and has high rarity entries. It’s gambling, put simply. And in almost all cases gacha games push you to spend real money for more chances at the good stuff.

tl;dr: it’s a gacha game, but supposedly an interesting one. But still gacha, so better to watch a YouTube video of the story than play it yourself.

Bear in mind there are games like God Hand where it’s constantly punishing as well. The game never gets easy, it just gets harder when you do well for too long.

I’m confused. Did Nintendo just say something I agree with? What’s going on?