• 3 Posts
Joined 1Y ago
Cake day: Jul 16, 2023


Total opposite experience here. I played it and immediately thought “god fucking damnit they stuck with all the bullshit from 3.” To me the art style still looks like cartoony WoW style garbage and not the gritty dark vibe I want, like Diablo 1, 2 and Path of Exile have. The gameplay was completely underwhelming and felt like just repeating old stuff I had already done before. Didn’t even finish the tutorial completely because I hated everything about it.

Sure thing buddy. Diablo 3 sucked big time, even after all the changes. 4 looked like a huge flaming turd from the trailers, played the beta and it was in fact a terrible game I will never buy. D2 remake? Hours and hours of fun. Path of Exile, the actual closest thing to a D2 sequel? One of the best games I’ve ever played. These people are actually dumbasses.

Edit: Almost forgot Diablo Immortal… Blizzard you can suck my dick and balls with your Diablo Immortal trash.

I personally designated them as such like a decade ago.

I hear you, but real quick for any developers reading this, do NOT take this to mean you should completely remap the controller so absolutely no muscle memory from every other game carries over.

And give me a goddamn jump button.

Everyone tends to disagree with me but I think Breath of the Wild was the worst thing to happen to Zelda for this reason. I love most other Zelda games but I couldn’t bother finishing BotW and didn’t even try the newer one.

Perfect FPS for when every other FPS feels like a big endeavor to get into.

I tried the first game long long after they were all out for a while and it felt really rough and clunky. Did the legendary edition make things any smoother in the first game?

For me this is the most unhinged option. But then DS is like putting hot needles in my eyes to me.

When I’m too tired or depressed to dive deep into something it’s always something really simple like Ring of Pain, Vampire Survivors, or other slow paced stuff.

Lol, if every company wants to push us to pirate everything then so-be-it, I guess. Blows my mind how many corporations are leaving money on the table these days because they can’t see past their eyelashes.

Not struggling in the infinitely better Warframe. Sucks to suck, Bungie. Maybe don’t be the biggest greediest pieces of shit next time.

Meh. If it’s not massively overhauled I’m not interested. Daggerfall Unity is a perfect example of the level of advancement I would like to see of remakes/remasters. I’m not expecting a Resident Evil remake level of change, but if it’s just a paint job I’m not wasting my money, I can mod these games myself.

Listen. If there’s a white man in charge and aren’t yourself a wealthy white man, you’re in for a bad time.

I’ve only played one round so far but it feels so generic and bland and soulless to me. That being said, all hero games kind of feel that way to me.

I, on the other hand, would like to happily inform everyone that I still don’t know what this is beyond seeing those words together, and if I play my cards right, I might never!

They’re downvoting you though, so that means they’re right and Linux is perfect and everything runs on it with no manual work needing to be done at all. We’re just idiots of course.

I’m not the one seeking help here, just calling out poor behavior. You’re helping no one with this constantly being posted.

I’m going to be honest here. If someone asks you for Windows help and you comment to tell them to use Linux, you’re an asshole, not clever.

Everyone complaining about intense sweating… I have to wonder if you guys are on the bigger side. Playing very active games on the Vive never made me sweat like you guys are saying.

It’s been difficult so far to make beams of light decide to stop middair, but maybe you have some ideas?

It’s still pretty much gate kept to rich people. The affordable ones will make you sick if you’re not in the small lucky group that is unaffected. I’ve wanted to get into VR for years but never have the excess money to do it. I have noticed an uptick in YouTubers playing VR lately. I think this article and the developers polled are missing a lot of reality.

Out of curiosity, are there any hacked versions of Windows with the worst shit gutted available out there?

So, no, they didn’t really spin it off heh.

Did you tip your fedora after you typed this?

What fucking point? That you virgin loses can’t stand reality and hate diversity and women being represented at all? You troglodytes are living way way in the past and convincing yourselves you’re just like everyone else. You’re not. It’s not the norm to be like you.

Completely serious here: not only is Warframe the best free game I’ve probably ever played, but it’s one of the best games I’ve ever played. It’s honestly incredible how much love and hard work have gone into that game and I’ve never had to spend a penny to have hours and hours of enjoyment and if I hopped on today there would be TONS of content for me I’ve never even experienced yet. Warframe fucks, big time.

My brother in science… This can’t be a serious comment, can it?

I have to go back and play it at least every few years. It’s just got so many memorable parts and the music still kicks ass.

Hell yeah brother. I didn’t actually play Doom until like 2016 and it was amazing, ended up playing through all the old ones and 3 in a month.

Sort by date added to library, what’s the oldest game you have installed on Steam?
For me it's Zombie Panic Source, but I'd love to hear others.

Looking for a good FF Tactics like game on Android.
I played Dragons Quest Tactics on and off for about a year but I never thought it was very good at all and there were a lot of annoying aspects I hated, recently the game decided to delete all my progress and characters so I'm done with it for good. Is there anything actually fun to play on Android in the same vein?

What’s the best app for Youtube right now?
Years ago I used NewPipe but when I wanted a little *more* from my app I switched the ReVanced until it started giving me more and more issues. For the past 3 months or so I've been using a cracked Youtube Premium app, but now it's dropping every video after about a minute. So what's everyone using these days to avoid all of Google's bullshit but still watch Youtube content?