Well, That’s where I’ve been checking. So at least I’m not messing that up.I just keep getting a pic of a suprised dude holding a bitten piece of fried chicken leg. I just popped into the discord and they’re only mentioning the digital versions so far so maybe physical isn’t opened yet?
Nvm, missed the window. Looks like there are still places to get it though.
I keep waiting for the ultimate edition to become available for purchase. Wouldn’t miss out on Stalker for anything. Russia can go fuck itself. I am sorry trump won here in the us and we may not be helping as a country anymore. I contributed in a few ways over the years but I wish I could do more than I have. Slava Ukraine 🇺🇦
If you want a similar fun word game, I really enjoy Quordle. Its 4 wordle at the same time.
2 links
Lol stardew vally in doom clothing killed me. Quite the write up but all I can really say is an unhelpful “everyone likes different stuff”. i like twitch and boomer shooters. I had to wait ages for them to come around again. I had to wade through slow shooters like halo, milshooters, milsims, coverbased shooters, and other stuff that I genuinely don’t enjoy as much until the type I liked most started to resurface with Doom 2016 and the now regrettably named “boomer shooters”. Fast, arcadey, dark themed, with health and ammo drops. I’m not big on some of them but overall I’m in an oasis compared to the drought I endured.
My best advice is patience for it to come around again or to make it yourself if you don’t want to wait.
Any chance I could get in on the beta? I have some health concerns that has docs telling me I need to go for walks and I’ve had a hard time staying focused on it. (Applied in the portal )
Edit: if it doesn’t happen, hopefully it is released soon. Also http://walkscape.app/home gives a 404. Removing the home seems to work out fine though
Yeah, the exposition was part of what made DE weaker to me. Too much plot lead to losing the plot. The gameplay was fun enough overall, and I enjoyed a lot of the changes. But it was also too fuckin much keyboard ballet and pattern recognition for my tastes. If I want to kill something in a way that’s not the prescribed way, I want to be able to do that. But it became a formula and that’s not a playstyle I like because it bores me. It becomes math homework. Couple that formulaic approach with the fuckin massive swarms of unrelenting enemies and you end up having to fight like a robot. I preferred the 2016 mantra of fight like hell.
Yeah it’s relying in star power and the drooling masses to get money. It’s an awful awful attempt and it’s extremely apparent from the trailers that this is going to be hot fucking garbage. The only thing that would potentially save it, is if all this shit was promo trolling and the actual movie used completely different better suited people with better lines etc.
Holding all judgement till reviews. 1+2 were awesome. 3 was a definite low point and then it explored new and exciting depths of the brightest dumpster fire with that abortion of a “movie”.