You convinced me. I’ve switched over to Bitwarden, as well as trying out the built in authenticator. You were correct, easy peasy. So now I’ll keep both for a month and watch for hiccups (not really expecting any) and delete my Lastpass account after that. Thank you very much.
I’ve used Lastpass for years. I keep thinking I should switch after all the “issues” but my god it’s “full of stars” after this long and I’m lazy. I keep looking at Bitwarden, not sure how the migration is though.
I have 371 games in my Steam account, not including any GOG or Epic games. I have 1 game with all the achievements and my average completion rate is 25%.
I would say I rarely “finish” a game. I just move on to the next one. And that’s ok with me.
It is. My vac ban is currently 4990 days old. Thanks son!